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IS bombing kills 125 Ramadan shoppers in Baghdad

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At least 125 people have been killed and many more injured in an explosion claimed by the Islamic State group in Baghdad, Iraqi police say.




You know, I was on Facebook this morning.  I did not see one post of support for the victims of this bombing.  Nobody changed their avatars to the Iraqi flag.  Nobody stood in solidarity.  For that matter, nobody was flying the Bangladesh flag or the Turkish flag, either.


Funny how people's support and solidarity for bombing and terrorist victims is so fickle.   

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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That may be a tough one to explain. .

We, of course,  feel compassion for the ones suffering in this hated satanic world but we aren't going to 'identify ' with anyone or anything other than Gods Kingdom. 


The Western world has trouble having sympathy for anything that isn't western world.  They figure it is a Eastern, Muslim problem and they, the Muslims,  need to figure it out. The West figures the Muslims are the main cause of the Western world pain and may think that it's just deserts for the Muslim world. 


All of which you know, I'm just talking out loud. ....

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I just wonder...how long will it will take....for the powers that be...e.g. governments, United Nations, countries....to get so

feed up with ISSI's slaughtering of people....that they will react very primordially...could all the societal norms  give

way to rage against the terrorist group....because,  it appears they can and do exactly as they chose at any time, at present.  At some point, THEY will most likely decide to throw off the shackles of political correctness, then who knows what will transpires....only Jehovah knows!


We wait on him to exert his justice and power.


P.S. And since the ISSI ideology and their desire for a Caliphate is supposedly based squarely on the Quran....their religious book....how will

the secular authorities approach any battle that may erupt....it seems likely there would be a loud outcry, if this does happen.

Edited by nanceebgd46
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It was interesting,  in the first paragraph of todays study, the mention of Ishmael.  

The religious beliefs of Islam are based on the Quran, and Muslims like to trace their lineage back to Muhammad,  who is a descendant of Ishmael ..


That is pretty much how it is today, he (they) are against all, and all are against them...

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It has been a tumultuous era for that part the the earth, the Middle East, for millenia. In recent history with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and other "stabilising" Muslim rulerships around 1914, their world has been as crazy as the western one, in parallel but not touching western society until possibly terrorism and nationalism came to the fore in the 70s and 80s. The west largely looked on as the Muslim states warred against themselves and Israel.


But in the 90s US and allies became directly involved in Gulf War I and Afghanistan. Technology had helped splinter terrorists all over and we had 911. And we have had bloodshed to escalating proportions ever since. It is ironic and sickening that the compassion for victims of terrorism is not shown when it happens to 'them'. They too deserve to have peace. No wonder that sort of divisive mentality foments 'homegrown' terrorists within western lands.


Gen 16:12 12 He will be a wild donkey of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and everyone’s hand will be against him, and he will dwell opposite all his brothers.  This scripture is talking about Ishmael, and many of his descendants now live in this was torn part of the earth.

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5 hours ago, tekmantwo said:

The Western world has trouble having sympathy for anything that isn't western world.  

This reminds me of a story that may help explain the Western world view of the Middle East


One day, a frog and a scorpion are standing by the river bank. They both want to get across to the other side. The frog can swim; the scorpion can’t. So the scorpion asks the frog to carry him across.

“But,” protests the frog, “if I let you on my back you’ll sting me!”

“Don’t worry,” answers the scorpion. “Why would I do that since if I sting you I’ll drown?”

This makes sense to the frog. He lets the scorpion climb aboard, jumps into the water, and starts swimming. In the middle of the river the scorpion does indeed sting the frog, paralyzing him. And as they sink down into the depth, the frog speaks his last words: “Why did you do that! Now we’ll both die!”

The scorpion shrugs and says, “Oh well, this is the Middle East."

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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There is more than a kernel of truth in your story...Bro. Tortuga.  Life seems to not

have much value in the Middle East generally...but with ISIS...it's like they have

a death wish...at the center of their belief structure...life seems so cheap to them!


Also, they are extremely brutal and depraved....it appears the more brutal their

inhumanity is...the more they relish it....or so it seems....and their deep seated feelings

are wrapped up in religious fervor.


How could we not be hoping and praying for Jehovah Gods new world, when humans?

like this share space with us on the earth!

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4 minutes ago, nanceebgd46 said:

There is more than a kernel of truth in your story...Bro. Tortuga.  Life seems to not

have much value in the Middle East generally...but with ISIS...it's like they have

a death wish...at the center of their belief structure...life seems so cheap to them!

It's an old story and there are many variations of it. I just found this one..


[Reader's Digest, 1967] 

 A story popular in Lebanon at the time of its bank crisis last fall tells of a scorpion on the bank of the Nile who asked a frog to ferry him to the other side. 

 "Oh no," the frog said. You would sting me." 

 "That's ridiculous," the scorpion replied, "because then I would drown." 

 Convinced, the frog took the scorpion on his back and began to swim the river. In midstream, the scorpion's lethal urge became too strong and he plunged his stinger into the frog's neck. 

 The sinking frog groaned, "Why, why?" 

 The scorpion gave his final shrug and replied, "This is the Middle East." 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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Too, too true...it appears.  Talk about going back on your word/promise...the scorpion didn't

mind losing his life and the frogs also...just so he could act on an impulse....oh well!

Some people act worse than the most ferocious animals.  I have not, in my life time seen anything

as demented and bloodthirsty as ISIS is capable of....just never have seen anything like it!

Edited by nanceebgd46

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