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New World Stories


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Hello.  My name is Chris Jeffries.  I would like to introduce you to a series of stories I wrote several years ago.  I would write them after a meeting that inspired me.  They are set about 100 years into the New World.  I haven't published them because I took an idea in the 1st chapter from a published novel, Return to Paradise.  I will post the 1st chapter here.  I would like constructive criticism if you have it.  Also keep in mind that this was written when we still had the Theocratic School and Service Meeting.


Chapter 1
Michelle walked along the windy path at the edge of her property as carefully as she could. Each step was measured, careful not to make even the slightest of sound. She was aware of every fallen leaf, pine tree needle, stick and rock. Anything that could give away her location. She suddenly heard a rustling in the bushes, and her eyes darted over in that direction. Her heart was racing. A bead of sweat came down her forehead, and almost got into her eye. As she slowly came around the bend, what she saw horrified her. Her trusty pointer Roxwald was pointing, at her!! Then the forest seemed to explode, and a black figure knocked her off her feet. A black panther stood over her and let loose a furious roar, followed by a furious bout of face-licking.
"You traitor!" She laughingly said to Roxwald, as he too tried to join in on the face-liking. "You're supposed to point at him, no me. And you, Claude, how am I supposed to ever win the hunting game when you cheat and use a helper?"
"Talking to the animals again, huh?" Michelle's mother, Pearlene walked down the path with an elegance that Michelle always wished she could imitate. "You know me, mom. I have better conversations with the animals than some people.", Michelle said. She still couldn't get over the fact that her mother looked so young and radiant, and full of happiness. "What a wonderful God you are, Jehovah", she thought every time she saw her mother. "By the way, Miche.", Pearlene said, interrupting Michelle's train of thought, "I was watching you two play your hunting game. Claude saw you awhile ago, and was stalking you. He seemed afraid of being seen before he could make his move. But, I saw what I thought was him signal Roxwald to point at you. Yes, it looks like Roxwald has found a new 'master'." The two laughed, and Michelle's nose suddenly crinckled. "What is that smell?", she asked.
"That is a batch of apple pies I'm baking for the festival, but I baked an extra one so you can have it early. You've got the body of a 25 year old, but you eat like you did when you were 16. I guess you need it for all the hours you spend out here playing with your cat."
Right then, Claude, jumped in front of them, crouched, tail swishing rapidly back and forth. His eyes were locked on Michelle. "Well, it looks like somebody wants some exercise", Pearlene remarked.
"Oh no, mom. I've got to get that apple pie first. There's no way I can resist that smell."
"Oh no, young lady. There's no way you're going to bring Claude to my house in that state. He'll bring the house down on it's foundation." Pearlene attempted to give a stern, motherly look, but the smile crept through. "Don't worry, Miche. I'll make sure that apple pie is still warm and fresh when you get back."
"Okay mom, you win.", Michelle said. She then put two fingers in her mouth and started to let loose a high pitched whistle, but her horse, Goldendale, was already galloping toward her. Her and her mom's jaw dropped. They both realized that Goldendale must have been nearby, saw Claude's body language, and anticipated what would be needed next. The intelligence that the animals possess still amazes them, and even 100 years into the New World, the animals suprise them almost every day. Michelle mounted Goldendale, and they galloped full speed into the forest, with Claude hot on their heels. "You make sure you go the full route! Don't you go taking any shortcuts so you can get this apple pie any faster, young lady! I know how long it should take!", Pearlene yelled at them as they rode away.
Michelle laughed inside. So many things have changed in this New World, but many things have also stayed the same. And as her stomach growled, she realized that even here in the New World, the fruitages of patience and long-suffering had to be applied. But when she looked at her panther, and saw the joy in his eyes as he ran along side her, she remembered that anything she gave Jehovah, came back 100 fold. And this moment was the perfect example of that.
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It's Brother Chris, not a sister, dear Sister Ross. 

