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What are your reasons for considering education alternatives for your children?

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Thought this would be an appropriate topic, as many of us have our own reasons, but then considering the reasons behind other peoples motivation to look for alternatives to the public school system can be eye opening and worth thinking about.


I currently am not participating in any education alternatives with my children. When my daughter started kindergarten, we put her in a state charter school program called OHDELA. It was actually a lot of fun and the way they were using technology 7 years ago was quite innovative. I can only imagine the possibilities now if they should be using them.


Granted, it was not by definition a homeschool. It was a state funded online charter school. But that was alright by me. For me, bad associations was my motivating factor. I could have cared less about curriculum at the time. Bad associations chewed me up and spit me out in late high school, and so sheltering my kids from it felt natural.


Now, circumstances changed and I had to make the choice to put her (and now years later, my son) into public school. But I always entertain the idea of returning to OHDELA if I as a parent feel that this is a necessary step in protecting my kids from following in my misguided steps.


What are your reasons for looking into and/or having chosen education alternatives?


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Association is just one part of it. My oldest is easily influenced by others. So we thought it would be good to keep her home til she is mature enough, and has a better understanding of herself to hold her own against it. 


Secondly, she is ADHD, she has a very hard time sitting still, and would not do well in a classroom setting. She is however very very smart! Way above her years. This would be squelched in a PS, where all they would see is her inability to sit still! And she would most likely be forced onto medication. 


Thirdly, my children are African American and Mexican, it's been proven through studies time and again even if the teacher is AA themselves, they do not pay as much attention to the AA students and focus more on the non minority students. We also see this in the skewed amount of AA men in prison vs white men. Racism is very prevalent in our school district. My own little sister (haitian), was brought up on federal charges by the school, on something that was on video proving she did not do what they accused her of. Yet it took a lot of lawyer fees and two years for it to be thrown out of court! They wanted my sister to just plead guilty, but my step mom absolutely refused, and continued to fight for her... some one with less money and less determination would of been rail roaded by their tactics. Not to mention the racism I myself lived through in school. I was not allowed to ride the school bus because of my race. Now that law was changed when I was 18 (after I had completed school). Still, that is what the legacy is of this state. The laws of people of my race allowed to ride the school bus was not changed til the 1990's, when I was 18 years old! 


Fourth, I wanted more time with our family. I don't see how to send a child away from us, for 8 to 10 hours a day, then they come home to another 2 to 4 hours of homework, and then there is sleeping time. We would have very very little time or influence on them, with that little time left with them. I want us to be the number 1 influence in their lives. As a quote from Malcome X often comes to mind-Only a fool would send their child to the enemy for education. I of course am not a Malcom X follower, but in this one instance his quote makes a LOT of sense. In our lives Satan is the ruler of this world, including the government which controls the school system. So in essence we would be sending our children to the enemy for their education. And then again sooo little time left with them.. when I did research that we could be done with a days worth of school in the same amount of time that most children have to take to do their homework alone. 


Fifth, if the first four reasons weren't enough... public school is made for the masses in what ever a few people have decided is right for that age/grade. Where if we homeschool we can tailor the education exactly to the child. They do not have to be bored (like I often was) because they are sooo far ahead of the other children, not lost and just shoved on because they are behind the other children. But, we can work one on one, and make sure they are learning, and continuing to be challenged, and focused on what ever needs more individual help with. And the best part of that is we can add in more Bible training incorporated into their learning, so they get all the more so influence by the one we truly want to influence our children-Jehovah.

Edited by PrairieGirl
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It's funny it started out more about the association. I was bombarded as a kid and it was a horrible experience. And that was a million years ago. Also, I wanted more time with him, same as "the other" Heather, I couldn't imagine sending him away for 8 hours. Now that we are in school I feel even more strongly about the time away, but from a circullum stand point. Elijah does a cyber school program and although it has some nice features, it teaches things I feel are totally unnecessary. I mentioned this before... But the responsibility to vote, or worldy feelings about racism. I looked ahead and when he learns the sight words red and blue, take a guess what we talk about. America and the flag. I feel a well rounded and balanced education when it comes to those ideas is important but I also want to make sure Jehovah's view point is included. I don't want him to be taught that "we" are better then "them". At least now we can stop or skip a philosophy or idea that is being taught and discuss Jehovah's way. When they are gone for the day you have no idea what tiny seads are being planted. Granted we were always warned about birthdays and holidays. Because we told our teachers we are dismissed to the library. Those are easier to deal with, the much harder ones are worldy philosophies and teachings.

