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Jehovah’s Creation: What Might We Learn from “QUASARS”?

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If someone told you that there are things in the universe that are 10 times or even 100 times brighter than our Sun, this would be hard to imagine right?  But there are some quasars that are MILLIONS of times brighter than our Sun!  That is just beyond my imagination! :o   

How about you? Can you picture something a million times brighter than our sun shown here below?




So quasars produce billion of electron volts! What is interesting is that the energy from a quasar can be greater than all the light from all the stars in a galaxy!  So what might we learn from these creations of Jehovah?


“The glory of the sun is one sort, and the glory of the moon is another, and the glory of the stars is another; in fact, one star differs from another star in glory.” (1 Corinthians 15:41)

Our sun and other stars in the universe each have their own “glory” depending on their size, how much energy/light they produce, etc. While quasars are not stars, but are star-like(“quasar” means quasi-stellar object, which means star-like), still the incredible amount of light/energy a quasar produces, has a special “glory” all it’s own, as these are the most luminous objects that we know of in the entire universe!  But quasars can’t take credit for being so glorious, why? Because they get most, if not all their incredible energy from what astronomers believe to be a collision of 2 supermassive Black Holes which then cause tons of material to be forced outward under great amounts of pressure which thus causes the incredible light/energy! 



Sometimes ambition or pride can cause any of us to yearn for attention and “glory”. And we will even try on our own to bring such glory to ourselves. But not even a powerful quasar can bring “glory” to itself, no, it only has glory because of incredible external forces. So when Jehovah sees you and I cultivating humility and trying to glorify Him instead of us trying to bring glory to our self, what happens?


*** w13 2/15 p. 25 par. 2 Let Nothing Hinder You From Taking Hold of Glory ***

While we may be impressed with the power, position, or reputation of another person, what does God look for in humans?

The Scriptures actually speak of a glory that God confers on humans. For example, Proverbs 22:4 states: “The result of humility and the fear of Jehovah is riches and glory and life.” And the disciple James wrote: “Humble yourselves in the eyes of Jehovah, and he will exalt you.” (Jas. 4:10) 

So 1 lesson we can learn from quasars which only have such “glory” because of external forces, is that we too should never try to generate our own glory. This seems easy but how many of us have seen a fellow brother or sister or even our self who received certain privileges start to generate self “glory”? But if we humble ourselves, Jehovah will “EXALT” us or confer a “glory” on you and I that is beautiful and lasting. 1 way Jehovah “exalts” or gives “glory” to us humans is so wonderfully explained in Jehovah’s own words:  “Those honoring me I shall honor.” (1 Sam. 2:30) 



1 other lesson that can be easily learned by quasars is:  If we are exalted in someway by Jehovah, if He gives us some glory or He honors us somehow, let us not drown out the wonderful light and glory from our dear brothers and sisters around us.  :(

A quasar can shine greater than all the light from all the stars in a galaxy, that mean that a quasar basically drowns out the “glory” from the many other stars and even drowns out the “glory” of the galaxy itself! 


So if you were a professional astronomer, which photograph would you prefer, the 1st photo below that shows 2 individual quasars completely outshining their own galaxy and many of their neighboring stars? Or the 2nd picture where you can see the beauty and glory of a vast multitude of individual stars?

Within our congregation and even here on JWtalk, let’s help others to receive glory and honor from Jehovah! :crush:








Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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Thank you so much for this wonderful lesson, Neil!  I was hoping you'd be putting up another one soon.  :)


I especially like the final point about not trying to "outshine" others - it's much nicer when the congregation as a whole is a harmonious, spiritually bright "galaxy".  

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