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RBC kickoff meeting in Brawley CA statistics very encouraging

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Just to show everyone the growth of the RBC....RBC is now under the publishing committee which I find interesting...but the projected growth is what is so inspiring. Isaiah 60:22. In the last 5 years the number of Kingdom halls in the US that were built...354...the number of projected for the next 5 years is 1200 and each year after that, add 1000. That is crazy, goes to show how fast Jehovah's chariot is moving. These stats came from the kickoff meeting we had today....oh, there was so much more...not enough room in this forum for all the notes I took...I am just so very humbled and excited by the growth and the new direction that the branch is taking with the RBC.....anyone else have any good experiences with local RBC experiences?

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We just had a kickoff for our next project(s)


We have one that will include building a duplex apartment and a new Hall while the existing Hall is still being used. When the new Hall is completed, we will totaly renovate/rebuild the existing Hall.


At the same time, we have a New Hall project to build at the other end of our RBC area.


While all that is going on, we have been asked to provide extensive help with the initial buildings for the Warwick project.


Busy times ....

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Same here in Canada .....you can get the statistics from Lance but a meeting just a few weeks ago has everyone praying and digging deep in their pockets with the upcoming projects........ it is about 2MILLION just for the property but if it's Jehovahs will there is nothing that can get in the way ! Brothers are so busy and self sacrificing in these projects ....... Busy times is right! But such a good busy :)

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I was humbled by all the vendors in all of our region. Home Depot, Lowes...various lumber yards...we have had every Kingdom hall roof donated by local vendors...so much was stated about the new purchasing tab in Builder Assistant. They encouraged all our purchasers to maintain an impeccable relationship with the vendors because of all the free materials we receive from them...I have been in RBC since 2005 and had no clue of all the freebies we get....They also asked us to pray for a few of our projects where city officials are trying to hinder our work...funny how all 3 circuit halls had no problems, we were even givin 2-3 permits at a time...unheard of...but some halls are having problems...Jehovah is in charge, he will squash city official bullies like cockroaches....lol

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I also enjoyed a recent kick off for a remodel which began yesterday. We almost jumped up and cheered upon hearing about the new tools we're going to receive from the branch and the things they've set in motion to achieve those 1200 new Kingdom Halls and 1900 Remodels. Anyone know anything about our new CAD software being tested in Southern California yet?

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Concrete was poured yesterday for 1st part of drive for our new hall. Land was purchased from Catholic church for $22,000; was asking $75,000. Our old hall was sold over year ago to br./sis moving in, so they remodeled it into home. C.O. said today new letter out for elders about new K.H. builds; should be read aloud soon.

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Thanks Sherry for letting me know. I'm on a design team in central cal and am looking forward to taking it for a spin. Our hopes are that it can help all to be on the same page CAD wise as our team is currently using many different CAD software which do not always seamlessly blend together when we are all working on different aspects of the same project design. I would love to talk with someone about this Branch CAD now but if no one is available I can wait to see it for myself.

On a different note has anyone had the privilege of having the Branch purchase property for them yet. Kinda cool how they've offered that option.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm in the process of replacing a KHall sound system in collaboration with our local RBC.

The RBC have been delaying purchasing equipment due to the Branch putting together a new 'global' sound package, to standardise on the equipment and get favourable purchasing agreements.


The RBC have been hanging on for this new package for many months, always expecting it any time, but in reality it's been delayed from the branch with some decisions still to be made.


I get the impression it's now 'imminent', but we can't wait any longer so are pursuing the current equipment.


I just wondered if anyone had any more recent news on this.

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