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George turned to face his father, who, with a twinkle in his eye and a knowing smile, said, "Son, if you're going to save the universe, you'd better start by figuring out who's on first, what's on second, and how in the world we're going to keep track of all these characters running around—now, let's find this mysterious Doctor before things get any more confusing!"

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George looked down at his hands and suddenly realized he was holding a turtle in one hand a donut in the other.

Edited by Tortuga
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As George stared at the absurdity of the turtle in one hand and the donut in the other, a sudden wave of clarity washed over him, and with a deep breath, he called out, “Computer, end program,” watching as the surreal environment around him flickered and dissolved, leaving him standing alone in the empty holodeck, the fabricated reality vanishing as he came to terms with the fact that none of it had been real.

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until he heard the gentle sound of the ocean..

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... and the man with the scarf calling himself The Doctor spoke to him.


"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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"Here, the call is for you. Just step into the booth" the Doctor said.

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Feeling more grounded in reality this time, George furrowed his brow and called out confidently, “Computer, analyze the man known as ‘The Doctor’ and the booth he’s standing beside,” fully expecting the ship’s systems to provide a detailed report that would either confirm or dispel the strange man’s claims, as George braced himself for whatever life-altering information might come next.

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Expecting a voice, he was startled when a robotic hand materialized out of the darkness, offering him a cryptic letter. The old, worn envelope trembled in his hands, "George, the letter inside contains a secret that will change everything you thought you knew about your family, your past, and yourself."

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Taking a deep breath to steady himself, George reminded himself of the importance of staying grounded in reality, and as the trembling in his hands subsided, he carefully unfolded the letter only to discover a blank sheet of paper with a small Isolinear Chip attached, the absence of written words making the mystery even more intriguing and urgent, as he knew this chip likely held the answers he desperately sought.

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George then turned over the paper and saw the story of his life written on JWTalk and realized that his life didn't make any sense at all. Then slowly the door opened...

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As the door creaked open, George felt a chill run down his spine, and he turned his gaze from the unsettling revelation on the paper to the slowly widening doorway, half-expecting to see another strange figure or otherworldly being, but instead, he was met with a familiar face—his own reflection—stepping out from the shadows, mirroring his every move, as if daring him to confront the surreal and tangled narrative that had become his life.

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He started thinking Was He seeing a parallel universe of himself or was this a cheap hallogram copy of himself until he really became confused cause looking back at him were 5 copies of himself and 4 more in the background running around just as confused as he 

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In a dance of bewilderment, the room became a kaleidoscope of reflections, each version of George spinning through the maze of mirrors, their movements a chaotic symphony of doubt and disbelief, as the lines between reality and illusion blurred into a surreal tapestry of fractured identities and endless possibilities.

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George thought to himself, "Seems to me I saw something like this in a movie but it helped that person to get a hold on who they were."





"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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As George continued to glance around at the myriad of reflections, he suddenly noticed that one of them wasn't just mimicking his movements like the others; instead, it was intently observing him, its eyes locked onto his with an unsettling awareness, as if it were analyzing his every thought and emotion, almost as if it held a consciousness separate from his own.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The weight of the moment pressed down on George, and as the realization of how much time had slipped away in this bizarre, reflective limbo sank in, he felt his body growing heavy and unresponsive, almost as if the endless analysis of his own mirrored image had left him frozen, trapped in a state of paralysis where time itself seemed to stand still.

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As George whispered the prayer, “Jehovah, help me,” a sense of calm began to wash over him, his panicked heartbeat slowing as he remembered that no matter how surreal or confusing his situation seemed, he was not alone, and with that renewed clarity, he felt his mind begin to clear, the reflections around him losing their grip on his reality as he found strength in his faith.

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With a firm grip on his reality, he determined he actually was, in fact, in a starship zooming across the galaxy with a beautiful view of the stars zooming by.


"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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With newfound resolve and clarity, George made his way to the bridge, eager to assess the crew and the starship's status, his eyes taking in the breathtaking expanse of stars streaking past as he prepared to take command of the situation and make sense of his surreal journey across the galaxy.

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