I don't know why I never ever contemplate or  want to read about how life will be like in the new system.  Although

I did briefly toyed with the idea of having many dogs. It's as if I will not be there. I feel unworthy. I'm such a pessimist. Never accomplished much in my ministry all the 40+ years in the truth. Never touch anybody's heart.  Had this foreign brother from East Asia (high income nation) looked down on me for being a poor example. He has since reevaluate his impression of me but by not much. Young good looking brother with an equally beautiful wife. He had everything, rich parents too. It was embarrassing when I sat down with him and  other Indonesian sisters after preaching. I don't usually tell about my past but after being there in the non English congregation for a decade, I thought it might interest the Indon sisters. Still I never get any message or calls from any of them. Even inviting them to join my Whatsapp group came to grief. Some people just are so unlovable. 

2 weeks ago while waiting for free food along the road where benefactors (Olive Garden Bistro, ABC restaurant and other kind hearted people) bring us poor sods, some really sumptuous meals ( about > 7 different deliveries of varying quality). One man brought cheap quality burgers and he came by LRT. Such big hearted people.

I have established a close friendship with a certain 70+ year old woman. She doesn't own any property and rents a shared flat with 3 other older women. $ 45 a month for a twin shared room. The landlady is a kind friend who offered the flat at reduced price. Ground floor unit. 

This lady just refuses to read anything. 6 years Chinese education and maybe 5 years English medium school. Plus 1 year of remove class. I cannot be sure because she is so secretive. The only crack in the door she has offered me is via her question about whether this free food with continue indefinitely

I assured her that hard times is coming. I printed the scripture in Revelation about a quart of wheat will cost a denarius and explained the meaning of the scripture. I lamented to a nearby distinguished former shipping executive that the local people do not read. I like to sit on my collapsible chair, used the orange road divider as my back rest and read like crazy. But I have to keep a lockout for food when it arrives. Only the soup kitchen situated in one of shophouses have a fixed distribution time. But there is so much food, we can go back for multiple serving (50% of the time : steamed chicken rice, nasi beriyani etc) One China nationals once collected > 50 hard boiled eggs. So much food is wasted. My Chinese friend would collect over 10 boxes of food to share with her flat mates. A lot of what she collects gets thrown away because she commutes by public bus. Greed is her middle name






I like to read about how people managed to undergo such hardship and still have such a beautiful smile on their faces. It makes me feel so blessed. Sorry for regurgitating old posts. But I took a lot of time and effort to dredge up these materials. My language capabilities are somewhat limited and I feel quite anxious putting myself under such close scrutiny. I'm also suffer from highly sensitive personality traits. My cognitive abilities have also declined due to age and poor diet. 😂

Edited by happiness IS
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6 hours ago, happiness IS said:

It's Brother Chris, not a sister, dear Sister Ross. 

I don't know why I never ever contemplate or  want to read about how life will be like in the new system.  Although

I did briefly toyed with the idea of having many dogs. It's as if I will not be there. I feel unworthy. I'm such a pessimist. Never accomplished much in my ministry all the 40+ years in the truth. Never touch anybody's heart.  Had this foreign brother from East Asia (high income nation) looked down on me for being a poor example. He has since reevaluate his impression of me but by not much. Young good looking brother with an equally beautiful wife. He had everything, rich parents too. It was embarrassing when I sat down with him and  other Indonesian sisters after preaching. I don't usually tell about my past but after being there in the non English congregation for a decade, I thought it might interest the Indon sisters. Still I never get any message or calls from any of them. Even inviting them to join my Whatsapp group came to grief. Some people just are so unlovable. 

2 weeks ago while waiting for free food along the road where benefactors (Olive Garden Bistro, ABC restaurant and other kind hearted people) bring us poor sods, some really sumptuous meals ( about > 7 different deliveries of varying quality). One man brought cheap quality burgers and he came by LRT. Such big hearted people.

I have established a close friendship with a certain 70+ year old woman. She doesn't own any property and rents a shared flat with 3 other older women. $ 45 a month for a twin shared room. The landlady is a kind friend who offered the flat at reduced price. Ground floor unit. 

