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Gas & Food prices are going going gone......awwwwwww

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Just bought a frosty from Wendys - $.99 . For those without a Wendy's - it is a fast food hamburger place and a frosty is their version of a chocolate milk shake. :tea: now I am feeling better.

Can't wait for that mountain top with the BBQ and shakes for everyone! I don't suppose we will have soda pop in the new system :( But maybe - root beer :)

I thought the first scripture in our Watchtower was good - Zeph 1:18 "Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them." Soon all this money stuff will be gone and just our relationship with Jehovah will count. Meanwhile - Jehoavh is our Father and as a good father he has to help us out where we need it and he will! We already have one less meeting we have to drive to. I wonder what he will do next.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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We had our CO visit in January.....When talking about how difficult times are he said" All we need is, Beans, Jeans, and a Roof over our heads"

I told him that I had recently lost my home my (Roof over my head)

....he asked: "You have a car, don't you? I said ...hmmmm.... yes....

His reply: "The Car has a roof"......

Needless to say...I was NOT amused!:nope:

Visit my website: www.Hcgessentials.com

Growth Demands Change!

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We had our CO visit in January.....When talking about how difficult times are he said" All we need is, Beans, Jeans, and a Roof over our heads"

I told him that I had recently lost my home my (Roof over my head)

....he asked: "You have a car, don't you? I said ...hmmmm.... yes....

His reply: "The Car has a roof"......

Needless to say...I was NOT amused!:nope:

Do you have more than a car covering you now, I hope? (don't mean to be nosey, just concerned for my sister):(

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We had our CO visit in January.....When talking about how difficult times are he said" All we need is, Beans, Jeans, and a Roof over our heads"

I told him that I had recently lost my home my (Roof over my head)

....he asked: "You have a car, don't you? I said ...hmmmm.... yes....

His reply: "The Car has a roof"......

Needless to say...I was NOT amused!:nope:

Do you have more than a car covering you now, I hope? (don't mean to be nosey, just concerned for my sister):(

yes, thank you i am doing no worst than everyone else, Jah is providing.:) thank you my sister.

Visit my website: www.Hcgessentials.com

Growth Demands Change!

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Hi Dawn, I didn’t mean for message to sound the way you took it at all, because that’s not what I meant. It was merely a comparison of prices, and stating the fact that we in the UK have always paid much higher prices than people in the US and Canada, and truthfully anyone in the UK would rejoice at our fuel prices going down to the same as you are paying. I didn’t mean to belittle what you are going through at all.

In your situation a car does seem to be a necessity, and if that’s the case, then Jehovah will see to it, without fail, that you have what you need to worship him. I too have lived in rural locations miles from the Kingdom Hall too, so I do understand. Of course, the hardship we go through because of these prices will be determined by things like the wage level in various countries. They say the average wage in the UK is £25,000-£30,000 per year, but very few everyday people are on that much. Many working full time have an income of around £10,000-15,000 (maybe £20,000) and I don’t know what the wages are like in the States, but I can’t see you being on less than we are here.

The quoting of the 1 Tim and Genesis scriptures were meant as a comfort to us in these last days, because Jehovah will provide the ‘necessities’ and a reminder that we may have to adjust our expectations where we can. I had that thought in mind because I have just had my circumstances change for the worse, and I went through a few days of anxiety and deep concern. Eventually I recalled Jesus words at Matt 7:24-33. My situation is that I have had to give up my work and now sign on for state benefits under the doctor’s direction. The benefits we get paid here will cover the rent and the council tax, plus an income of just £65 per week to run a house, car and everything else. I have always had a car and since 1995 I have had a slight mobility problem following an accident, so a car was a necessity for me, especially as I was living until recently in a little Welsh village, miles from the nearest shop or bus route. It’s not just the fuel prices, but my car insurance was about £300-£400 in Wales, but now I have had to relocate to a big crime ridden city, my insurance quotes are around the £1,500-£2,000 range, and by reducing my cover to a minimum I have got it down to £1,000. So if out of my £65 per week, I have to find £20 a week just for insurance, then I have to fact the fact that I may well need to lose my car just to survive. I am grateful that I am now only 2 miles from the Kingdom Hall, however, having no car causes my ministry to suffer because I can’t get back so easily on any interest. So thinking of those scriptures, I have accepted the fact that I may have to do without a car in the future. But I won’t die without it, so I may have to adjust my expectations. Here is not the place to become comfortable, I am an alien resident, awaiting delivery of my homeland. If it gets uncomfortable, then so be it. It is temporary, and people of bible times suffered more than I am now. I am just trying to keep things in perspective. I am sorry my dear sister if I offended you, that was never my intention.

