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kilts worn Proud Boys

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Saw an article in BBC app about gay kilt maker upset that the Proud Boys group has made their yellow brown kilts into a type of uniform.

Instead of Hitler's "Brown Shirts" they can be called the "Yellow  Skirts"🤐

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Consciousness, that annoying time between naps! :sleeping:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've heard a lot of mixed things about PB. The media paints them as white extremists and sexists, though their leader is a black man, and they have many members of various ethnicities... and they have never said they hated people of other colours or that that they hate all women (to my knowledge).


I have a friend in the world who actually has joined them over there, and he says he gets annoyed that all the media paints them as what they are not. He says they are more focused on trying to get rid of anti-white racism which they perceive to be on the rise in the US (in the form of BLM riots and so on) and are taking a stand against groups like Antifa, extreme Feminists, the political Left, etc.


From what I've researched, it seems to be true, and any racist or violent members that have joined them in the past were later kicked out for their extremism, for they made the group look bad (which is what the media latches on to). The most "violent" side of them is that they are pro-gun America (insisting on the right of the Second Amendment and resisting the introduction of firearm control or bans) and are willing to defend themselves with force against terror groups like Antifa, and at times carry arms in public rallies to deter them.


Though I will say their approach is toward trying to solve these issues in the US is just pouring fuel on fire, as they make their way out to antagonise their opposition. Something my friend (whome I still regularly witnesses to and have had small studies with now and again) has partaken in, and I've tried to make him see that doing such only paints him as being as bad as their opposition are. But he gets very worked up and feels the only way to "stop these evil people" is to get in their face and yell at them, not realising that he too is feeding the problem as he's going to give them the martyr complex they are looking for to justify their actions.


I've tried to tel him multiple times that God wouldn't approve (as he thinks Jehovah does approve and would be proud of what he's doing), and I share scriptures about the world in Satan's control and the words of Jesus, but he finds it very hard to accept as he's "extremly" patriotic for the US and the Right party

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He literally thinks he can fight the Devil's influence with guns (not joking), as he thinks the world coming under Satan's control applies to the modern "Leftist" groups only, and not "his" political party (of which he feels God supports), as opposed to realising he's being played by Satan on a chessboard in which he controls "all" the pieces. The idea that the USA is God's Nation, that the Right is "God's Party" and the nation's motto of "In God We trust" has been drilled into him heavily from birth.


Part of him I feel does realise the truth though, as I said to him over and over, no matter what party rules, Satan will always be there to corrupt it in "some form", since Jesus himself was offered all the Kingdoms of the world from Satan, which only can imply that not matter who rules, Satan will always have control over. And I try to tell him that only God can fix this world, no human governmen can, but again, he finds this a very hard concept to get his head around and accept. He doesn't wan't to accept that even the US and all its leaders, no matter what party, are controlled by the Devil behind the curtain as he's that proud and patriotic (if that wasn't obvious enough with him joining the "Proud Boys").

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Is it true that they are a far-right, neo-fascist, male-only, organisation engaging in political violence, and believing in parts of the white genocide conspiracy theory?

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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16 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

Is it true that they are a far-right, neo-fascist, male-only, organisation engaging in political violence, and believing in parts of the white genocide conspiracy theory?

That's what the media says, but the group themselves strongly deny it. Some of them may believe in the white genocide conspiracy theory though, and they are certainly far-right.

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Thank you for updating us, Matthew. Whatever their (and Antifa's) goals are, however noble, we can see that they are unachievable. Kingdom divided Matt 12:25 comes to mind. Also, wasn’t the Cold War ideology something along the same lines? And all the isms of the 20th century? Humans just don’t learn the lessons of history. Now it’s vortex is sucking up dissidents within the country, fomenting civil unrest, possibly civil war. Satan certainly knows what works.

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That's what the media says, but the group themselves strongly deny it. Some of them may believe in the white genocide conspiracy theory though, and they are certainly far-right.

So they are far-right. Are they male-only?

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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1 hour ago, Thesauron said:

So they are far-right. Are they male-only?

I believe so. Their ideolgy is Chauvinism, and Right-wing ideals. Whilst they claim they are not sexist, I get the impression from them (and from my friend who is one of them) that they are all male, as they are very "tradtional" that men take the lead in society, and may do it out of spite or to antagonise modern Feminism (PB is supposed to be some sort of "counter" to it, but clearly they are going completely the wrong way about it there, as it only serves to give those extreme Feminists ammunition).

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2 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

And would they fit under the neofascist category?

From what ones I've read interviews of, videos I've watched and my friend, I can only repeat their own words, in that they claim "no". If anything, they appear to be very anti-fascist, as they claim that is one of the reasons they founded themselves, to fight fascism (which they believe is returning in the form of the modern Left, Antifa, SJW groups, LGBT groups and so on).

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From what ones I've read interviews of, videos I've watched and my friend, I can only repeat their own words, in that they claim "no". If anything, they appear to be very anti-fascist, as they claim that is one of the reasons they founded themselves, to fight fascism (which they believe is returning in the form of the modern Left, Antifa, SJW groups, LGBT groups and so on).

Britannica.com says this: “Neofascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs.” Does this fit Proud Boys?

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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20 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

Britannica.com says this: “Neofascism advocated extreme nationalism, opposed liberal individualism, attacked Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, indulged in racist and xenophobic scapegoating, and promoted populist right-wing economic programs.” Does this fit Proud Boys?

I'd say from extreme nationalism, attacking Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, but the rest, no. They don't seem to act like a group such as the Nazis, or wish to enforce such a type of government as far as I know/have seen.

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I'd say from extreme nationalism, attacking Marxist and other left-wing ideologies, but the rest, no. They don't seem to act like a group such as the Nazis, or wish to enforce such a type of government as far as I know/have seen.

You mean they do not promote right wing economic programs? What are their views on immigrants? More? Enough? Is the country full?

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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3 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

You mean they do not promote right wing economic programs? What are their views on immigrants? More? Enough? Is the country full?

I don't know enough to make comments on those things. On immigrants, I can only speak for what my friend's opinion is (as he's my closest link to the PBs) and he doesn't mind them, so long as they enter the country legally and have the right to their own religions, etc (as it falls in line with America's founding of freedom of religion).

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I don't know enough to make comments on those things. On immigrants, I can only speak for what my friend's opinion is (as he's my closest link to the PBs) and he doesn't mind them, so long as they enter the country legally and have the right to their own religions, etc (as it falls in line with America's founding of freedom of religion).

Legally, yes, but it seems they want to make those paths nearly impossible, so what’s the difference? For all these reasons, they are called neofascist whether they themselves agree or not. Similar movements can be seen across the western world.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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20 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

Legally, yes, but it seems they want to make those paths nearly impossible, so what’s the difference? For all these reasons, they are called neofascist whether they themselves agree or not. Similar movements can be seen across the western world.

Yeah, I wouldn't know about those other things, myself. Either way I don't support them, it's just another political group to me. And I certainly don't aprove of the extreme chauvinism they have going, or their agressive tactics/mentalilty in dealing with people they disagree with.

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