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Teen Witness Must Have A Transfusion, Rules Judge

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Let me say, I personally know this young MAN, and that is just what he is a YOUNG MAN.

Wonderful example to us all. And even though the judge rules against him, he has not been forced to have blood yet. He is working hard to keep his bloods healthy, and is determined to physically fight if they try and give it to him.


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We have been praying for this brave young man and his family.  Even non JWs agree that he should not have anything forced on him against his wishes, otherwise it's an abuse of his basic human rights.  If a 17 year old can drive a car, he can decide for himself what goes into his body.


We're praying for Jehovah to give him and his family strength to endure this.  He has provided a beautiful witness and upheld Jehovah's name, and given my family a boost as they see the strong faith of a young man described as a "devout" Jehovah's Witness. My nearly 17 year old baptised son wishes he could meet him and give him a high 5!! 

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I keep thinking about them all the time. I am so glad he is holding up and keeping his integrity. How he must make Jehovah's heart glad, he himself has given an answer to Satan.

I am sure many, many prayers are going out for this brave young man and his dear family.

Nothing bad can last forever!

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If the doctors have not yet administered a transfusion-get the father to show medically what a transfusion really does and does Not do.

Here are 2 links http://www.jaapa.com/managing-severe-anemia-when-the-patient-is-a-jehovahs-witness/printarticle/289099/

http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887323494504578340962879110432.html?mod=wsj_streaming_stream      The 2nd article states and I quote


"Robert Lorenz, medical director of blood management for the Cleveland Clinic, says the new guidelines encourage physicians to give some patients iron before surgery to boost the oxygen-carrying capacity of red blood cells, and to accept some level of anemia and a higher heartbeat before resorting to transfusions.


"You get an immediate feeling that you're helping the patient if you transfuse them," he says. But "the long-term data suggest it's the opposite."  unquote


Transfusions always supress the immune system - which is why cancer returns faster and in more patients that have been transfused.


Western Australia Dept. of Health &  NSW Dept of Health posted some transfusion myth posters on their websites   http://health.wa.gov.au/bloodmanagement/home/  specifically  at the 2/3 to bottom of page of this link http://www.cec.health.nsw.gov.au/programs/blood-watch#resources2

Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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Don't you just love how they say "he's refusing LIFE-SAVING treatment" and then they only give him a 50% chance of survival if they administer blood...?!


It's not exactly life-saving treatment is it.


Excuse my sarcasm, but is this not just another example of sensationalist journalism?

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Don't you just love how they say "he's refusing LIFE-SAVING treatment" and then they only give him a 50% chance of survival if they administer blood...?!


It's not exactly life-saving treatment is it.


Excuse my sarcasm, but is this not just another example of sensationalist journalism?

Unfortunately Dave, they are only reporting what the court said. But the Dr is constantly changing his mind. When he was out of relapse Dr said he had a 30% chance now of a 5 year survival WITH BLOOD...And then before the court he up'd it to 50%.. And he has NEVER refused treatment. Infact he has asked for the BEST treatment. He is a first in this hospital recieving EPO, IV IRon etc....Infact his bloods are holding their own at the moment. HB is 90 so still has not "needed" their blood. He is doing well. Its interesting to see all the OTHER patients that have this so called "life saving treatment"...weeks and weeks in hospital with infection after infection. And with mystery illnesses all the time. Oh well.

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Commendable faith of all involved...worldly efforts no match for Jehovah's spirit..the longer the trial the more press coverage and more of a witness for more people! Whatever Jehovah allows, he will make a way out for this faithful family...and may Jehovah bless all the elders and servants..especially with the Laison!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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When I was dx'ed with VKH (extremely rare autoimmune diease) I was told that it could possibly be fom blood transufusion when I was young and had delivered my son.  I bled out and ended up having 8U of blood.  Since I was in a state that had alot of native Americans (which olive skin races are the only ones known to have this interesting condition) they had put me on a international study because few persons have this diease/condition.  Look at all the bad things that are passed.  Doesn't it sound logical that you would develope an autoimmune diease from blood.  You must take immune suppresant drugs to keep your body from rejecting the "foreign" organs (donar transplants, ect) why would your body ever adapt to someone else's blood?



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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