This lady just refuses to read anything. 6 years Chinese education and maybe 5 years English medium school. Plus 1 year of remove class. I cannot be sure because she is so secretive. The only crack in the door she has offered me is via her question about whether this free food with continue indefinitely

I assured her that hard times is coming. I printed the scripture in Revelation about a quart of wheat will cost a denarius and explained the meaning of the scripture. I lamented to a nearby distinguished former shipping executive that the local people do not read. I like to sit on my collapsible chair, used the orange road divider as my back rest and read like crazy. But I have to keep a lockout for food when it arrives. Only the soup kitchen situated in one of shophouses have a fixed distribution time. But there is so much food, we can go back for multiple serving (50% of the time : steamed chicken rice, nasi beriyani etc) One China nationals once collected > 50 hard boiled eggs. So much food is wasted. My Chinese friend would collect over 10 boxes of food to share with her flat mates. A lot of what she collects gets thrown away because she commutes by public bus. Greed is her middle name






I like to read about how people managed to undergo such hardship and still have such a beautiful smile on their faces. It makes me feel so blessed. Sorry for regurgitating old posts. But I took a lot of time and effort to dredge up these materials. My language capabilities are somewhat limited and I feel quite anxious putting myself under such close scrutiny. I'm also suffer from highly sensitive personality traits. My cognitive abilities have also declined due to age and poor diet. 😂

Dear Sister Ying Ching.  Don't sell yourself too short.  One of our publications highlighted that when we do all that we can do, no matter how little,  Jehovah sees us how we would be in the new world, not how we are now.  During one of our district conventions, the brother told an experience of a sister who was doing missionary work in a majority muslim field.  In 2 years, she had 0 placements and 0 return visits.  Yet Jehovah appreciated her work.  Another brother said that when you're out in the ministry, you may think your doing nothing, but when people see you, they say "Oh, it's those Jehovah's Witnesses".  Not only are they using Jehovah's name, but they're either saying that name with curiosity or venom coming out of their tone.  Revealing their heart condition.  The angels accompanying you make note of that heart condition, and send that report to Jesus.  So think of it that way.  You may feel like you're doing nothing, but, you're keeping angels busy.  I hope this encourages you


Edited by Friends just call me Ross

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Thank you for the warm reception for my 1st chapter.  I really appreciate it.  I would now like to post the 2nd chapter of the stories.  Kind of an "origin story"


