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I got that!  LOL  Remember the brother, saying his hair loss wasn't because he married a foreign woma, either? 


We had Bro Morris as our guest speaker from the Branch today at our S.A.D.. What a crack up, had us laughing for an hour and a half. As to hair loss he said he was "follicley challenged."

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Consider the weather, which was mentioned in the annual meeting. Take a look at this link.

First look how hot it was during the first half of July. With temperatures like that, it was very difficult to bind books and have the glue set properly. It brings production to a snail's pace. But now look at the temperatures from August 13-October 5. With the exception of one 94 degree day, the temperature never rose above 86, with many moderate days. As a result, enough books were bound.

-Brother Pierce showed us how to loosen up the gilding so that the pages will not stick together. This is called "breaking". It is necessary because when it comes out of the gilding machine it is hard as a rock. Each book was hand broken, 3 books at a time. This was done 3 times for all the books, once for each gilded side. Also each time it was broken it was checked for any errors, such as white spots or scratches.

-After gilding the sides, it was sent to have the corners rounded and gilded and then to have the ribbons inserted. Two more checks of each book were done, and then it would be sent to have the cover put on and then to be shrink wrapped, boxed, and shipped. It was checked at least twice more during that process.

-The purpose of all those checks, and also for the beautiful appearance of the book, is that the Governing Body wanted the Bibles to have a dignified, beautiful appearance that would stand out, considering it is our most important book. Hopefully your copy looks very good.


-The books produced at Wallkill were for the Eastern and Central United States, and the Japan branch produced 500,000-600,000 for the Western United States. The Shipping Department had to coordinate it so that all the books would get out to the thousands of locations on time, all while keeping the project confidential.

The revised New World Translation, which has been modernized and simplified, will be a great tool both to improve our own spirituality and to help others come to understand it. There will be many scriptures that have a whole new meaning, and we will be discovering these for a long time to come. Scriptures like John 17:3 may open some people's eyes about the action they need to take. Jehovah's blessing was certainly on the production of these books, and it will also be on your

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Since this last post was the same as the second part of the experience that has already been posted several times, i merged it with the ongoing thread. 

Chuck, a lot of us must have received the same email, cause mine came in yesterday, and I cut and pasted a portion of what I got earlier this evening.  Anyway, its great news how they put this all together for us.  There are no words to describe the infinite joy of receiving this Revised Edition of the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures 2013, edition.   The inside cover of my bible says it was made in America, Wallkill, NY.  This is the second time this evening (a friend from FL) said her's was made in Japan too.   Looking forward in getting a large print in 2014.  May Jehovah bless all of you and me as we use this wonderful revised edition in Jehovah's service! 

Edited by allabord4jah
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Nothing earth shaking, (though we did have an earth quake in the last couple of days) but I am on the west coast, and my bible was printed in Wallkill. Just curious. That's all.

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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