@ Dianne – Thank you for understanding sis, that’s exactly how I meant it. And I think that sharing transport is going to be an essential way of getting by (2 Cor 8:12-15)

1 US Dollar = 0.614781 GBP

1 GBP = 1.62659 US Dollar

I don’t yet know how many litres in a US gallon so can’t compare the price, sorry.

@ Anniebea

1 GBP = 1.16543 Euro

1 Euro = 0.858050 GBP

So you’re paying about 126.9p/litre Annie – much the same as us here.

@ Jeremy

I GBP = 11.2514 South African Rand

1 South African Rand = 0.088877 GBP

Your prices work out at 78p/litre and a sliced white loaf here varies between 50p and £1.50 a loaf = R5.63-R16.88 but your minimum wage is approx £119.88 a month! Our minimum wage is just below £6/hour = £240 per 40 hour week, or about £1,000 per month. So our loaf averages very approximately 0.1% of our monthly minimum wage, whereas yours is 0.66% - if we paid your rate, our loaf would be approximately £6.66 a loaf!

How many litres in one of your US Gallons please Jeremy? There are 4.5408 litres to a UK gallon, and I’ve never know for sure if the US gallon is the same as ours or not. It seems litres is the universal way to compare prices because there is only 1 ‘litre’.

@ Ava, no sis, I wasn’t saying we fill up once a fortnioght, just that in a fortnight’s time another rise was due taking it to the higher price. When I was working with my son, we chose to put just enough fuel in for each day, and we paid about £75.00 a week out for in petrol.

Remember brothers and sisters, Satan is going to make it painful for us in this time of the end. It’s easy for us to say that while commenting at meetings, but we have to endure it in practise and not just in theory, as it were - and doing so while ‘considering it all joy when we meet with various trials that produce endurance’ We also must accept that we may only walk into that new system of things with only the clothes on our backs. Hold your head up because your deliverance is getting near. (Jas 1:2-4; Lu 21:28)

Exchange rates on 05/03/2011 from http://www.x-rates.com/calculator.html

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Remember brothers and sisters, Satan is going to make it painful for us in this time of the end. It’s easy for us to say that while commenting at meetings, but we have to endure it in practise and not just in theory, as it were - and doing so while ‘considering it all joy when we meet with various trials that produce endurance’ We also must accept that we may only walk into that new system of things with only the clothes on our backs. Hold your head up because your deliverance is getting near. (Jas 1:2-4; Lu 21:28)

Very True.

Visit my website: www.Hcgessentials.com

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It actually makes finding the fuel to go on service hard.....ours is 1.48 per litre..whatever that is in gallons :(

If I did my math right annibea is paying $4.00628298653944 per gallon US

1.48 per liter

1 gal = 3.78541178 liters

1 dollar = .7151 euro

1.48 X 3.78541178 X .7151 = $4.00628298653944 per gallon US

I would say that you are getting a good deal Micah if you are only paying $3.39 per gallon.

Yeah, it's gone up a bit more since I posted that. This is my understanding of the $$$ in UK, from what another European told me, the cost of living is much lower than here in the USA, plus the pay rate is HIGHER than here.

The minimum wage in Australia is nearly doubled of what I am making now.

Everyone deals with hard situations differently. I think we should all keep that in mind, and remember that noone is trying to cut anyone down here. I need to find it, but my mom sent me a very cool email because everyone was complaining about the cost of gas, she sent a comparison of everyday products we use and their cost per gallon. Believe it or not, gas was the cheapest!!! Shampoo was the most expensive topping nearly $25 per gallon. Keep in mind the scripture where bread will be a day's wage, I am guessing they are not literally talking about bread but the normal everyday product we take for granted.

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It actually makes finding the fuel to go on service hard.....ours is 1.48 per litre..whatever that is in gallons :(

If I did my math right annibea is paying $4.00628298653944 per gallon US

1.48 per liter

1 gal = 3.78541178 liters

1 dollar = .7151 euro

1.48 X 3.78541178 X .7151 = $4.00628298653944 per gallon US

I would say that you are getting a good deal Micah if you are only paying $3.39 per gallon.