I think every day more decision is validated and every day it is for a different reason.

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That is a excellent point Heather... Satan and the government are VERY subversive in how they influence our children, primarily through the history and social studies courses, but they bleed out into the language arts, and many other subjects as well. Not to mention Science, and it's wide spread notions of trying to prove the existence of God.

Edited by PrairieGirl
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Down here where I live, most of the parents are pulling their kids out of school in the middle school years/high school years.  They have their kids attend the elementary school years where they learn alot of the basics and learn to socialize, etc.  


Most of the parents I know site association as a reason for pulling them out of school in the teen years. I have heard many parents say that when you see how many kids change when they hit their teens and the amount of young ones leaving the truth, in their opinion, it's worth pulling them out.  Now there are many young ones who attend public school and continue to serve Jehovah through adulthood and that is commendable, sadly though so many young ones are leaving and I think for many parents they would rather pull them out as in their opinion this gives them a better chance of staying faithful to Jehovah.


One sister I know who pulled her kids out of school about two years ago said for her and her husband alot of it had to do what was being taught in the schools and what the kids in the schools were doing.  They were bothered by the amount of sex discussions, homosexuality, evolution, etc, not just from teachers but from students.  


I also know another sister who let her kids go to elementary school, but pulled them out later.  One time someone said to her she thought homeschool kids were not as mature as public school kids and her response was: "I'd rather my kids be young adults serving Jehovah and not as mature instead of being super mature and not serving Jehovah"  Personally, I think there is too much pressure on kids and they are growing up too fast and becoming mature way too fast now a days.  Also, whose standards do we view for maturity?  I see the home school kids and I think they are fine, whereas someone may say they are not as mature.  My response is "mature compared to who? Worldly maturity?"  


Bullying is another thing I have heard as reasons for pulling kids out.  Bullying has gotten really bad in this country.  I remember when I was a kid it was silly teasing now it's gotten very serious. Young teens are being bullied to the point that they are committing suicide.  The pressure of this world are definitely worse then when I was a kid.   http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/bullying-and-suicide.html


When kids become teenagers, they are going through so much emotionally already. Then you throw them in an environment where there is alot of pressure (more pressure then we adults experience at work) bullying, liberal teaching agenda, etc, it often is too much for them.  So many of the parents I know are pulling the kids out during the teens.


One thing I see too is the parents that pull their kids out really spend more time as a family.  They are able to take their kids in the ministry more even during the school week as a homeschool schedule is not so ridged.  The kids are involved in many things such as convention preparing/cleaning, kingdom hall maintenance, etc.  They even do trips during the school year too serve where the need is great for a week or two, aux pioneering throughout the year as a family.  I think this really helps the teens spend time with spiritually mature adults and see how much they love Jehovah.

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Fourth, I wanted more time with our family. I don't see how to send a child away from us, for 8 to 10 hours a day, then they come home to another 2 to 4 hours of homework, and then there is sleeping time. We would have very very little time or influence on them, with that little time left with them. I want us to be the number 1 influence in their lives.... And then again sooo little time left with them.. when I did research that we could be done with a days worth of school in the same amount of time that most children have to take to do their homework alone. 


The time-crunch is definitely an issue. Homework sometimes crowds out family study because it has to be done (family study can be deferred to the next day), and sometimes the daughter, like most kids who despise homework, will put off larger projects until the last minute. The last minute usually falls on a Friday, and this doesn't jive well with Thursday meetings.


I like your last sentence there. When education is 'one on one' then 8+ hours a day of schooling really isn't necessary at all.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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I am not condemning PS families, but I just don't see how there is much time left. I really really didn't want to give up our time. Right now for my children's ages we are done with a LOT in less then 2 hours a day. I figure at some point we may be up to 4 hours a day, still that's a sight less then PS takes.

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Thought this would be an appropriate topic, as many of us have our own reasons, but then considering the reasons behind other peoples motivation to look for alternatives to the public school system can be eye opening and worth thinking about.


