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Witnessing At West, Tx After The Fertilizer Plant Explosion

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I received this second hand from a brother at Bethel.

Dear friends,

It's nice to write many of you after a while. I thought I'd share this experience with you. As many of you know I'm an elder in the Northcrest congregation in Waco. Dee Dee and I have been there since it was formed. The town of West is in our territory. West is a predominantly Catholic-based Czechoslovakian-American community and it has always been very difficult to find any interest there. They are a friendly people but very tight-knit and under the thumb of the local priests. On Wednesday evening, a massive fire broke out at the fertilizer plant. The local volunteer fire dept. responded and fought the blaze as best they could, when all of a sudden one of two ammonia tanks exploded. A giant mushroom cloud could be seen for miles as if an atomic bomb had exploded.The concussion blast was enormous. Homes in the immediate area either caught on fire. Many others for a one mile radius of the site collapsed, imploded or had windows and doors blown out. To date, it is believed 17 people lost their lives and over 200 were injured. Five of those who died were the brave volunteer firefighters who rushed to the original fire, buying time so that a nearby home for old people could be evacuated. In our congregation, one of our elders is a paramedic, one ministerial servant an emergency medical technician, and another ministerial servant(my nephew)an employee of the local electric power line company. All were called to the scene and stayed there for two days without much sleep. Due to the explosion, half the town is gone. On Thursday, our Circuit Overseer received a call from the Branch office asking us to make special arrangements for witnessing in this town. They advised us not to take any literature except the Suffering tract. However we didn't have any. We were advised to call on the homes that we could and just listen, offer hope and if we did use the Bible, don't debate doctrinal points but use James 1:13.

Here is where the story takes a turn. On Friday, I noticed on the news that an apostate group planned to picket, or demonstrate the funerals of those who lost their lives in the blast. This is a radical Baptist religion that regularly demonstrates at funerals to get exposure. They planned on telling the people of West that the explosion was God's anger and they needed to change their lives to make God happy. But Jehovah was faster. The scripture that the Branch office asked us to use, James 1:13 says just the opposite - "When under trial, let no one say: 'I am being tried by God.' For with evil things God cannot be tried nor does he himself try anyone."

I have to admit, before this situation, I was so frustrated when I had to preach in West. I felt like Jonah.(Jonah 4:9-11) But friends, when the faithful slave says things can change overnight, believe them. I now feel so ashamed of myself. Today, we preached in this poor town with the message and scripture that the Branch suggested and the attitude of almost the whole town has changed. These poor people are as Jesus said - skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shepherd. Almost everyone in town wanted to talk. Everyone there either had someone they lost or someone who was injured or lost their home or was turned out of their home for safety. We received so much gratitude for just caring and listening. Of course, all praise goes to Jehovah. One woman said, "Thank you for just caring."

Truly, Jehovah knows exactly how to handle disastrous situations. It is our hope this apostate group doesn't show up. But if they do, it is our hope that the townspeople will remember what was shared with them and be able to tell them, "You are wrong. Jehovah's Witnesses have already shown us the truth."


We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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What a wonderful experience..thank you. I know a Czech sister. She and her husband were in Bethel and when they left after many years moved to St. Pete, Fl. Now they are with a newly formed Russian Cong. in that area. I hope to relay this experience.


Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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Thank you SO much for sharing this Lynn. There were a few powerful lessons in there.

1. Don't prejudge people or write them off as 'goats' too soon.

2. Follow Jehovah's direction implicitly.

3. Even the most hardened of people can change

Jehovah says he will 'rock the nations and the desirable things will come in'. Not that Jehovah is responsible for disasters like this but he certainly allows it to happen. And when it does, he's there with his people at the ready to provide comfort.

Thanks again for posting this. Very encouraging.

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I have thougt  a lot about if there where Brothers living there and I am glad to hear it wasn't. I am sorry for all those there are dead or injured. I hope there will come someting good out of our Brothers witnessing for those poor people.

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I got chill bumps all over reading it. How grateful we are to have such a wonderful God that guides us in this wicked system  and puts the words in our mouths that can bring comfort to these dear lost people. Hope this helps those poor people to recognize the truth.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I too, got goose bumps reading this. While so sorry for the grieving ones, how happy I am to serve Jehovah, the God of tender mercies. May He bless the efforts of our brothers and sisters serving in this war zone (Satan vs. Jehovah of armies).

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It's amazing how attitudes can change overnight. I often get discouraged over my husbands poor attitude towards JW's but then I think, you never what could happen to give him a change of heart. I just hope it won't take an explosion taking out our town.

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Thank you Lynn.  It is just wonderful to be part of such a loving organization.  Instead of heaping hurtful words upon a devastated  community Jehovah's people comfort.  (Proverbs 25:11) 11 As apples of gold in silver carvings is a word spoken at the right time for it.

What a nice reminder that, if we listen, people will tell us why they need the kingdom.
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