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Pray Intensely for Those Enduring Trials

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Pray Intensely for Those Enduring Trials


Published 24 July 2023






Pray Intensely for Those Enduring Trials


Matthew Wilson: Before I go to work or go witnessing, I wake up, grab a coffee, sit in my chair, and I check jw.org. I think it’s important because it helps us to keep informed with what our brothers are going through.

Glynis Desroches: When I read about my brothers and sisters facing trials, I just feel I want to do something to help these brothers and sisters.

Andrei Skantsev: When Jehovah’s Witnesses were banned in Russia, a lot of negative, false, and questionable information about us began to appear in the media.

Oksana Skantseva: It was all so unreal. It was hard to believe.

Romans 15:30

"Exert yourselves with me in prayers to God for me."

Matthew Wilson: When the apostle Paul was facing a trial, he was asking the brothers to ‘exert themselves in prayer to God for me.’ For our brothers going through jail or through natural disasters, they need all the support and help that they can get. We’re so close to the end; we want our children to understand what we might face. We’ve done the videos on praying for others, and the brothers have given us good worksheets.

Joshuah Wilson: For family worship, we did some worksheets. They might not know that we are praying for them, but Jehovah feels happy when I pray for them. They have courage, and I want to be like them too.

Leana Wilson: As a mother, I think it’s really important for our children to know what’s going on with others’ trials. And if they can stop and really feel for those brothers and then offer a prayer, they’re taking part in them being faithful.

Sahbella Wilson: It’s always encouraging to pray for others because you’re actually building your relationship with Jehovah.

Leana Wilson: When you stop and consider what others are going through and how they’re being faithful, that’s really built my faith, and then I want to imitate their faith.

Glynis Desroches: I was involved in a car accident, and that impacted my life. I have pain every day. I was feeling lonely and depressed. And while I was scrolling through the website, I came across the Newsroom, and I read about our brothers and sisters — the things that they were going through, the challenges they were facing. If they didn’t give up going through all those difficult times, then I don’t have to give up either. My sequence of prayer now is to pray for others first and then for myself last. When we pray for others, it helps us to build our faith in Jehovah and trust in him because we know that he has helped our brothers and sisters and he will also help us.

Andrei Skantsev: When the persecution in Russia began to grow, a sense of uncertainty arose about what was happening.

Oksana Skantseva: When we saw the news on jw.org, we realised that our brothers all over the world knew about the situation in Russia. Although we did not hear how brothers from other countries were praying for us, we knew that they were doing it and cared about us.

Andrei Skantsev: The knowledge that the brothers were praying for us really strengthened us. I knew that everything was under control. When you know the problems that a brother or sister is facing, then our prayers are more sincere and they truly come from the heart.

Glynis Desroches: I must use every opportunity. I must not let up to pray for my brothers and sisters.

Matthew Wilson: When we pray and it’s for his name, Jehovah answers our prayers.


Edited by Parale
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In the newsroom it says that Br. Dmitriy Terebilov is being prosecuted for talking about the Bible with a fellow prisoner.  This is the first time a brother has been charged for speaking about the Bible while serving his sentence for speaking about the Bible.  :(  If convicted (again) it would add 8 years on to the 3 year sentence he is already serving.

The article concludes with:  As the persecution in Russia intensifies, our confidence grows even stronger that Jehovah will continue to supply our Russian brothers and sisters with the "power beyond what is normal".


As of June 19, 2023 a total of 112 witnesses are imprisoned. There have been some acquitted of any crime.  In what way is the persecution intensifying?  We aren't hearing about the raids on homes like we used to.

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8 hours ago, Doug said:

The article concludes with:  As the persecution in Russia intensifies.


As of June 19, 2023 a total of 112 witnesses are imprisoned. There have been some acquitted of any crime.  In what way is the persecution intensifying?  We aren't hearing about the raids on homes like we used to.


If you look lower down on the following page you will see a graph showing the increasing number of our brothers and sisters who have been imprisoned. In 2019 it was around 20, and that number has steadily increased to, as you say, of June 19, 2023 a total of 112 witnesses are imprisoned.




In addition for more nformtion I suggest you try the official JW Russia page at: https://jw-russia.org/


Number of Brothers and Sisters Imprisoned in Russia




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Isnt this video part of a future BC? Or am I seeing it wrongly? 

This video, plus these 3 seem to be part of a monthly broadcasting that isnt here yet... strange.





It has never been a BC with number 99. Or has it?

Eph. 3:20 “Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us, do more than superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or conceive”

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