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while in this system we are allowed to eat meat...animals will be killed as such...but unless you live where you cannot access meat all ready prepared...or you are farmer...

why would a Christian want to take the life of a living animal...I have just unfriended a brother on google+ who was going on about how he is looking forward to hunting season...weirdo... probably beats his wife as well...

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..I have just unfriended a brother on google+ who was going on about how he is looking forward to hunting season...weirdo... probably beats his wife as well...

I don't think its wise to surmise that a brother would beat his wife , just because he hunts

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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I don't think its wise to surmise that a brother would beat his wife , just because he hunts

there is a lot of surmising going on ...on the marrying out of the truth thread ....http://www.jwtalk.net/forum/read.php?10,48008 so I thought I would join in....

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You're off topic already and derailing it into a conversation about something else.


while in this system we are allowed to eat meat...animals will be killed as such...but unless you live where you cannot access meat all ready prepared...or you are farmer... why would a Christian want to take the life of a living animal...

To eat. Because it is more healthy and tastes better.

The bible does not condemn hunting. We must neither condemn what Jehovah approves nor approve what Jehovah condemns.


I have just unfriended a brother on google+ who was going on about how he is looking forward to hunting season...weirdo... probably beats his wife as well...

What you do on G+ is your business, but making a connection between hunting and wife beating is both judgmental and ridiculous.

To get back on topic...

The idea of breeding rabbits, or any other animal, to sell for food or pets might have been a good or bad idea depending on the area, business speaking. Apparently it was not in this case. I am curious if they raise other animals for food besides rabbits, and if the little girl just wanted to know how the rabbit tasted compared to the others.


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I am curious if they raise other animals for food besides rabbits, and if the little girl just wanted to know how the rabbit tasted compared to the others.

Their rabbits were bred and bought with the purpose off being killed for their meat.... or sold on as meat rabbits, they were also a meat breed.

I am sure the little girl felt safe in the knowledge that her parents would approve off her actions....

My first reaction was one off squimishness....and horror... but then I thought that maybe her parents had brought her up the right way, and that she realised that in order to eat meat she had to deal with the death of an animal. She killed the rabbit cleanly and bled it properly..... just because I couldn't kill any animal (apart from standing on a spider, or killing a fly) does not give me the right to judge or condem her actions... we are all different, and I am glad that Jehovah has made us so :)

The family also keeps a few orphan lambs for meat and will kill the odd cockerel if they have too many and will eat the meat, the girl has been showed the correct way to kill an animal..... and took resposibility for her actions.

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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Hi Astrid,

Great post, and I agree with you...It seems that so many of these 'hunters' kill for sport and need to prove their 'manhood' by killing defenseless animals--I'm talking about the fools that are on these shows, not about the people that are sensible and hunt because this is their source of meat. Having said this, as an animal lover, I still can't understand killing 'Bambi' for food. Am I being a hypocrite? Should we only kill the (in our eyes perhaps) unattractive animals like cows or turkeys?

I almost didn't watch the YouTube video you posted--for fear of seeing Bambi shot--but then I did watch--too funny!

I intend to live forever...so far so good. :D

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A question. For people who are squeamish about hunting yet still eat meat, where do you think meat comes from? The grocery store is not a valid answer! :upsidedown:

Are people who disapprove of hunting just as disapproving over fishing? I personally don't see that much difference.

Moreso than just meat, animals raised for slaughter are used also for leather products, furs, etc... I worked with a woman who tried raising chinchillas to sell for profit.

I couldn't do it myself. I love, love, LOVE meat but there isn't any way I could take an animal's life. There is no way I could hunt. Likewise I couldn't work in a slaughterhouse. But I gotta get my meat from somewhere, so I appreciate people who can do those kinds of services.

In fact, hunting may be more humane than how they slaughter beef.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Should we only kill the (in our eyes perhaps) unattractive animals like cows or turkeys?

My niece LOVES pigs. She thinks they're beautiful. Another friend from years ago loved cows. And we almost had the turkey as the United States national bird instead of the bald eagle.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Personally I don't think children should be allowed to have or use guns unsupervised. I think they should be locked up when not in the direct supervision of an adult. I have some really bad memories of an eight year old killing his six year old brother with a 22-rifle. Other than that I grew up on dear and elk meat and usually didn't have to leave the property to get it. Rabbit on the other hand is a little harder for me to stomach, Although the meat taste good it is the skinning that bothers me. It is hard to get around the fact that when skinned the rabbit looks to much like a baby human.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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I have my own views on this but I am interested to see how you view it... here goes !!

A witness family in my neighbouring congregation, father elder... etc are very much into self sufficient living etc...

One of their new ideas was to breed rabbits for meat and to sell, they bred lots of rabbits... huge white ones with pretty little black noses... anywhoo they found that they couldn't sell any, last week their 13 year old daughter.. who is very naiave, and not a worldly little girl... asked her parents if they could kill one for the dinner, her parents answered her firmly no...

She goes outside takes the rabbit from its house knocks it on the head and then cuts its throat and presents it for dinner...

There was blood everywhere... as you could imagine, I know this to be absolutely true as her parents are good friends of mine, they are very firmly in the truth..

I know what my first reaction was !! :sick: but then I stopped and thought about it ??

Hi Annie,

My two thoughts on this are:

1- The girl clearly disobeyed her parents...they had told her in no uncertain terms not to.

2- Part of my brain is going to the 'dark side' on this--what 'normal' 13 year old girl can kill an animal--especially a soft, sweet furry creature--not only knock it on the head but also slit its throat? Kinda creepy and concerning to me--does she get some sort of thrill in doing this?