Chapter 2

She stood at the shore, right where the waves met the soft sand. She just stood there in stunned disbelief. Her thoughts raced back to different moments in this wonderful history she was experiencing. 
"Can you believe it?? It's actually happened! Though, not in the way I expected it.... Mom? MOM??"
"You don't have to say 'Earth to mom.' I'm here. I'm just a little...overwhelmed right now."
"We all are, mom. You would've thought people would be racing out, eager to live! But, everyone's just kind of mulling around."
Pearlene looked at her daughter Michelle, and said a silent prayer of thanks to Jehovah that she never had to experience to evils of the old world. That she truly can't understand how this latest news, something that everyone has been waiting for ever since learning the truth, can be so overwhelming. "It's just...", tears began streaming down Pearlene's face, "You can't imagine what it's like being in this moment after having faced the evils of Satan's world. It creates feelings of joy, gratitude, and love so powerful...it's like a physical force on you. It's overwhelming! Oh Michelle, I thank Jehovah that you don't understand this, that you've only experienced the good of this world."
Michelle wiped the tears from her mother's eyes, and her own. They exchanged a long hug, and she motioned to her mom. "Come on. We've got work to do"
Pearlene's mind reflected on the events that led up to this. They had been working hard, cleaning up the mess left behind from Armageddon. Pearlene had always imagined that she would be doing this work, and only enjoying it because it was happening in the new world. She never thought she would genuinely enjoy it. There's something about doing hard labor with a healthy body. Many of the other brothers and sisters remarked that they'll actually be sad when this work finishes. They'll miss doing it. She remembered the announcement made that they had finished cleaning up their zone, and they would now move to help other zones who haven't finished yet. The announcement that they had all become international RBC workers was met with an applause and cheer so loud, it made her ears ring. They traveled the world, helping out where they were needed, and marveling at how Armageddon wasn't just a display of Jehovah's power, but also his mercy and kindness. The amount of survivors in certain areas was staggering. Everyone of them having the right heart condition. And the kindness that he showed. Infrastruture left untouched so the brothers could immediately coordinate the cleanup work globally. Even the surprise of finding that their favorite coffee shop was spared. It was even fully stocked! The congregation called it "Jehovah's house warming present". Everywhere else around the world the situation was the same. Nice little surprises left over from Armageddon. Now, the announcement that everyone had been waiting for was made. "The cleanup work is finished. The global landscaping project is way ahead of schedule. There will be no more assignments given out. Now, brothers and sisters, it is my pleasure to issue the first order of this new world. That order is to GO!! GO!! GO!! LIVE YOUR LIFE THE WAY JEHOVAH WANTS YOU TO LIVE!!" There was a stunned silence, and then cheers, crying, hugging, and kissing. A couple of sisters got so excited they nearly fainted.
As Pearlene and her daughter walked along their newly assigned property, she saw something running up from behind. "Look Michelle, a black panther and her cub. Isn't that the one that keeps following you?"
"Yeah." Michelle replied. "The mother keeps having to come over and grab the cub and carry him off."
This time the mother and now very large cub walked up to Michelle, and the mother went up to her, rubbed her lean muscular body against Michelle's leg, and walked off with indifference. Just like a cat. But, the cub simply sat at Michelle's feet, watching the mother walk off.
"Uhh Miche? I think you've just been given this cub."
"Really!! Oh! I am so excited! I love this cub!" Michelle bends down and begins playing with the cub. "Oh Claude! I'm going to love you so much! Thank you! You chose me! Yes you did!"
"Claude? Wait, I don't wanna know.  Are you gonna talk to the cat like that all the time?"
"Why not? Look at him, he loves it. Wait, mom? Why is his tail swishing back and forth like that?"
"I don't know. That's certainly new. I guess we'll find out won't we."

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Any stories about animals just get me hooked. If you can, please give a brief synopsis of the story to whet my appetite to read the whole passage. I suffer from short attention  span or attention deficit so it is hard to get started. I loved reading Mahatma Ghandi's biography and read every word even those few pages regarding the Hindu religion. Definitely skip those  passages. A waste of time. The author of the book manages to catch the attention of the reader with an charming introductory chapter. 


A review


"Are we now in possession of history when we have these [contemporary] accounts in hand? Yes, in the sense that we are in possession of wine when the first pressing of the grapes is in hand. But it has not fermented, it has not aged.... The contemporary has no perspective, everything is in the foreground and appears the same size." Barbara Tuchman Practicing History

I only read the first 100 or so pages of Mr. Fischer's classic. I found myself feeling anxious that there was more to the story than perhaps he could have known to have included at the time. I'll move on to India's Struggle For Independence and see if that is the "fermented" history I'm looking for on the period. Ideally, I'd love to find a work similar in tone, scope, and effectiveness as Robert Caro's biography of LBJ. 


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3 hours ago, happiness IS said:

Any stories about animals just get me hooked. If you can, please give a brief synopsis of the story to whet my appetite to read the whole passage. I suffer from short attention  span or attention deficit so it is hard to get started. I loved reading Mahatma Ghandi's biography and read every word even those few pages regarding the Hindu religion. Definitely skip those  passages. A waste of time. The author of the book manages to catch the attention of the reader with an charming introductory chapter. 


A review

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I only read the first 100 or so pages of Mr. Fischer's classic. I found myself feeling anxious that there was more to the story than perhaps he could have known to have included at the time. I'll move on to India's Struggle For Independence and see if that is the "fermented" history I'm looking for on the period. Ideally, I'd love to find a work similar in tone, scope, and effectiveness as Robert Caro's biography of LBJ. 


I plan to just release a chapter a day.  Each chapter will be about the size of the previous two.  Hopefully that will be in small enough increments for you.  If that is too much for you to handle, let me know, and I'll gladly send you a synopsis.  It is actually more than one story in this book.

