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Newborn is first in Western U.S. to undergo bloodless open-heart surgery

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Physicians at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford have performed open-heart surgery without a blood transfusion for the smallest infant ever to undergo such a procedure in North America.


The surgery, on October 31, was done in a 10-day-old baby girl born in Hemet, California with a serious congenital heart defect. Meticulous planning and execution of the surgery, an arterial switch procedure, allowed the medical team to surmount daunting technical challenges of treating a 7-pound open-heart patient without giving blood. It is the first bloodless open-heart surgery performed in an infant in the Western United States.


“They said she would definitely need heart surgery, and most likely a blood transfusion, to correct the problem,” said Felisa. “We were happy there was a solution, but when they said ‘transfusion,’ my heart dropped.” The Garcia family are Jehovah’s Witnesses; they requested that Lola’s surgery be done without a blood transfusion because of their religious beliefs.




Article dated 2018.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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