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drove around until they stumbled on Taqueria la Fiesta, a few blocks away. It is more of a fine dinning place of which is more to their liking.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Pages 1-9

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Pages 25-29

Pages 30-34 below:

--Ice Hockey Invite--

Adam finally recovered fully in time for the Raiders ICE HOCKEY Tournament. He had won tickets to see them play live and thought he take Jane with him to see them play in Milwalkee but Rick thought that was a bad idea, after all Jane was his wife not Adam's. But Rick reread the text message and found that it actually said "Jan", not "Jane"; so he texted back "who is Jan?" While he was waiting for a reply Rick became anxious and worried about Adam wanting to take whoever this Jan was on a trip that would obviously be an overnight excursion to another State some 326 mi away.

It turned out that Jan was a long distant cousin. She had moved to Australia when she was 5 her family had been working undercover for Charlie's Angel's Parfum company. And she knew she had family in America and wanted to catch up. That's why the text message had him so confused, along with others who were getting confused, but he turned it down because he had the surgery and was not up to being in crowds so he gave the ticket and invitation to his old friend from Purgatory, CO, Jack and his son Johnny. In addition he helped them out with the airfare and room accommodations in Milwaukee, WI. Poor old Adam missed an awesome game at the Hockey tournament. Why even Macgyver was a guest coach.

Adam said "That is ok because I feel better today and I need to go in field service with the Memorial invitations" and then his friends realized Yes! he's had a concussion for the Memorial was a few weeks ago. So Adam laid down to get some more rest but the phone rang and he hit his head on the side drawer. His head was pounding as it was Trevor his next door neighbor who usually like to bother Adam early in the morning to do a handy job around the yard. As Trevor was nearly 70yrs and forgot what it might be like to sleep in when you been ill or recover from an Opp. Adam felt better that day, but jokingly thought to himself, "What cruel masters of fate have made me get injured these 3 times?" Rick & Jane come to check on Adam frequently and couldn't help but to find a bit of humor as they were reminded of the scripture in Ecclesiastes, "because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all."


Several months have now passed by, and a lot of things have changed; for example, at the recent assembly they were reminded about the new years resolution. That everybody agreed to at the conclusion of the District convention on how we need to keep our life simple, so they wrote up a set of goals each. Rick and Jane, both being pioneers and Rick serving as an elder, have put in their applications for the Bible School for Christian Couples so they may be given training and then assigned to where there is a need. Everyone was delighted for Rick and Jane's decision.

"But they were asigned to Vanuatu," said Adam of a couple he knew, but Rick replied, "Don't worry, you must be thinking of Gilead; for in this school, you are given an assignment in your home country usually and only after some time there are you given a new assignment; besides, we haven't gone yet, schooling takes 2 months and its anyone's guess where we could go." Adam showed his friends his list of goals, and they were surfing, bunji jumping, golfing, rockstar and yes increase more hours in the field? Rick and Jane lost it laughing histerically but were so happy to see at least he wanted to put in more hours, even though he already was a pioneer; so Rick asked him, "When do you want to go out, maybe I and Jane can support you?"

"How about now?" said Adam. "Are you ready to do some beach preaching and surfing preaching. I have some laminated brochures and tracts in the pocket of my wetty and as the guys waiting to take of I just go up give them one with my phone no. want to have a go?" "Oh, Adam you are so funny. Where are we going to find a beach and surfing in Hell, MI?" "Well have you ever seen endless summer the movie. Totally awesome. and as my thank you to you Rick and Jane for your kind support. I have left a will from my uncle Harry and would like to share some with you and take you out of this Hell, MI, hole? We could start at Maverick Point." In reply Rick says: "Thanks but Jane and I like it here in Hell, MI, as there is so much need here and the people are so wonderful and receptive to the the Good News."

--The School--

No matter how much they enjoyed being in their own personal Hell, the letter arrived in the mail the next day assigning them to an upcoming class of the Bible School for Christian Couples, and so they rejoiced, trusting that Jehovah would put them in a place where they could be in even happier and serve God more fully, sure as Hell (MI). They each secretly wondered: "Who wants to leave Hell (MI)?" That September they departed for the class, knowing that they would return, since graduates are usually assigned back to their home congregations for a time, like in the Bible School for Single Brothers.

Arriving at the Bible School for Christian Couples, Rick and Jane settled in for their first day of activities including classes and more classes. During some classes during the 2 months Jane would be going in service with the other sisters while the brothers stayed back to discuss confidential organization matters. And here is the test, will the confidential matters stay confidential or will Rick let it slip? No, Rick will not let anything slip because he is a trusted servant of Jehovah and there are many things sisters are not to know. Pressure mounts for Rick and Jane as they endeavor to keep up with the schedule of classes and the application of what they learn in the ministry.