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Here is chapter 3.   I believe the meeting that inspired this was a public talk about marriage.  Made me think about anniversaries in the new world...


Chapter 3

Michelle's new home was full of guests and laughter. All of Michelle's local friends came over for the house warming party, and her neighbors brought several of their friends as well. Lively conversation filled the home, and music could be heard playing in the front yard. Michelle was going to miss living with her mother, but, as her mother said, it was time for her to leave the nest.
"Aren't you going to miss living with your mother?", Michelle's friend Patricia asked. Michelle briefly wondered if Patricia was reading her mind, or if she was mumbling out loud again.
"Yes, of course I will. But we're only a short walk away from each other. We'll see each other every day. Mom loves the idea of me getting a new house. I think she wants some fresh decorating ideas from me, and the only way to get that is to give me a blank slate to work with."
"Well, we've always called you two style clones.", Patricia laughed. 
"Our styles are very close, but there are some differences. You'll see when I really get going decorating this house."
"Are you going to take one of those assignments that will have you traveling the world, so you can look for decorations?" , Patricia asked
"I swear you prayed to Jehovah, and he granted you the ability to read minds. It's scary how much you know me.", Michelle teased
"Haha. Faith has allowed us to do many wonderful things, but not read minds. Maybe when we're closer to perfection.", Patricia winked. "Look, there's your mom, and look...she's working over Brother Johanson trying to get his secret apple pie recipe. She's one determined woman. He'll never give up that recipe. Too many have tried and failed to get it."
"I don't know Pat. Mom's been talking about this 'secret weapon' she's got that will get her the recipe. And when mom makes a statement like that, whatever she's got, it's something." Right then they saw Bro. Johanson's eyes light up. This is a look that's rare, even in the new world. He and her mother exitedly walked toward the back of the home, and both of them heard him say, "If you can deliver on this, that recipe is yours!"
"Wow! I don't know what to say. Your mom...she's...quite the barterer."

Suddenly, people's attention started going toward the back of the house. Michelle could hear her mother calling. "Miche! Miche! Michelle! Get over here! You've got to see this!" Michelle and Patricia ran over toward the back of the house. When they came around to the back, Michelle tripped over her own foot she was so surprised. There was Bro. Johanson, standing there, crying tears of joy. And the person who had his arm around Bro. Johanson was none other than King David. "Next time my mom says she has a secret weapon, I'll never doubt her again." Michelle thought
"Attention everyone!", Bro. Johanson voice trembled as tears flowed down his cheek. "As you know, I am very...stubborn about giving up my secret recipe." A bout of laughter broke out among the guests. "But, our dear sister Pearlene has convinced me relinquish my hold on the recipe. In exchange for this, David is going to....going to...", emotion overwhelmed him and he couldn't speak any more.
"King David is going to sing the beautiful history of their 150 years of marriage. This is my 150th anniversary gift to them. Corey, I don't need that recipe. I was only joking about it. This is my gift to you."
"No, no...I can never accept this without giving you some sort of compensation. Besides, I've heard that if you make the wine at the same time you cook the food, you're more likely to create a perfect match. So you are going to be baking the apple pies and making the wine for our little shin-dig. You can't bake the pies without my recipe. Now each and every one of you is sworn to secrecy! My wife cannot know about this! I want this to be her surprise!"
"This will be interesting", Patricia mused. "Even in the new world, being so much closer to perfection, can over 100 people keep a secret? I guess we'll find out."
Later, Michelle caught up with her mother. "Mom? How did you meet David? Why did I not know about this?"
"That's because I bartered with her." Michelle spun around and there was David, standing behind her. "I love getting stories about Armageddon survivors. But your mother was hesitant to fill me in on the details of you. You seem to be quite the mystery. I asked her what do I have to do to get that information. Isaac thought he'd be funny and whispered into her ear to offer me red soup. Fortunately he doesn't know how to whisper quietly." Everyone chuckled.
"So you want me to tell him my Armageddon story? You sold your daughter for an apple pie recipe?", Michelle said as she feigned outrage. "It's okay mom, I'll forgive you. Honestly David, I don't remember the old world at all. My first memory is from being in the Kingdom Hall right when the Great Tribulation broke out..."

