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gay marriage

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Oh my! What foolish people. If they think it will strengthen the institution of marriage, they are dreaming. How wise our Heavenly Father is to have arranged for the first marriage. How far mankind has deviated from that ideal.......


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Isn't it odd that the gay people are the ones that want to get married, but the straight ones don't.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Groan! I have to be circumspect how to answer this on the Ministry, but the fact that we used to be able to say that any sex before/outside marriage was not God's idea of a good start to a relationship will need carefully clarifying even more now the government has confused issues by arrogantly re-defining God's definition of Marriage. People may have their freedom of choice, we may say that, but we know there are consequences to these choices they are not aware of, eg a bigger 'end of system' picture than their 'rights to self-indulgence'.

I thought that it was interesting that many politicians in the same party as the Prime Minister were against this and as it was not listed in the party manifesto when they took power at the elections, and not mentioned in the Queen's Speech when she opens Parliament and sets out what her government was to do in the following year, they wonder if it is a distraction from something else nasty that the government doesn't want attention paid to. Rumours abound --Is it that there is more involvement in wars in Africa than they are letting on, because we can't afford it? Is it that since Cumbria voted against having a Nuclear dump the size of the city of Carlisle or York put under a large section of our Lake District, more energy companies are pulling out of sponsoring new nuclear reactors in UK? Is it more austerity measures and taxes are being implemented that we cannot afford? Are we heading for a bigger recession than the 'triple dip' one they are talking of? etc, etc.

The Gay Police fraternity here arrested a Pentecostal in the next town to us when they approached him and they asked his views on homosexuality and he started quoting Romans to them - even though that's not what he was doing in the street - he was just inviting folk to his church meeting for 'Easter'. On this issue there is no Freedom of Speech in this country.

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The Gay Police fraternity here arrested a Pentecostal in the next town to us when they approached him and they asked his views on homosexuality and he started quoting Romans to them - even though that's not what he was doing in the street - he was just inviting folk to his church meeting for 'Easter'. On this issue there is no Freedom of Speech in this country.

Really ? I mean "unless it's perhaps catagorized as 'hate speech'" expressing your personal views on homosexuality isn't a crime (yet) ...

Me I say, let the system do what it's gotta do, when all the sheeplike ones are in there'll be a whole bunch of people "searching for the door" if you know what I mean.

Genesis 19:11

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The Gay Police fraternity here arrested a Pentecostal in the next town to us when they approached him and they asked his views on homosexuality and he started quoting Romans to them - even though that's not what he was doing in the street - he was just inviting folk to his church meeting for 'Easter'. On this issue there is no Freedom of Speech in this country.

Really ? I mean "unless it's perhaps catagorized as 'hate speech'" expressing your personal views on homosexuality isn't a crime (yet) ...

Me I say, let the system do what it's gotta do, when all the sheeplike ones are in there'll be a whole bunch of people "searching for the door" if you know what I mean.


Here's the News article about it. It isn't quite accurate, Mr McAlpine wasn't talking publically about homosexuality until the Police approached him and asked his views. He was calling out about salvation through Jesus - as they do - and coming to his church and giving out invitations in a leaflet that outlined a way to salvation - this all came out in his trial later. He was set free with a caution in the end, but it's not the only case of Police harrassment like this here.

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An interesting comment in the Daily mail report:

He was eventually charged under Sections 5 (1) and (6) of the Public Order Act 1986 and released on bail on the condition that he did not preach in public.
Italics mine.

Reminds me of Acts 4:18-20; 5:40-42

What would I do? Stop preaching? What do you think?

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This attitude regarding homosexuality....is just as virulent and hate-filled in the United States. Those that have a hate for religion, and those who believe in gay marriage etc....are a very powerful movement....along with those who want to control speech that does not agree with their agenda.

I have watched this movement grow over the last decade or so... from them declaring that they desire equality for themselves....to now wanting to make all speech that they find objectionable...against the law. They often use words like....hatred, bigoted and intolerant.....to identify any who disagree with them....it happens all the time in the US....I have thought, while out in service, how long will it be before we have to face similar charges....as the brothers in Russia and other countries....are taken to jail because of similar hate speech laws. These types of incidences...sure seem to be increasing...all around the globe. All I can say is...I am very glad that Jehovah God is in charge.... because only he can make...all things right.

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