They also make good friends with some of their fellow classmates, such as brother and sister Good, as well as brother and sister Gabby, Ray and Lilia, Jerri & Frankie along with Stella & Bob who just so happen to be really into the same forms of recreation Rick and Jane like which are ice skating, leisurely walks, an occasional theatrical production, camping and gardening.

--The Garden--

During this 1st month of schooling, how has Rick and Jane's garden back in Hell (MI) fared with Adam in charge, when Adam's favorite hobbies are surfing and video games? "I can imagine the weeds are doing fine," so Rick called Adam and asked about the garden. And Adam said, "Garden? I was using the weedy patch that was not grass for my dirt RC car. I did pull some weeds that were in the way but you know they had roots that looked just like carrots, tasted like carrots too." So they called for Bugs Bunny to just make sure, before they used some weed spray, then Daffy turned up he said hey, brothers, you really don't need any weed spray, just ask for the help those sisters Foot in the Mouth, Maxy The Great and Payn in the Rear; they know all about everything and especially about gardening, so they will keep your garden in a proper order, just let them in your life garden."

And so they did just so. Sister Foot, Maxy and Payne all chipped in and had Rick and Jane's garden in tip top shape in nothing flat and made a little trail around the perimeter for Adam to run his dirt RC car, and last but not least, Bugs & Daffy went back to the TV set. And the first thing they wanted to know was: what is a RC car and what is it doing in the weed patch? "This is a RC car" as he showed them his Radio-controlled Car. Well, those silly sisters - they should have known that as they wondered "how old are these boys?" They are 30yrs -80yrs you know what they say? Men never grow up and little boys and even when they are 30-80 years they still want toys, power drills, a shed to put all those toys in. Actually Adam being a regular pioneer leads a relatively simple life with few boy toys. He had a kindle and a joke book to keep the afternoons fun for whenever he went on RVs. These days are for encouraging and a joyful times with our bros and sis.

Adam learned many gardening lessons from the sisters who lovingly volunteered their time to help him out. So he put his knowledge to good use, for there was not much competition around in MI Hell so he got a job like a second day job to support his ministry doing part time gardening; all were pleased with his quality of work.

--On a Hike--

Back at the school, Rick and Jane enjoyed hiking the trails in the area with their friends in their free time, including one where they were able to rest near a cascading waterfall and see a marvelous rainbow created in the mist of the falling water. They enjoyed swimming in the little pool created by that waterfall when Jane suddenly found a cave in the rock behind the waterfall and she decided to do a little investigation, so Jane found some beautiful trees with swinging ropes and some gear worn by Tarzan; they swung from tree to tree but as far as Jane was a city-girl she was not able to swing, what each little monkey could do easily, that is why she decided to go into the cave where she found Adam sitting there!

He decided to come and visit them over the weekend, and he got to meet Ray and Lilia and Bob and Stella who were with Rick and Jane on the hike. They went through the wonderful blooming jungle, enjoying a gorgeous view, when Lilia said, "Don't you hear that strange sound?" The 7 of them looked and breathed a sigh of relief when they saw it was only a mean stray cat. They all broke out in laughter at how caught up they had gotten in their surroundings.

--Adam's Visit--

The 7 of them decided to go for food there in the Belleville MI area, which is where the Assembly Hall is, for Assembly Halls are where MTS classes usually were held. By the time they arrived the "blue plate special" had sold out and they had looked forward to eating something better anyway so they headed to the Bayou Grill on Main Street. Now that is the place for a cold one along with some delicious po-boys. Adam had a great time getting to know some of Rick and Jane's fellow classmates, but all too soon the weekend was over, and it was time for Adam to return to Hell and for Rick and Jane and all the other couples to return to class.

Adam had a long road trip home and along the way that early morning, a deer jumped out in front of his car and he realized just how beautiful are Jehovah's creations. Fortunately he was able to stop the car without hitting the poor little Bambi nor his mother who was trailing a few yards behind. When he arrived home it was late and he decided to kick back but alas! that was not to be for the phone rang and rang and rang until Adam pick up. It was Rick calling to make sure he got home safely.

Adam appreciated the call and said that it was a close call almost colliding with the deer; Adam had a wild turkey and coke which calmed his nerves and said he would see Rick and Jane "in the preaching tomorrow morning, ahh, what am I thinking, you won't be back tomorrow. Well have a good time at your school, see you when you get back."

