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Things children say or do.

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This is about unintentional encouragement. Today at the kingdom hall i was so pre occupied with my friend and his troubles

i forgot to smile.

and there is this little girl there who is about 3, all of a sudden she ran into the hall shouting "PAPA, PAPA" and

ran into me!

Well the laughs round the hall really lifted me. and her mum was so embarrassed. The poor little mite got confused, but you know that really

lifted my spirits, and it is little things like that, that should encourage us to go to the meetings.

If i had stayed at home, as i was planning to, that would not have happened and i would have been sad all day.

So what things have the children in your hall made you smile when you are down?

A kingdom hall is a poor place without any children.

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This just happened to me at the memorial,I was in the elevator after the memorial with a new sister and 4 of her 8 children and the one little girl around 9 years old was holding my hand squeezing it and she said to me "You look really pretty...how old are you ...28..." ..lol....of course to her 28 is probably ancient...haha...but I grabbed her and said "Oh, I love you!" and squeezed her to pieces.

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sorry for calling you faith.

Nancy but that is brilliant. I love it when children do things like that.

I remember when little michelle a child in our congregation was being showen photographs of an elderly sisters wedding day.

Michelle looked up and said. "Was everything in black and white in your childhood"? :laugh:

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sorry for calling you faith.

Nancy but that is brilliant. I love it when children do things like that.

I remember when little michelle a child in our congregation was being showen photographs of an elderly sisters wedding day.

Michelle looked up and said. "Was everything in black and white in your childhood"? :laugh:

lol...that is so funny...

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I am 40, but I know that is super old to children, lol.

About a year ago, when I was 39, this little girl, maybe 5, came up to me and said "do you have any grandchildren I could play with" LOL!!!!!

I felt so old!!!! My kids were only 14 and 13 at the time and she is asking me if I have grandchildren, lol.

Gotta love the little kids.

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This is one of the many things I love about my present cong. There are many children from newborn to 60's. Yes some of our adults still remember being children and act like it. We have a lot of children here. At my old cong. there were about 20 kids. They all know how to interact with adults, which makes it double fun. They are all competent publishers, too.

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This is one of the many things I love about my present cong. There are many children from newborn to 60's. Yes some of our adults still remember being children and act like it. We have a lot of children here. At my old cong. there were about 20 kids. They all know how to interact with adults, which makes it double fun. They are all competent publishers, too.

There is an old thread on here somewhere that has a lot of funny things kids have done/said at the meetings. I laughed till I cried when I first read it....wonder if I can find it....hmmmmmm. help, moderator???!!!

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While on the subject, a small doubt.

what about, if children plays and run around in the Kingdom hall after the meetings, and having eatables like biscuits, candies etc.etc. is it ok..?

some parents allow their small young ones who are 1 to 5 years old...though elders discouraged it.


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While on the subject, a small doubt.

what about, if children plays and run around in the Kingdom hall after the meetings, and having eatables like biscuits, candies etc.etc. is it ok..?

some parents allow their small young ones who are 1 to 5 years old...though elders discouraged it.

Hi Brother. It is moslty not ok. at our hall. to have cookies and candies. and deffinetly not allowed to run around. We have had some local needs

parts. not to let kids run. Recently we had another. we usually let our kids up near the front but not on the stage. But now. we usually keep an eye

on ours we have one that is 3 years and we don't let him go out the front door. But in our neighboring cong. another sisters kid had got out the doors

and in the car park the baby is like 2 yrs and gone walking and was bending down under a car that was about to move and the brothers saw this

and saved her. so we have a few good rules. for that reason.

but going back to the little kids.. I see my kids and their friends doing drawings and fun things and they pass them around to the older ones to keep

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Children are so wonderfully refreshing..we all have worries and things that weigh us down ...but children always smile and

look at you in a loving way...this is very encouraging and makes me feel loved. I must admit that on the odd occasion i

have given a peppermint to some children at the meeting...so hope i dont affend any on this site for doing that...but they

had behaved so well at the meeting that after ward i asked there parents and it was okay....

I love it when the little ones answer up it is very nice...we have a few young ones and they always answer up, even if its

a bit unclear as to what they actually said ..they tried.

Jesus said we need to be like the little children..innocent ...How i wish i was a kid again and my mum and dad was

looking after me..

I remember my very first meeting i was 10.. my mum gave me a lolley necklace and i had my doll and pram there...LOL..

well at the time it would have looked a site but the brothers at the time allowed it as my parents were new..in time we realised

that this wasnt the way to do it..but not once did we get a nasty look or that we had done something wrong it was in time

Jehovah is truely patient ....:)

Forgive freely as Jehovah Freely forgives us :)

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Having the odd occasional sweet at the hall, i dont think is a problem. its when those little treats become messy little treats. Like biscuits/cookies crumbling everywhere or toffees sticking on chairs.

Giving stickers or making them a sticker book so after the meeting if mum or dad gives them a sticker or someone else notice their good behaviour and they get two stickers. at the end of a page they get a special treat on the way home from the meeting.

Only good thing though that comes out of it...the children sit really still all through the meeting. the bad thing: they expect something nice everytime and if they dont get it they may play up.

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Last night while my husband and I were out waiting to see the fireworks, this little girl of maybe 1.5yrs old was running amok. The grandmother? then mother weren't watching her properly and it scared the dickens out of me. She had this little hello kitty umbrella where the knob from the bottom handle had fallen off and I was fearful she'd impale herself on it. Fast forward 2 seconds, and she fell forward scraping her throat with it. Thankfully she wasn't harmed. I haven't been a mother of a baby in 17 years and I still see the danger!

