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Hospital Visits from our Brothers

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As I was about to leave today a Nicely dressed man came in & said Hello. HE turned out to be one of our Brothers & I was absolutely surprised.

I have experienced this a few times now.

This is so wonderful. He said he was visiting a few other sisters in the hospital too.

It made you feel dare I say special. & definitely encouraged.


a few other patients beside me had been talking about how lifes become hectic & how many were left homeless in Aussie.. One says you don't know where life is going to take you do you?

he was 70 plus & after the drs and nurses had done there final blood pressure obs etc.

one lady left for home. I pull out our Paradise tract. Said to her hear is something nice to read.

She took it home to read.

I am reminded of what a beautiful organization we belong to. When we get visits from our brothers.

The Hospital was in another brothers area.
Has anyone else experienced this & How has it made you feel?

Edited by surfergirl

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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I have and it does make you feel special, or part of something that is BIG. Of course we know what that BIG is, it is Jehovah's Organization. We are special because we belong to Jehovah, we are Jehovah's Witnesses. That's even bigger than Satans organization because it includes all of the faithful ones in Jehovah's memory as well as all of the angels that are faithfully serving our Heavenly Father. 


We are indeed "Special". Get better soon GAbe. Chin up and all that stuff.




For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I really appreciated it when they took the time to come and encourage me! I was hospitalized numerous times for depression and they always helped me feel worthwhile in Jehovah's eyes :)

Jehovah shows he cares for us in so many ways! Posted Image

Get well soon Gabe! We're all hoping you have a speedy recovery!

Is. 41:10 " I will fortify you. I will really help you. I will really keep fast hold of you with my right hand of righteousness. "

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I have and it does make you feel special, or part of something that is BIG. Of course we know what that BIG is, it is Jehovah's Organization. We are special because we belong to Jehovah, we are Jehovah's Witnesses. That's even bigger than Satans organization because it includes all of the faithful ones in Jehovah's memory as well as all of the angels that are faithfully serving our Heavenly Father. 


We are indeed "Special". Get better soon GAbe. Chin up and all that stuff.


I thought chin up was a british thing .....is it an aussie thing, too?

....Those who seek Jehovah can understand EVERYTHING......Proverbs 28:5. (The possibilities are endless!)

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I thought chin up was a british thing .....is it an aussie thing, too?



Could be a German Saying,LOLS


I know my Father is very much influenced with how he grew up. His grandfather was German & his father was Scottish.

So he always says that expression. He wanted to join the Soldiers Or the Police but he was to tall so he was told.

Dad's grandfather would say chest, in arms back. , Shoulders high. Look forward & smile.  ,

YES SIR!! :)

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Gabe, I recently experienced the special feeling you speak of

   through an elderly sister...

she came to Fl from Kansas for surgery & 6 months of rehab,

  stayed in asst living facility in our territory, she knew no one at all in Fl...

   our congregation visited her with spiritual encouragement, I dialed her into

    meetings, took her mags, cookies, and other necessities :D


her 6 months here turned into over a year, she fell several times, and finally needed brain surgery.

  The morning after her surgery, she phones me crying tears of joy,

     "The Brothers were just here. 3 of them. They read me 2 scriptures and prayed with me."


   To hear our dear 88 yr old sister express her tears of gratitude for 3 brothers

     she had never met before that day that came to show love and encouragement to her

      was a beautiful demonstration to us both of what we have in our worldwide Brotherhood. :grouphug:


 Our sister is fully recovered and back in Kansas now rejoicing with her own spiritual family,

    her experience left us both with a loving memory to treasure.


hope your recovery goes smoothly dear sister   :flowers:

  will send you a few pics of a Florida sunset when I get a new camera


   Love and Joy to you!   :heart:



                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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I work in a hospital and we have two pastoral care people. They walk from room to room with their bibles and try to encourage people, btw -they make a lot of money doing this part time. Also, I am sure that it's not their only job. So many times I here people politely pushing them out of their rooms. Once they find out someone is a witness they quickly leave. I am not going to bash their sincerity, but it just drives me crazy especially since they are paid. However, when I see brothers coming on their own time and dime it warms my heart. Recently a brother was at my hospital and subsequently died. Every time I went in to the ICU my heart jumped. A few elders were there comforting the family, hugging them, praying with them. It was so warm. By the way the brothers were there for hours not minutes. I left before they did, what an encouraging organization we belong to.

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When we had to travel to Duke Univ. in N. C. from Oklahoma we went to the kingdom hall the night before my surgery, the brothers made arrangements to be with me and my husband the whole time we were there. Very comforting and nice to feel at home with brothers and sisters who you just met and we were the only white ones visiting the congregation. I loved it!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

When my mother had her serious stroke in 2002 the local hospital did not know what had happened to her. She was in a coma and nothing was showing up on the CT brain-scans. Our Book Study Overseer came with us to the hospital and he had informed our congregation Secretary.


My mother had driven to the hospital the day before to pick up her friend - a pioneer sister - to look after her at home while she recovered from a shoulder fracture.  mother rolled out of bed unconscious in the early hours of the morning. My Dad is not a JW, so this sister had rang these brothers on our behalf after Dad had rung for an ambulance and contacted me and my sister.


At hospital one elder pressed an envelope into our hands while we were around mother's bed in the 'Intensive Care' ward. 


As we did not know what was the matter with Mother, she was transferred by ambulance to the other side of the UK to Newcastle RVI neurology department.


The pioneer sister had rang the elders to tell them to check with the HLC over there. None of my relatives are JW's and Mother's sister had got the train to get to Newcastle. We were all met at the RVI by doctors and a brother from Heaton Newcastle Congregation, who actually shared the Chaplaincy Office as our representative with members of all kinds of other faiths in 'pastoral care' role there. What a relief for me to see a friendly face and a great Witness to my Dad, sister and Auntie and Uncle of our care. This brother gave us information about local hotels, taxis and other needed information as well as his contact number.


When I opened the elder's envelope, there was a card expressing thoughts and sympathy from his family and enough money to pay for a night at a hotel in the area. I was so touched and thankful for all this help while our minds were in such turmoil over mother's sudden tragic turn of health.

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