Yeah, it's gone up a bit more since I posted that. This is my understanding of the $$$ in UK, from what another European told me, the cost of living is much lower than here in the USA, plus the pay rate is HIGHER than here.

The minimum wage in Australia is nearly doubled of what I am making now.

Everyone deals with hard situations differently. I think we should all keep that in mind, and remember that noone is trying to cut anyone down here. I need to find it, but my mom sent me a very cool email because everyone was complaining about the cost of gas, she sent a comparison of everyday products we use and their cost per gallon. Believe it or not, gas was the cheapest!!! Shampoo was the most expensive topping nearly $25 per gallon. Keep in mind the scripture where bread will be a day's wage, I am guessing they are not literally talking about bread but the normal everyday product we take for granted.

I totally agree Micah, I find the cost of shampoo/conditioner/shower gel/toothpaste......to be very high !!

They have also just announced that they expect petrol to hit £2.00 per litre in the UK...which means rises for the rest of the world as well

These certainly are critical times....and about to get a whole lot worse !

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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Just filled up my car in Salem, OR at $3.549 per Gallon US = 1.31 euro per litre. Wow, what a steal ! :uhhuh:

Tighten the belt, put kingdom interest first and endure til the end.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Hello to all,

It is truly a sign of the last days. We see it all happening just as Bible prophecy foretold. Everyone has different difficulties, but as we see these increase, it drives home the point of how close we are to seeing Jehovah's name sanctified! I get chills of thrilling expectation when I see things in the news, and live through these times. It will truly be interesting to see how it occurs that money is worthless and thrown into the streets. We will see much worse happenings before it is all over, but then the heavenly armies will ride. And oh...what a ride. I want to see it! I want to see how Jehovah lets every living creature on this planet know that it is by HIS might that this earth is being cleaned...so when I see the gas prices driving up everything else, I quote, "Raise yourselves erect and know that your deliverance is near!"

Look at this year's text-look at the encouragement to draw ever closer to Jehovah and our brothers in our recent issues. The urgency is speeding up....


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If I have the math right we are paying about AU$5.67/gallon ($1.50/L) which is about that in US dollars since the Aussie dollar is so strong. Ironically our main supermarket chains Coles and Woolworths are selling bread for $1.09 a 700g loaf and milk for $1 a litre. Unfortunately our meat is going up - lamb is already about $25 a kilo and they expect it to go up to around $40 a kilo soon. On top of that our government has broken one of its election promises and is going to impose a greenhouse gas tax next year which will drive literally everything up drastically once the flow-on for things like fuel and electricity rise and that's not including the price rises set in Singapore for oil which affects Australia and the fact that the courts keep allowing the electricity companies to raise their prices to ridiculous levels because our government won't allow them to build new power stations.

We are one of the world's biggest producers of lamb, beef and wheat yet we are also one of the most expensive markets and that is because most of the best of those products are exported leaving little for us and that is often poor to average quality.

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We are one of the world's biggest producers of lamb, beef and wheat yet we are also one of the most expensive markets and that is because most of the best of those products are exported leaving little for us and that is often poor to average quality.

yeah, world governments needs a complete overhaul. the commercial system is way out of control!

More and more we see Man dominating man to his injury...Eccl 8:9

I love lamb but can't afford to purhase it, it is soo expensive, I can only look at it longingly at the supermarket.:drool:

I can't wait till Armageddon, to get these squatters off the planet, so we can eat well among other things.....Psalm 72:16

Very Soon Jehovahs Great Day will be here and the wicked will be evicted off the earth, they have been terrible tenants,Squatters, and have devalued Jehovahs property. They must be destroyed and the earth restored!

The meek and the righteous will inheret the earth Psalm 37:11

Zeph 3:12 "I shall certainly let remain......a people humble and lowly......

Visit my website: www.Hcgessentials.com

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In remote parts of Alaska they are paying $10 a gallon US (3.69 euro per litre) for gasoline now. How could we cope with those prices? It is possible.