Fast forward 10 minutes later, the grandmother goes off wherever...and she is left alone with maybe mom and dad and 5 other children. She wanders off and was looking at some guy sitting on a moped by the road. I ended up scooping her up and taking her back to the mom and dad, and said to them she was almost on the road. After that they FINALLY started looking out for her a wee bit better. She was so sweet though, so tiny, blonde hair and blue eyes. Had I not been a nice person, or the guy on the moped had not so nice intentions that little girl would have been gone. They probably wouldn't have even noticed for some time either. To me that's just sad.

I have often reflected on the words of proverbs 8:31 being glad at the productive land of his earth, and the things I was fond of were with the sons of men. and it's meaning. I've always thought that this could mean that what Jesus was most fond of were the children, because of this scripture and how he responded to the children in his ministry.

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Last night while my husband and I were out waiting to see the fireworks, this little girl of maybe 1.5yrs old was running amok. The grandmother? then mother weren't watching her properly and it scared the dickens out of me. She had this little hello kitty umbrella where the knob from the bottom handle had fallen off and I was fearful she'd impale herself on it. Fast forward 2 seconds, and she fell forward scraping her throat with it. Thankfully she wasn't harmed. I haven't been a mother of a baby in 17 years and I still see the danger!

Fast forward 10 minutes later, the grandmother goes off wherever...and she is left alone with maybe mom and dad and 5 other children. She wanders off and was looking at some guy sitting on a moped by the road. I ended up scooping her up and taking her back to the mom and dad, and said to them she was almost on the road. After that they FINALLY started looking out for her a wee bit better. She was so sweet though, so tiny, blonde hair and blue eyes. Had I not been a nice person, or the guy on the moped had not so nice intentions that little girl would have been gone. They probably wouldn't have even noticed for some time either. To me that's just sad.

I have often reflected on the words of proverbs 8:31 being glad at the productive land of his earth, and the things I was fond of were with the sons of men. and it's meaning. I've always thought that this could mean that what Jesus was most fond of were the children, because of this scripture and how he responded to the children in his ministry.

What a really scary thought! It only takes a second for someone to snatch a little one!!

Since my 9 year old grandson came to live with me last year, he has been attending the Sunday meetings with me. Well, a couple of weeks ago, he was unusually antsy in his chair and didn't understand why. He knows to sit still and pay attention. Well, I found out after the meeting that the speaker was sitting behind us for the Watchtower Study and is a big kid himself! He flicked my grandson's ear, played with his hair, tapped his shoulder, etc. and no WONDER why my grandson was antsy. I couldn't help but laugh and apologize to my grandson on the way home!

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  • 1 month later...

Try stopping a 22 month old from running around after a meeting!!

Older children are a different story tho! Once they can really understand they are not allowed to run.

Our daughter doesnt eat in the kingdom hall. If she needs a snack i take her into the mothers and babies.

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As you can see in my profile pictures, my little ones ad the mascots of our congregation. My kids sit with everybody at least the first part of the meeting. At the end, it's a free for all with my kids. Their treat is McDonald's when they behave in the KH and give at least one comment during the meeting. My children are such a site that they along with the other children light up the kingdom hall.


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  • 3 months later...

I just want to share this.I was just so moved to tears what my 4yr daughter did yesterday evening.actually she is an annoyance to her father.we had dinner then I went to put them to bed.so I did our family evening prayer(me n kids.hubby not a JW)anyway the others went to bed.my 4yr came down she wanted to say goodnight to her father but he was mad with her and didn't want to say goodnight..so my daughter said.just close your eyes daddy and you wont see me.(lol)her father did so but she stands about a meter away and started praying.Dearest Heavenly father Jehovah.daddy doesn't believe in you.its OK.Please Jehovah make daddy be proud of me again so I can give him a goodnight kiss.I couldn't stop the tears running down my face cos this daughter of mine loves to make trouble to everyone in the house.I thank Jehovah for showing me that the effort we as parents try to give and instruct our children the way of the truth doesn't go unnoticed by him. Everytime we do family worship shes like 10 minutes still and then start troubling others.well I had to buy her a gift today cos I was just so proud of her for being brave.her father even looked at her like why are you doing that?.he gave her a big hug and said to her Do you think Jehovah can hear you...she said I think so youre not mad with me anymore......hhhhh.

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There is a funny thread for things kids say:


I put this on a different thread some time ago about a little boy called Jason:

We had a little boy at our Kingdom Hall whose mother let him cut his new baby teeth on a carrot. One of our elders asked him if he had thanked Jehovah for his nice carrot. The little boy went up to our contribution box and put the chewed remains of his carrot in it and said to the elder that it was because his mother put 'things' in and told him it was a way to say thank you to Jehovah!

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That's one of the things I miss about not having kids. Things like that they do. I have to say though, you must be doing something right if someone the Age of 4 can go to Jehovah in prayer verbally nonetheless about a problem she has. Problem being she wants to say goodnight to daddy but he is upset, and has the child courage that as we grow we many times lose to go to Jehovah right there'd like that and pray about it. That's like the coolest thing. We can all benefit from that. Thanks for sharing


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There is a funny thread for things kids say:


I put this on a different thread some time ago about a little boy called Jason:

We had a little boy at our Kingdom Hall whose mother let him cut his new baby teeth on a carrot. One of our elders asked him if he had thanked Jehovah for his nice carrot. The little boy went up to our contribution box and put the chewed remains of his carrot in it and said to the elder that it was because his mother put 'things' in and told him it was a way to say thank you to Jehovah!

oh how cute and funny... the innocence of a child Jehovah will smile :)

Forgive freely as Jehovah Freely forgives us :)

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