I currently am not participating in any education alternatives with my children. When my daughter started kindergarten, we put her in a state charter school program called OHDELA. It was actually a lot of fun and the way they were using technology 7 years ago was quite innovative. I can only imagine the possibilities now if they should be using them.


Granted, it was not by definition a homeschool. It was a state funded online charter school. But that was alright by me. For me, bad associations was my motivating factor. I could have cared less about curriculum at the time. Bad associations chewed me up and spit me out in late high school, and so sheltering my kids from it felt natural.


Now, circumstances changed and I had to make the choice to put her (and now years later, my son) into public school. But I always entertain the idea of returning to OHDELA if I as a parent feel that this is a necessary step in protecting my kids from following in my misguided steps.


What are your reasons for looking into and/or having chosen education alternatives?


Well I've always been afraid to send them to school.. I mean this world is Scary.. my two oldest went to public school for a little while, as I convinced myself that I could never homeschool.. Well now I am.. lol the biggest issues were because my daughter wasn't getting the help she needed.. she has ADHD really bad and she has a hard time focusing, and she just doesn't learn the way 'everyone' else does.. Doesn't do well in the traditional classroom setting. She is what you call a visual spatial learner, so instead of being able to follow along with lecture she needs to see it. We tried several times with the school to set up an IEP.. and they never did so.. I took them out.. My son developed issues while in school.. He has mood problems, that never manifested until he went to this last school and I just couldn't handle that lack of anything good coming out of it. Besides I wanted to incorporate more of a bible based teaching. 


I love how it's not public school.. it's hard to get yourself out of a mindset that you have to do it like they do.. but that's the beauty.. we don't.. we teach how we want to. and they have more control over what they are interested in... and instead of just memorizing something for the sake of a test, they can actually LEARN.. that and we don't have to get up early in the mornings.. lol


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Association is just one part of it. My oldest is easily influenced by others. So we thought it would be good to keep her home til she is mature enough, and has a better understanding of herself to hold her own against it. 


Secondly, she is ADHD, she has a very hard time sitting still, and would not do well in a classroom setting. She is however very very smart! Way above her years. This would be squelched in a PS, where all they would see is her inability to sit still! And she would most likely be forced onto medication. 


Thirdly, my children are African American and Mexican, it's been proven through studies time and again even if the teacher is AA themselves, they do not pay as much attention to the AA students and focus more on the non minority students. We also see this in the skewed amount of AA men in prison vs white men. Racism is very prevalent in our school district. My own little sister (haitian), was brought up on federal charges by the school, on something that was on video proving she did not do what they accused her of. Yet it took a lot of lawyer fees and two years for it to be thrown out of court! They wanted my sister to just plead guilty, but my step mom absolutely refused, and continued to fight for her... some one with less money and less determination would of been rail roaded by their tactics. Not to mention the racism I myself lived through in school. I was not allowed to ride the school bus because of my race. Now that law was changed when I was 18 (after I had completed school). Still, that is what the legacy is of this state. The laws of people of my race allowed to ride the school bus was not changed til the 1990's, when I was 18 years old! 


Fourth, I wanted more time with our family. I don't see how to send a child away from us, for 8 to 10 hours a day, then they come home to another 2 to 4 hours of homework, and then there is sleeping time. We would have very very little time or influence on them, with that little time left with them. I want us to be the number 1 influence in their lives. As a quote from Malcome X often comes to mind-Only a fool would send their child to the enemy for education. I of course am not a Malcom X follower, but in this one instance his quote makes a LOT of sense. In our lives Satan is the ruler of this world, including the government which controls the school system. So in essence we would be sending our children to the enemy for their education. And then again sooo little time left with them.. when I did research that we could be done with a days worth of school in the same amount of time that most children have to take to do their homework alone. 


Fifth, if the first four reasons weren't enough... public school is made for the masses in what ever a few people have decided is right for that age/grade. Where if we homeschool we can tailor the education exactly to the child. They do not have to be bored (like I often was) because they are sooo far ahead of the other children, not lost and just shoved on because they are behind the other children. But, we can work one on one, and make sure they are learning, and continuing to be challenged, and focused on what ever needs more individual help with. And the best part of that is we can add in more Bible training incorporated into their learning, so they get all the more so influence by the one we truly want to influence our children-Jehovah.

