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Archbishop of Canterbury admits doubts about existence of God

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I guess it would only be natural to wonder about the existence of the God you believe in when the belief is steeped in falsehood. How many other former adherents can one imagine have been set free by the truth? Further, is it possible a bit of truth may have sparked his doubts? ...Just musing...

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There is no problem with individuals expressing their doubs and I have no idea if the Archbishop has a sheeplike disposition (he, like everyone else on earth has the right to a witness to find out) but the point is he is a RELIGIOUS LEADER.

If the leaders of Babylon the Great (described in the bible as a Harlot drunk on blood and responsible for the persecution of God's people throughout the ages) don't know if there is a God, then let them step down and stop leading people. Jesus said the religious leaders of his time were the "blind leading the blind" and pointed out there is only one outcome for that senerio.

What is newsworthy of this item is not the "honesty" of this individual (that is not the issue, he didn't get into the newspaper because he is a human with very human like doubts because he has been badly taught) he got into the newspaper because he is a RELIGIOUS LEADER, supposedly getting his livlihood (read: money) to teach people about God.

Jesus was more than willing to help individual religious (and political) leaders he "felt love" for the rich Young ruler and sat down and taught Nichodemus a religious leader himself, but there is no doubt about the discust Jesus had for the religious leaders AS A GROUP that were responsible for blocking the kingdom of God from the masses.

I salute the Archbishop's honesty in revealing to the world he is not qualified to teach people about God and await his resignation as a testimony to his personal integrity in this regard.

Edited by sunshine
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If he believes in Jesus but doubts God, isn't it possible, at least theoretically, that he has subconscious doubts about the trinity, or other unscriptural depictions of god?


While he does profess to be a spiritual leader, his faith is toward Babylon itself, not Scriptural truth that he's never had the opportunity to learn. So instead of criticizing his lack of faith in Satan's version of god, we should be overjoyed that he's coming to his senses and realizing that the teachings of Babylon might not be completely correct.


In time, he may even come out of Babylon completely and become our brother. If he is on that path, we should be welcoming him with open arms, not chastising him for doubting the teachings of Satan.

I guess I don't regard a false religious leader who no longer believes in the existence of God as "coming to his senses". Going atheist isn't "coming to your senses" and realizing that everything you've been taught is wrong - it's going in that same direction only completely out of the ballpark to me. I see no indication where he is searching anywhere else for proof that God exists and cares about us.

Don't live for the moment - live for the future! :D

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   It sad because no doubt his parishioners have questions like these too.. But for the top religious leader

of the Anglican Church to admit to that is appalling. It shows his own lack of knowledge of his own church

and the early days of the Reformation when his own churchmen Riddley and Latimer were put to death

for their faith in God's Word and the fundamental principles of the Reformation. Many of those very prin-

ciples address the issues of his inquiry.



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