My mother lived on a farm when she was a young girl and her father raised rabbits for food. Of course, these little creatures became my mother's pets and when one of them ended up on the dinner table, my mother couldn't bear it and never partook of the meat. To this day, when my father wants to eat rabbit, she insists that he has to buy it and prepare it himself. She wants no part of it.

I intend to live forever...so far so good. :D

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I have my own views on this but I am interested to see how you view it... here goes !!

A witness family in my neighbouring congregation, father elder... etc are very much into self sufficient living etc...

One of their new ideas was to breed rabbits for meat and to sell, they bred lots of rabbits... huge white ones with pretty little black noses... anywhoo they found that they couldn't sell any, last week their 13 year old daughter.. who is very naive, and not a worldly little girl... asked her parents if they could kill one for the dinner, her parents answered her firmly no...

She goes outside takes the rabbit from its house knocks it on the head and then cuts its throat and presents it for dinner...

There was blood everywhere... as you could imagine, I know this to be absolutely true as her parents are good friends of mine, they are very firmly in the truth..

I know what my first reaction was !! :sick: but then I stopped and thought about it ??

Hi Annie,

My two thoughts on this are:

1- The girl clearly disobeyed her parents...they had told her in no uncertain terms not to.

2- Part of my brain is going to the 'dark side' on this--what 'normal' 13 year old girl can kill an animal--especially a soft, sweet furry creature--not only knock it on the head but also slit its throat? Kinda creepy and concerning to me--does she get some sort of thrill in doing this?

My mother lived on a farm when she was a young girl and her father raised rabbits for food. Of course, these little creatures became my mother's pets and when one of them ended up on the dinner table, my mother couldn't bear it and never partook of the meat. To this day, when my father wants to eat rabbit, she insists that he has to buy it and prepare it himself. She wants no part of it.

I have to agree with you on this... my very first thought was that she disobeyed her parents... and then I thought of the dark side and wondered does this girl have no feelings ??

Then I look at it from the other point of view..... :chef:

but still to me I find it a bit strange that a 13 year old would do that... if my daughters at that age had done the same thing to an animal they had fed, cuddled and raised, then I think I would march them off to a psychiatrist quite smartly :borg:

I think that in this instance there is much to worry about, if her parents had said 'yes we will kill one for dinner' and she had wanted to watch... then to me that is still strange but at least it is controlled and adult supervised

As you can tell I am totally torn on the subject and don't know what to think !! I was a vegetarian for many years so to me I still find it barbaric and horrific... but I can see that if you eat meat then you have to face up to where it comes from.... :)

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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A question. For people who are squeamish about hunting yet still eat meat, where do you think meat comes from? The grocery store is not a valid answer!

Are people who disapprove of hunting just as disapproving over fishing? I personally don't see that much difference.

Moreso than just meat, animals raised for slaughter are used also for leather products, furs, etc... I worked with a woman who tried raising chinchillas to sell for profit.

hi shawn

I eat small amounts of meat ie chicken and turkey and fish....for protein...I buy it from the supermarket...I would stop eating it if I had to kill the animals or fish though....

...I have not got any fur....couldn't afford it even if I wanted it...... leather I think of as a by product ...not that I can afford that even:D.

its like a lot of things in this system...buying your clothes when they are probably made in the third world where the workers get a pittance...saying about the... governments... when you have to claim money...etc....lots of things we can't escape ...but we do not have to add to things if we have a choice....

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no ...I have never been a big meat eater...the human digestion can only cope with small amounts of meat to stay healthy....but I am not a vegetarian...I never said I was...:chef: I just have views on... brothers and sisters killing animals and eating/killing animals in the new system...

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..I have just unfriended a brother on google+ who was going on about how he is looking forward to hunting season...weirdo... probably beats his wife as well...

I don't think its wise to surmise that a brother would beat his wife , just because he hunts

Now if he was beating his wife with the animals he killed, that would be a different matter. :whistling:

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..I have just unfriended a brother on google+ who was going on about how he is looking forward to hunting season...weirdo... probably beats his wife as well...

I don't think its wise to surmise that a brother would beat his wife , just because he hunts

Now if he was beating his wife with the animals he killed, that would be a different matter. :whistling:


You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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..I have just unfriended a brother on google+ who was going on about how he is looking forward to hunting season...weirdo... probably beats his wife as well...

I don't think its wise to surmise that a brother would beat his wife , just because he hunts

Now if he was beating his wife with the animals he killed, that would be a different matter. :whistling:

I think that was in an episode of Law and Order... or The Closer... or something.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Musky LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! :raspberry:

My father used to go duck hunting on Lake Okeechobee every year with a good ole boy buddy. They would just shoot them out of the sky for the fun of it. I was new in the truth and told him that if he shot them and bled and gutted them properly I would fix them as a meal. He and his friend did so bringing home 3 ducks all ready to cook. I had gone and gotten everything to make 'duckling a l'orange' at the grocery store. I made the sauce and had veggies for the meal and cooked it that afternoon. As it baked and I basted the duck I noticed how strong the meat smelled of fish. Fish with orange sauce and currants is disgusting smelling! YUCK!

So everyone sat down to eat the duck and veggies. My Dad took a forkful of meat and made a nasty face then saw me looking (I KNEW it had to taste like fish cuz I COOKED IT) so he turned that frown into a silly smile. I yelled, "Don't you lie to me! I know it tastes horrible because my clothes still smell fishy!" Everyone burst out laughing. Nobody ate the duck! My father noted that these ducks are wild and not domesticated duckling, and they eat fish. No wonder they tasted so gamey. Just then my sister Pam came over. She had been completely meatless for over a year - fighting cancer. She took one look at the duck, smelled the sauce and knew there were no preservatives in this meat and DEVOURED all three ducks! LOL So, this was a win win!

This was the first and last of my career as Julie Child! :chef:

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