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Bob--PLEASE don't ruin this for me... (LOL)

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Bob please don't tell me this is not real because I have told it all over the country! It was spoken like it was true, and it came from a CO giving his final talk to the Universal Congregation in North Hollywood. I can not remember excatly but here goes. And please if anyone has heard this TRUE story please help me fill in the details where I can remember it more fully. So here goes.

One of our CO in San Fernando Valley was giving his final talk to the congregation. He said that there was a new publisher who was going out for his first time but was apprehensive because he did not know scriptures by heart. The brother that was taking him under his wing told him not to worry that he only had to know one scripture to share to start. He said that each time you read the Bible you get so much more out of it--things that you did not glean the first time. And besides the angels were there to help us. So the young publisher new Matt 24:14 and thought this would work well with his presentation. As the two brothers approached their first door the older one's cell phone began to ring. He siad it was important because he was waiting for his wife to go into labor and must take the call. He told the young publisher to get his feet wet and go ahead and knock on the door--no one would probably come to it anyway. (spoken like a true witness). The publisher stood on trembling legs and before he could even knock on the door it was yanked open by a very irriate man. The man looked at the big eyed you fella standing on his steps and hollered "Why are you bothering me?" The young man opened his Bible and turned to Matt 24:14 and said "THIS GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM MUST BE PREACHED in all the inhabital earth for a witness and then the end will come." The man then hotly asked "Do you only bother me when I am trying to sleep or do you bother other people too?" Our young brother replied "This good news of the kinddom must be preached IN ALL THE INHABITAL EARTH for a witness and then the end will come". Then the householder asked "Why are you doing this?" Our brother responded "This good news of the kingdom must be preached in all the inhabital earth FOR A WITNESS then the end will come". The man was calming down seeing how unflustered our brother was and said "After you do this what will you accomploish?" and the young man responded "This good news of the kingdom must be preached in all the inhabital earth for a witness THEN THE END WILL COME!" The householder shook his head and said one final thing--"Well one thing is for sure, you guys sure know your Bible". Bob if you tell me this is not true I am coming over and will sock you in your eye!

The point of the story was that each time we read the Bible we gain new perspective or new pints that we did not notice before. Like like watching a movie over and over--you hear and see things that did not catch your attention the first time.

I met new points! Pints should be under your favorite beer post



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Ok it won't be Bob ;)

I have heard this same story minus the cell ringing / labor pains. And it was told a little different in the way the householder acted, but similar ending. I doubt it actually happened, but who knows

One of Hitler's top men felt if you tell the same untrue story over and over again and swear it is true - eventually it WILL be believed. It worked for him :lol1: well, for a little while anyway. :wave:

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Alright, killjoy! Someone had to do it. I really was kidding about going over and socking Bob in the eye. I don't even know where he lives. I really did think this was true--it was told as such. What do they call it when something , i guess, should be known as a story but told as a truth to keep it interesting. Please don't say it is a parable. I thought I t was easier to recognize parables. I'm still waiting for Bob to reply. I thought it would be too inviting for him to turn down. We can't get anything past you clever brothers on here! LOL



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Okay Nancy> I must be the only one of Jehovah's people that thought this was a true story. I take that back. Arlene Emanuel also thought it was something that happened in another congregation.



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Okay Nancy> I must be the only one of Jehovah's people that thought this was a true story. I take that back. Arlene Emanuel also thought it was something that happened in another congregation.

I thought it was true until just now...hmm Br.M.... what gives?He's the one who told it,it sounded

true.I dont' want to use his real name.He's in CA .

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^ Lynn, that cat is scarier looking than the "No, it can't be just a story." picture, LOL


What do they call it when something , i guess, should be known as a story but told as a truth to keep it interesting.

I think you're looking for urban legend.

Definition: An apocryphal, secondhand story told as true and just plausible enough to be believed, about some horrific, embarrassing, ironic, or exasperating series of events that supposedly happened to a real person.

List of common characteristics

Accordingly, a typical urban legend will exhibit most or all of the following characteristics:

It's a narrative (a story).

It's alleged to be true.

It's just plausible (sometimes just barely plausible) enough to be believed.

Its veracity is unproven.

It's of spontaneous (or indeterminate) origin.

It's likely to take the form of a cautionary tale.

It varies in the telling.

It circulates by being passed from individual to individual, either orally or in written form (e.g., via fax, photocopy or email).

It's attributed to putatively trustworthy secondhand sources (e.g., "a friend of a friend," "my sister's accountant," etc.).

And yes, I'd heard this story, too.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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"Why are you bothering me?"

"THIS GOOD NEWS OF THE KINGDOM MUST BE PREACHED in all the inhabital earth for a witness and then the end will come."

"Do you bother other people too?"

"This good news of the kinddom must be preached IN ALL THE INHABITAL EARTH for a witness and then the end will come".

"Why are you doing this?"

"This good news of the kingdom must be preached in all the inhabital earth FOR A WITNESS then the end will come".

"After you do this what will you accomploish?"

"This good news of the kingdom must be preached in all the inhabital earth for a witness THEN THE END WILL COME!"

Obviously just a fable because no real conversation would every go like that. Your story seems to be designed to emphasis the value of reading the Bible, not just once, but again, then again, then again - as each time you do you will glean an difference perspective or lesson from the words written therein.

Probably a better application of the story is with our Ministry School book's lesson on reading scriptures with proper emphasis...


For example, when reading Psalm 83:18 from a Bible that contains the divine name, if you put all the emphasis on the expression “the Most High,” a householder may fail to grasp the seemingly obvious fact that God has a personal name. You should stress the name “Jehovah.” However, when you are using that same scripture in a discussion of Jehovah’s sovereignty, you should give primary emphasis to the expression “the Most High.” Likewise, when using James 2:24 to show the importance of coupling faith with action, giving primary emphasis to “declared righteous” instead of to “works” might cause some who hear you to miss the point.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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We find that possibly even certain bible stories have been embellished by someone other than the original writer. One example is John 5:4, where in certain manuscripts add "For an angel of the Lord (Jehovah) would come down into the pool from season to season and disturb the water; the first one then to step in after the disturbance of the water would become sound in health from whatever disease it was by which he was afflicted." Was it in the original writings or was it an embellishment? Given the context it is very possible that it was in the original or maybe it was added later to bring clarity to the context. We simply don't know but we can benifit from the text either way.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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