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  • 1 year later...

Friends, I have to apologize.   I think I got so caught up in the rest of this forum, I forgot about adding chapters of my story here.  Well, I'm going to do something about that. Here is the next chapter of the story, where we find out the mystery of Michelle.


Chapter 4

We were in the bathroom when my mother grabbed me. Instead of heading back to our seats, we headed for the exit. The brother from the podium was reminding everyone to double-check their instructions. We went into our car, and I remember my mother saying a prayer, asking Jehovah to guide and protect us during these exciting, yet terrifying times. I was confused as to why we were leaving, since I knew the meeting wasn't over. Then I noticed that we weren't going home. I didn't know where we were going. I wanted to ask mom where were we going. But I had an overwhelming urge to just be quiet and watch and listen. We all met at a family's house. The conversation was very excited. It became obvious that we were now on the run. But how can people be so happy about this? While listening, I found out that the family staying at this home were paying rent, but their landlord was pocketing the rent and not paying the mortgage on the house. He was living it up on their rent. The family had to have all of their bills and mail sent to a post office box. The landlord ripping off this family turned out to be a blessing from Jehovah. Now, there was no record of them being here, so the authorities won't come to this location when they begin searching for the brothers and sisters at their homes. Right then I couldn't hold it in any longer. There was a question I had to know.
"What about our go bags? Weren't we supposed to have those for this time? How come we can't go home and get them?"
Everyone in the room stopped, and looked at me, eyes as wide as saucers. Then spontaneously, my mother and several other sisters started crying. A huge commotion broke out over the room. Lots of tears and people hugging me. I was very confused. For several days we stayed there, sleeping wherever we could. We stayed glued to the news, occasionally taking a break by looking at videos that were downloaded from JW Broadcasting before it was shut down. Our favorite was "Walk by faith, and not by sight." Caleb and Sophia movies were played in the kids room, along with other videos geared towards young ones. Days seemed to zoom by. To the outsider, it seemed like the world was finally coming together. The UN stepped in, and somehow convinced everyone to stop fighting each other and fight a common enemy. Religion. Everyone's religious buildings were seized under some pretense. All religious meetings were banned. Most of the religions folded, their members signing away any affiliation with their denomination, and getting back to their lives. The ones that resisted, were quickly put down as domestic terrorists. This was repeated all over the world, with varying levels of brutality. There was also talk of a "Jehovah's Witness mole" in the government. Apparently we had advance warning that this was going to happen, and we were able to scatter before the government could round us up and deal with us. Due to our known political neutrality and refusal to do anything radical, they chose to concentrate their efforts on more aggressive and numerous religions, leaving us alone for awhile. We wondered if the governing body was warned by an informant, or did we get angelic warning. After all, the miracles had started. You see, David, I had a mental condition where I couldn't speak, or process information correctly. That's why I can't remember anything before the Great Tribulation. I'm sure you've heard tons of stories about the miracles of the Great Tribulation. Jehovah strengthening his people for what's to come. Of course, only those that followed instructions given from the brothers benefited. The ones that didn't follow instructions, some of them made it through, but they had a much rougher time than they should have.
We were well taken care of. A sister named Ann-Marie Roy kept coming to the home with a trunk full of food. I loved to hear her talk. Her accent was so endearing. Speaking of which, I haven't heard the story of how she found us, or where she got the food from. David, after this, you and me are going to her house, and we are going to get that story out of her. Even if we have to tie her down. 
Michelle chuckled, and David got a wide grin on his face. "Deal", he said.

Well, the government finished off religion, and seemed to forget about us. That's when the goons busted down our door...