--Dreaming in Class--

Rick and Jane went fishing down by the lake on Lake Toorous and hooked a nice trout and a salmon for their campfire dinner. The salmon was so huge that they decided to call to some of old trouts and ask them to join the dinner. So sisters Foot in the Mouth, Payn in the Rear and Maxy the Great took their motorbikes and came to the lake right on time. The old girls still love to swing and dance their foot steps and behave like it was back in my old days, rolling rolling rolling, keep them from the wheelchair rawhide. Jane jerking her head woke up, realizing she had fallen asleep in class and had been dreaming, she looked around to see if any one had noticed, only to see a few smiles and winks.

But you know, dear astute reader, there always is a brother who can force your brain to work harder by saying something unusual, so he started by saying if every one is awake now, we can get along with class. Jane was so embarrassed but was still happy to be there, and she smiled quietly to herself thinking about her dream.

--Later That Day--

That afternoon, Jane and the other sisters in the class joined the congregations they were assigned to in the area for field service while the brothers stayed behind to discuss judicial matters; so Jane got assigned to take sister CO and sister DO out for an afternoon of pampering and watching Steel Magnolias and just enjoying some well deserved R`n`R, with some good quality chocolate. Yes especially traveling overseers' wives need to relax. While out on the town they were suddenly shocked when a speeding Mazzarati came by. It was the CO's wife's hubby saying sorry to spoil the fun we have to go to our new assignment, To the cong of Luke warmness they went. The CO for that area was quite a jokester, and "Mazzarati" was what he named their Buick from Circuit Leasing, and yes the next day it was time to visit Luke's congregation which was full of warmness; so since the CO's wife had to go, Jane decided to stay behind and catch up on her studies for the school.

Rick and Luke from the class were caught up on their studying so they went to hit the basketball court for a little one on one. This was at Luke's suggestion, as he was tall and thus he loved basketball more than Rick did, but Rick played along and enjoyed himself nonetheless. Even though Rick was short, 5'2", he proved to be an excellent guard so Luke was not as sure of "his" game as he had first thought. In the end the score was close and depending on who you asked - each said they won. So they agreed to call it a tie and have a volleyball match with their wives and some of the others in the class that Saturday.

--Volleyball Match and Dinner--

Luke went to his meeting with the CO the next evening, they couldn't stop raving about the games who really won fair and square. So after the meeting they decided to have another rematch, and the wives made a great bbq and cheered on their Hubbies, but it was late and they all decided it best to take a raincheck and get some needed rest for the next day's class.

So that Saturday they had the barbecue and yes, they had a volleyball game. At the volleyball game, every time Rick played the net, they allowed him to use a footstool as he was so short. But he adamantly refused, because he made up for his height with his skill, the same skill with which he beat Trottigy's team 50 to 1 at a gathering some months before. Brother Problematic passed up the opportunity to come off with the winning spike in favor of allowing the ladies a win.

"Gentlemen still exist in these crazy rushed times," said Ginger, "but next time, maybe I will get a chance to return that spike you passed up." All sweaty and tired they returned to their rooms for a nice cold shower.

Then Rick and Jane Greenfield, Ray and Lilia Good, Frankie and Jerri Gabby, and Luke and Rachel went to eat at and, by the way, do you notice how much these folks eat - the old saying "JW's eat all the time" must be a true saying; they decided this time to eat at Banditos Mexican restaurant in Ann Arbor, just up the road from the Assembly Hall in Van Buren Township. They had heard that the food was good and they really liked the Tex-Mex because it has more flavor so hoping all is well. But then they got there and found out it was closed so they drove around until they stumbled on Taqueria la Fiesta, a few blocks away. It is more of a fine dining place of which is more to their liking.

They all returned to their respective accommodations late that night; Rick and Jane were staying...

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internet connection for Ricks notebook so they could log into jwtalk and chat but between the cockatiel screaming, the dogs barking and the kids playing in the back yard they could hardly.....

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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handle it at first but eventually they either got used to it or things calmed down, they couldn't remember. Rick and Jane enjoyed it greatly in there these past 7 weeks, but now begins the final week of schooling.

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Although they loved the children immensely, the experience did not modivate Jane's nor Rick's biological clock one bit, rather it all cemented the idea of waiting a long time for rug rats of their own.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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Went for some spicy Thai HMMM! they could smell the beautiful aromas coming out as they open the door...

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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of which was a big mistake for now both of them were as sick as could be and it is now questionable if they will be able to finnnish the school.

We cannot incite if we are not in sight.___Heb.10:24,25

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So with a note book and a brain rested to take in the great information.. they were ready for anything Including some funny Jokes made by the conductors.

Cause one was Canadian and the other A USA Moderator...(happened at my pioneer school one was German)

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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