 My daughter has ADHD too.. She is on medicine now.. and was in school until 2nd grade.. but was hard she failed kindergarten because she couldn't be still or focus, she was very disruptive.. She has the combined type.. it's difficult for us all when she is being impulsive.. She is VERY intelligent.. I never wanted medications, but unfortunately it's a necessary evil for her, she hates when she can't focus on anything, so it just help her be more like she wants to be.. We tried herbs for a while, and I prefer them less side effects.. but she hated the herbs so... we don't do all herbs just a few now.. she just turned 11.. how old is your daughter?


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I think every day more decision is validated and every day it is for a different reason.


That is absolutely how I feel.. There is so much that really is unnecessary being taught.. I like having the control.. I like that my children have more control.. because I allow them to chose things they are interested in.. when we do that.. they actually learn because they want to.. not because they have to for a test.  And school violence and some of the things kids are doing earlier and earlier.. I just can't stomach subjecting my children to that. 


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Our reasons for homeschooling (unschooling) are 1) Her learning styles were not compatible with testing/grading, 2) She was being bullied 3) We do not approve of Common Core, 4) She needs more movement 5) learning in a building with almost 700 other children is not ideal for creativity and individuality, 6) We don't like teachers/schools dictating what work our daughter does at home, 7) We believe in interest driven learning, 8)  Too many events that conflict with our religious beliefs, 9) The association is not what I would consider consider conducive to raising servants of Jehovah, 10) We feel her learning should be theocratically based and centered as much as possible


I could go on but 10 is good.

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 Beth, my oldest is 8 1/2. A few things we did to help her with her ADHD and schooling-


1) waited... lol I waited til she was 6 before starting any formal education with her.


2) K-1 she stood for most of her "seat" work. (work sheets and such). I have thought about getting her a exercise ball, mini trampoline, or thinking putty too, but the standing helped a lot.


3) I let her do things like dancing etc between work sheets, reading etc.


4) Keep things short. K took us about 15 to 30 minutes, Grade 1 took 1 to 1 1/2 hours, and Grade two so far is closer to 45 minutes sometimes up to a hour. (this is with song and dance breaks between work sheets and reading! lol).


So far these things are working for her, if they were not we may consider medication... my husband really was desperate there for a while... but I am ADD myself, so it doesn't bother me as much as it does him! lol


BTW, I also do not agree with CC... scary stuff. I am really liking Eclectic Education Series a lot.

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 Beth, my oldest is 8 1/2. A few things we did to help her with her ADHD and schooling-


1) waited... lol I waited til she was 6 before starting any formal education with her.


2) K-1 she stood for most of her "seat" work. (work sheets and such). I have thought about getting her a exercise ball, mini trampoline, or thinking putty too, but the standing helped a lot.


3) I let her do things like dancing etc between work sheets, reading etc.


4) Keep things short. K took us about 15 to 30 minutes, Grade 1 took 1 to 1 1/2 hours, and Grade two so far is closer to 45 minutes sometimes up to a hour. (this is with song and dance breaks between work sheets and reading! lol).


So far these things are working for her, if they were not we may consider medication... my husband really was desperate there for a while... but I am ADD myself, so it doesn't bother me as much as it does him! lol


BTW, I also do not agree with CC... scary stuff. I am really liking Eclectic Education Series a lot.

yeah if she wasn't on Medication I would be even more insane than I already am.. She has it really bad though the Combined type.. the impulsiveness and hyperactivity is a Nightmare.. I wish Meds didn't have to be the option but I couldn't afford the herbal remedies, although they did seem to help somewhat. My youngest son also has Adhd.. he's hyperactive/impulsive.. I'm not sure how bad  his attention is.. he seems to be able to focus if you can calm him down, whereas with my daughter you couldn't get her to focus even if she wasn't bouncing. it's such a challenge.. when they are hyper it makes me feel miserable because I just feel all the ' energy' and anxiety from them and it makes me feel shakey.. my husband had add. but he still has not patience either.. I let her do alot on her own.. because she loves being creative, drawing, writing stories.. She's really behind in Math.. I'm having a hard time finding something that's working for her.. or maybe it's just because she doesn't want to do it.. We've got a long way to go.. but we are slowly moving forward


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For me since I have ADD myself it doesn't bother me so much. Plus I realized it early on for her. I noticed if I put a amount of food on her tray as a little, that most littles would eat (like a hand full of cheerios). She would throw them directly on the floor-too overwhelming for the ADD mind. But, if I only put like 3 on her tray she would eat them all and want more, then another 3 and so on. ADD people need things in small chunks, too much overwhelms them and they can't figure out what to do with it all.