I have heard, and I may be wrong, that many people up there in the remote areas have snowmobiles and they use those alot in the winter as it doesn't cost much to fill up the tank. My husband had a motorcycle for years, we had to sell it not too long ago, but when gas started climbing, it was great filling that thing up at less then 20 and having him use it for his commute to work. Saved us alot of money in gas.

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thank you for your efforts in making this post! it really is quite interesting and it puts things into perspective. i actually find it quite exciting to see these things happening earthwide as it is further proof of where we are in the stream of time. we cannot lament conditions. the truth is that Jehovah will provide for us. so far, we are all still on the internet, aren't we? and i am sure we are all still using our cell phones. and taking hot showers? enjoying television? have a fire in our fireplace? we need to give thanks for our blessings and accept that we are going to go through very difficult times as the Great Tribulation approaches. Jehovah said he probably would save us; "probably you may be concealed in the day of Jehovah’s anger." but he didn't say he would save our things. we need to learn to let go of our comforts, the things we are used to. otherwise, we will be like Lot's wife and we could lose our lives.

as long as we have Jehovah in our lives, our dear brothers and sisters, and sustenance and covering, we should be content with these things. 1Tim. 6:8

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i actually find it quite exciting to see these things happening earthwide as it is further proof of where we are in the stream of time. we cannot lament conditions. the truth is that Jehovah will provide for us. so far, we are all still on the internet, aren't we? and i am sure we are all still using our cell phones. and taking hot showers? enjoying television? have a fire in our fireplace? we need to give thanks for our blessings and accept that we are going to go through very difficult times as the Great Tribulation approaches. Jehovah said he probably would save us; "probably you may be concealed in the day of Jehovah’s anger." but he didn't say he would save our things. we need to learn to let go of our comforts, the things we are used to. otherwise, we will be like Lot's wife and we could lose our lives.

as long as we have Jehovah in our lives, our dear brothers and sisters, and sustenance and covering, we should be content with these things. 1Tim. 6:8

Well said Diane, my thoughts exactly. I was just sharing that I had come to a realisation that I would probably have to adjust my expecftations, and I am sure I'm not alone in having to do so. So while I go to bed in my own house, have a meal each day and can go to meetings, I will learn to accept that the rest is unimportant.

These hardships should be a comfort to us - because we are aware of the significance, but all the people who doubted us will be caught out and we hope we can convince them before it's too late. A circuit overseer (Bro Ted Wright while visiting Harlow cong, Essex, UK in the 80's I believe) once related that a sisters once said to him that she was scared by the thought of Armageddon. So he explained from the platform that Noah was not saved from the flood, because the flood wasn't thrown at Noah - rather he was saved by the flood! - and so we shall be saved, not from Armageddon, but by Armageddon. Smile people! It's getting exciting (and a little scary) out there! Agape

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This has been an interesting topic ... and isn't it wonderful that all of us in Jehovah's organization look at the things going on around us in the world as relating to prophecy? Jesus forewarned us in Matthew 24:43 and 44 - “But know one thing, that if the householder had known in what watch the thief was coming, he would have kept awake and not allowed his house to be broken into. On this account YOU too prove yourselves ready, because at an hour that YOU do not think to be it, the Son of man is coming." It seems like maybe we should enjoy a peaceful time where everyone will get relaxed and everything will be good ("because at an hour that YOU do not think it do be") when BAM! Everything goes crazy! Or did that happen already?

So gas prices keep rising, causing everything else to keep on rising (transportation touches nearly everything and everyone), it keeps getting harder for us ... Satan laughs and keeps thinking of ways to pressure us and aggravate us and try to have us turn away from Jehovah just like he did with Job. Let's be sure to not let him win!

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Or did that happen already?

Rosalie, I like this addition to your contribution here. Reminds me of this statement in the WT a few years back, "Since Bible prophecies are often fully understood only after they are fulfilled or are in the process of fulfillment, we will have to wait and see."

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same here.......maybe we need to learn how to bake:raspberry:

I have decided to start baking my own once again.... just found a good recipe for brown soda, quick and no kneading :ok:

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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same here.......maybe we need to learn how to bake:raspberry:

I have decided to start baking my own once again.... just found a good recipe for brown soda, quick and no kneading :ok:

If you buy bread flour in bulk and use a bread machine it is quick, easy, and cheap to make it....and no kneading ever it does it for you so you have more time for :tea:

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