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"Wars and Reports of Wars" (Matthew 24:6)

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This morning some news popped up about a vet working in wildlife conservation in Chad who has been kidnapped. The article went on to talk about how Chad has been ruled by a military junta since its previous president died in April 2021.

It went on to say that "At least 50 people were killed and nearly 300 injured in protests in Chad last week as hundreds of people protested in the streets to call for a quicker transition to a democracy".


Searching for Chad in WT Library brought up a quite a long list about the country though nothing more recent than the early 90s. However, it appears that there is quite a history of civil war in the country, with the latest being between 2005 - 2010.  Interestingly, these wars are between Muslims and Christendom. 

"The most recent Chadian Civil War began in December 18, 2005. Since its independence from France in 1960, Chad has been swamped by the civil war between the Arab-Muslims of the north and the Sub-Saharan-Christians of the south. As a result, leadership and presidency in Chad drifted back and forth between the Christian southerners and Muslim northerners. When one side was in power, the other side usually started a revolutionary war to counter it". https://dbpedia.org/page/Chadian_Civil_War_(2005–2010)


Obviously these small wars and skirmishes are not going to affect the majority of us, they don't involve bombs or nuclear threats, but they were important enough for Jesus to mention about 'hearing reports of wars' and many of our brothers and sisters live in areas where these violent clashes and smaller wars are being perpetrated.


There are so many 'big news' stories that the stories considered less important never make the headlines, but when God's people could be involved and hurt, the small stories are just as important as the big ones.

By thinking about these smaller wars, we will remember to pray for our brothers and sisters who may be affected, even in a small way, by these situations.




Don't give up .. it's just around the corner.

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