So for school if you can keep each part down to about 5 minutes no more then 15, and then have a break of dancing, bouncing, something, and then another 5 minute chunk maybe that will help.


Ray's Arithmetic the first few years is all oral, so can be done while bouncing on a trampoline, doing hop scotch etc as well.

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when my eldest was 7 the school said she was disrupted and border line adhd, well at that time it wasnt really a big thing,

i just thought it was an active child, the school said she wasnt being good i nearly died as when she was home she was so

focused on her reading and good except very accident proned and tend to hurt her brother playing, the school wanted me

to have her medicated and i didnt even know what that was being in a farm environment, so i chose to home school and had

a very loving sister that homeschooled all her children and used her books, well my eldest is 26 and next 21 so i pulled my

9 year old out of school last year as its so worldly and boys chase girls and try to kiss them also the children with a lot of

broken homes have so many issues i ended jup being 6 months everyday staying for half the day to help the teacher with

the struggling children, in the end i asked my husband being my second husband if i could home school as he was against

it, but he said yes in a moment of weakness and i acted, she has beein home schooled for nearl a year now,. socially im

a bit of a talker so she doesnt lack in that area, the sister that taught me has all her children in the truth and spiritaul and

my eldest too are baptised and love Jehovah my son wants to go to construction and me a ministerial servant , so all i can

say that so far so good i have had a lot of negative comments from ones but one Circuit overseer praised me and said it

was the best thing.  In our area now there is 1200 home schooling children not all witnesses but a lot are, i dont get involved

with worldly activities but we learn to do things together and my running isnt as good as it use to be as i am 49 so i have a few

more aches and pains but truly my youngest is appreciating the older things for example the old movies fred astaire dancing,

singing in the rain, all the old songs from my darling nanna who passed away two years ago nearly 92. hope my comment hasnt

affended anyone and i dont ever want to persuade ones not homeschooling that they arent good parents, all i can say is that

experiments dont always work out but we learn together and you would be amazed at how we forget so easily, so its my 3rd time

round in grade 4 at the moment and when you have the answers to questions that helps, stick to the old ways times tables etc..

its the best way agape karen :D

Forgive freely as Jehovah Freely forgives us :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

For me if I had kids I would home school them

Why you ask

this is what I have gone thru if you have a disability ir all ways sick the school systems rights you off

thay onl teach kids that are going to make changes or a difference in the USA

These kid are collage, sports, bound or the next bill Gates or the congressman and so forth

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That is very very true Bobby, goes hand in hand with racism towards minority children-they write them off... :(


In 7th grade I had a back surgery where I was "homeschooled" through the public school district, it was horrifyingly bad! Really the worst year of my schooling life. It almost almost completely killed my love of learning. In a way my mom let me deschool for the next two years (I went to school, but she didn't care what I did there, or what grades I brought home!). I can tell you though that year was so bad, I literally ended up in a mental hospital for a few months for severe depression... yeah it was that bad...  I swore I would NEVER expose my children to that kind of thing ever. (a lot of teacher bullying, in fact even bullying my "tutor" to the point that she was fired, and sent some where else, for trying to rally for me.) In high school though, I ended up at a alternative high school that figuratively and realistically did save my life. Those in turn were the best years of my school career.

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I have no kids but I work in a school so it is like seeing the over side or rather the inside.


Love, love, love kids but will not have any for all the reasons mentioned here and more. Will never be able to do it in this world, would die from worrying too much. I respect and always support and encourage parents who have kids in the truth. They are amazing and such a great example for me for keeping it together for themselves and their kids.


My job though keep me close to children and give some satisfaction until the new system. It is not all bad at school but it is definitely a daily battle - even as an educator!!! From the national anthem in the morning, to birthdays a few times a month, to the rudeness and vocabulary and every single celebrations, there is just no break. Not even for a day. And I am talking Kindergarten! Let alone older grades, it gets worst. So if as an adult, it feels like a challenge everyday, how would it be for a 4/5 year old? The little ones standing for their faith deserve a lot of acknowledgement and encouragement! And so do their parents!

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