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What Pro-JW Internet Boards do/did you know about?

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Some of us here have a long history online. We've been on numerous sites through the years. What sites have you been members of or know about?

Please keep to Pro/Positive Witness websites. We don't need to know anything about blatant apostate sites.

Also keep in mind to only discuss public boards. I do know private DBs are out there. These DBs do not prefer to be discussed or linked to from the outside for safety and security reasons. I will respect their wishes.


When I first found Witness DBs, I was a member of Witnesses.net. It's now defunct but I still know a lot of people that were there.


After Witnesses.net died, some of the members formed WOL or WitnessesOnline


After WOL went away, the surviving members split and started hosting two sites, Great Crowd and

The Campgrounds.

Can't remember the exact URL for Campgrounds. It was set up like a campgrounds, with forum names named after different aspects of a campgrounds.


Sister Soup is a sisters only website that my wife is a member of.

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I used to belong to ... jehovahswitnessnews.wordpress.com ... JWN ...run by a brother from Southern California...I was on there for about a year...and then we had a big fight and he banned me :D...

I enjoyed my time on there...and I was spiritually built up...I also made a good friend on there Karen from Ohio....who is a regular pioneer ...and also a member here but now does not have much time for the Internet...

the brother who ran the site in the end was having problems spiritually ...and I hope he is soon going to come to his senses ...and not chuck 30 years of his life serving Jehovah out of the window...

I was also on JwCafe on Facebook which JWN also ran...and did some admin on there...that was just pure crazy....and constantly being attacked by rodent apostates...the hate ...bile and swearing ...they really were like attacks of demons...

NB...both sites are now closed...

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Thank you Shawn. I would love to register for the SisterSoup DB but I keep getting a godaddy page. What am I doing wrong? Please keep your answer to the registration process...LOL

My wife informed me last night I was mistaken. She's not been to SisterSoup for over a year. The site may be closed now, sorry.

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The ones that were around when I returned to the truth in 2000 were....

JWZone - was public, went sour, and then some of it's members went on to form private DB's under other names.

Purelanguage.net - As soon as I got approval for this it vanished. I was told the administrator made the decision after a Kingdom Ministry article had come out about exercising caution to use the internet to speak with people we do not know.

Touchstone Forums - This was a biblical debate board run by a JW here in Ohio, which had a private forum just for Witnesses call The Interchange. If your activity clearly demonstrated you were a real witness on the public board, you got a invite to the private board. He took it down a few years ago, and then I stole the name "Interchange" from him for what we we're calling "General Discussion" here at the time.

A member of Touchstone started....

True Theology - in the same spirit as Touchstone Forums, along with a private forum for Witnesses called Crossroads. It still exists today, but activity is very low there. It's not dead, but nearly dead.

JWTalk - started in 2006 as a private board for select friends, grew to a decent little community, and then had a near death experience when everyone became infatuated with Facebook. Debated shutting it all down, but decided to try going "public" and see how things panned out. So far, so good. We used to run MyBB here before switching to the current software, which is why posts only go back to 2007.

And then there was a Biblical Discussion Yahoo Group for Witnesses only, that the brother eventually close down.

Also, JWOTW - Jehovah's Witnesses on the Web - an MSN group which later became...

WWBOTW - Worldwide Brotherhood on the Web - another MSN group.

Both are gone now.

And then numerous Facebook groups, which in my opinion do not count.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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The ones that were around when I returned to the truth in 2000 were....

JWZone - was public, went sour, and then some of it's members went on to form private DB's under other names.

Purelanguage.net - As soon as I got approval for this it vanished. I was told the administrator made the decision after a Kingdom Ministry article had come out about exercising caution to use the internet to speak with people we do not know.

Touchstone Forums - This was a biblical debate board run by a JW here in Ohio, which had a private forum just for Witnesses call The Interchange. If your activity clearly demonstrated you were a real witness on the public board, you got a invite to the private board. He took it down a few years ago, and then I stole the name "Interchange" from him for what we we're calling "General Discussion" here at the time.

A member of Touchstone started....

True Theology - in the same spirit as Touchstone Forums, along with a private forum for Witnesses called Crossroads. It still exists today, but activity is very low there. It's not dead, but nearly dead.

JWTalk - started in 2006 as a private board for select friends, grew to a decent little community, and then had a near death experience when everyone became infatuated with Facebook. Debated shutting it all down, but decided to try going "public" and see how things panned out. So far, so good. We used to run MyBB here before switching to the current software, which is why posts only go back to 2007.

And then there was a Biblical Discussion Yahoo Group for Witnesses only, that the brother eventually close down.

Also, JWOTW - Jehovah's Witnesses on the Web - an MSN group which later became...

WWBOTW - Worldwide Brotherhood on the Web - another MSN group.

Both are gone now.

And then numerous Facebook groups, which in my opinion do not count.

Well, thank you for taking this on. It is alot of responsibility! Being new and the first board like this I have ever found, I am exstatic to be able to get to know more of my brothers and sisters and for them to get to know me. Mistakes will happen and even a few hurt feelings along the way. But that is a test of true brotherly love and friendship. Agape' to all!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the only pro-JW board I've been a member of, and the only one I can see with any appreciable activity. It is the largest I know of.

I do know that Yahoo! Answers, a public site, had a lot of JWs posting there under Religion and Spirituality. I'm not sure how many do so now but I know there are still quite a few. I never participated but I enjoyed reading it occasionally.

That is the only 'open to everyone' site I know of with a really good presence from the brothers and sisters. In fact in some questions directed to JWs you would get like 10 JW responses and the occasional 1 or 2 really dumb JW hater responses got thumbed down so many times that they were on the bottom of the page and hidden by default. (tu)

I used to belong to ... jehovahswitnessnews.wordpress.com ... JWN ...run by a brother from Southern California...I was on there for about a year...and then we had a big fight and he banned me :D...


I was also on JwCafe on Facebook which JWN also ran...and did some admin on there...that was just pure crazy....and constantly being attacked by rodent apostates...the hate ...bile and swearing ...they really were like attacks of demons...

Just to clarify, there's another website that refers to itself as JWN for short, which is an apostate forum. Watch out for that one. ;) I think the "good" JWN closed down a while back.

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I do know that Yahoo! Answers, a public site, had a lot of JWs posting there under Religion and Spirituality. I'm not sure how many do so now but I know there are still quite a few. I never participated but I enjoyed reading it occasionally.

That is the only 'open to everyone' site I know of with a really good presence from the brothers and sisters. In fact in some questions directed to JWs you would get like 10 JW responses and the occasional 1 or 2 really dumb JW hater responses got thumbed down so many times that they were on the bottom of the page and hidden by default. (tu)

I used to go on the Yahoo site quite a bit....did a lot of reading(waste of time) and occasionally posted an answer or comment...

There may be some good come from that place, there have been reports of some that have become interested or started studying because of the things heard over there....

My personal feelings about that place are that it gets me down if I read too much or get involved in the bickering and squabbling that is so prevalent there. The pettiness and disdain and outright hostility to my Brothers and Sisters gets my ire up and I can be just a little bit aggressive at times:bringiton:...( my wife would choke if she sees that.lol)....

Since I found this little slice of electronic heaven on earth, I dont go there anymore---love you guys....:kisscheek::cowboy:

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