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Jehovah’s Creation: What Might We Learn from the “Blanket Octopus”?

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The “BLANKET OCTOPUS” has sheets of flesh/webbing that can stretch out between it’s arms and forms a big “blanket”.  We as humans tend to think of blankets for warmth, but this special “blanket” is not for warmth even in the deep cold waters of the ocean, instead this blanket is the octopus’ 1st line of defense against attackers! When predators see this special blanket unfurl, it looks like a superhero’s cape! (See the picture above)



This octopus has some scary predators, including huge whales! But the attackers and predators of you and me are much more powerful! So like this special octopus, we also must protect ourself by putting on our complete “cape”, the “complete suit of armor”.  The Blanket Octopus does not create this “cape” on it’s own, this was God-given.  Our complete “cape” of armor is also a gift from Jehovah, and we cannot defend ourselves against superhuman forces without His gift.  However, there is a big difference, the Blanket Octopus was granted a naturally complete cape, but our cape or suit of armor has 6 different parts in which all must be put on to make 1 “complete” suit of armor.  So I was thinking about how we need to check our “cape” every so often to verify if we really have all 6 pieces in place? Otherwise there could be a MAJOR HOLE in our “cape” of armor!  


We definitely see how loving and protective our Grand Creator is when we look at both the Blanket Octopus and see it’s awesome “cape” of protection that Jehovah designed, as well when we look at the awesome 6 piece suit of armor that Jehovah designed for us. These forms of protection show how He wants to protect His creation. :crush:

Also, the FDS has advised something else we should be concerned about to help us always have our complete “cape” of armor on.


*** w02 12/1 p. 22 par. 15 Personal Study That Equips Us as Teachers ***
The effectiveness of that spiritual suit of armor depends not only on its initial quality but also on regular maintenance.





And 1 more interesting fact about the “Blanket Octopuses”.  While many various types of sea life, including most other types of octopuses, prefer to make habitats in a specific area where there is a preferred temperature of water, the Blanket Octopuses can survive and even thrive in all types of water temperatures, including the freezing cold temperatures on the deep depths of the ocean floor! 



Many people in the world can only be content with a specific life or lifestyle, and they are always striving for better and more perfect “temperatures”, just like the majority of sea creatures that prefer to make habitats in their preferred “perfect” temperatures. Each of us as Christians have lives that we may prefer would be much different, much better. However, we as Jehovah’s people can not only survive in all kinds of situations and environments, but we can even thrive! For example, there are some single brothers/sisters who would love to be married, but they have to live in what they may feel are the “colder temperatures” of life. Yet, despite yearning for much “warmer” waters, so many of our single brothers/sisters thrive spiritually! (:P)


Or how about our brothers/sisters who suffer from a chronic illness or a disability(physical/mental) who may feel that beyond their control they were placed in thedeep depths of the freezing ocean floor!”  Do they want to be in such a situation? No, they may wish they were in any other situation as it can be so miserable being on the “freezing ocean floor”! Yet these same brothers/sisters who suffer most everyday not only survive their terrible situation but thrive spiritually, serving Jehovah with integrity as well as helping others! 

Now anytime in the future I see a picture or video of the “Blanket Octopus”, I will smile big because of appreciating just a few things I learned about 1 of Jehovah’s marvelous creations. 

Edited by Beggar for the Spirit

"Create in me a pure heart, O God, And put within me a new spirit, a steadfast one" (PS 51:10)


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