Chapter 5


Armed men stormed into the house. They immediately began shouting at us to get down, and tell them where we have stashed the weapons and food. It became obvious they thought we were just another group of people surviving together. We became very concerned when their leader began shouting at the "hidden sniper" that he'd better come out or he's going to start killing people. I remember my mother was terrified. She was trembling, quietly praying to Jehovah, begging Him to let her see His name be vindicated at Armageddon. Right when he took aim at one of our dear sisters, he was called into another room by one of his men. He came out sneering.
"Well, well, well. No wonder we can't find no weapons in this house. Caleb and Sophia? Yeah, I remember who they are. Your kids saved your lives. We got a bunch of Jehovah's Witnesses here. Do you know how much we'll get for turning you in?"
As he continued to talk, we were stunned to see how far Satan had gone in his desperation. Apparently he has put it into everyone's heads that if we are eliminated, then everything will be okay, and the world will go back to normal. Satan actually thinks that if he can eliminate all of Jehovah's servants, there will be no one left worshipping him on earth, and that would make Satan the winner. He thinks that situation would force Jehovah to admit defeat, and then leave the earth alone for Satan to rule, forever. Of course, this man doesn't discern that he is taking Satan's side. He thinks he is being a true "patriot". We were held at gunpoint until government forces could arrive to take us in. The men were terrifying looking. Nothing like what we were used to seeing. The hate in their eyes sent shivers down our spine. This was the time for us to put full faith in Jehovah, to quiet those thoughts of attempting to escape. Yes, it was near the end, and it seemed Gog of Magog was making his move, but, we were still subject to the governments. 1 Peter 2:13, 14 popped into my head - "For the Lord’s sake subject yourselves to every human creation: whether to a king as being superior or to governors." If we remained faithful, Jehovah will deliver us.
Michelle's story was interrupted by a loud thud. David was so into this story, he went to sit down. Unfortunately, he tried to sit down in a chair that another brother was in the process of grabbing. Everyone had a good laugh. David held his wrist. "In the old world, even as a seasoned warrior, I probably would have hurt my wrist on that fall. Now, it's fine. It's amazing how imperfect our bodies were. Please, Michelle, continue..."
Well, we were put into a prison bus, that had other witnesses already in it, and they took us to a building, right in the middle of the city.
"Your God won't do a thing to our city with you here. And if you try to gloat about how you were right and we were wrong, I'll shoot you myself.", the ranking officer snarled.
Apparently, everyone has come to know the name of Jehovah, and he's revealed who his true servants are. Battle lines have been drawn. We shivered from excitement. Every prophecy has been fulfilled, except one, Armageddon.

Edited by coolbrz731
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Chapter 6

We were put into a large room filled with cots. There were only women in this room, so the men must've been put in another room. We were fed regularly, and well taken care of, which was puzzling to us since the soldiers obviously had an intense hatred for us and now, for Jehovah. Just when we were wondering how much longer till Armageddon, the soldiers burst in and brought us outside, and into the streets. There was chaos. People were running everywhere, seemingly randomly. You couldn't see the sky from all the smoke coming from various fires.
"We've read all your literature, and we know your battle-plan", one of the soldiers shouted. "We know you planned to be hidden away in some barn, or on top of some hill while your God committed genocide on all of us! Well, we know your God's weakness. He can't attack us if we don't attack you! All military units have been ordered to protect you people at all costs. We will simply hold you until you die of old age. That way, there will be no reason for your God to attack us, and we can get on with bringing this country back to its rightful place."
As soon as he said that, a mob broke through their ranks. It seemed like the chaos doubled, if that was possible. Soldiers shouting orders to defend us, to not let anyone touch us. Gunfire and explosions rocked the area. Then suddenly, all the soldiers were dead, and the mob surrounded us. We heard someone shout for people to step aside, and a man with a rocket launcher on his shoulder came to the front of the group. "Let's see your god protect you from this.", he sneered as he took aim at us. We fully expected him to pull the trigger and nothing happen. It was obvious we had Jehovah's protection. But, we were horrified when he pulled the trigger and we saw a plume of fire and smoke shoot from the back of that rocket, and it hurled itself at us. Me and my mother huddled in a desperate attempt to protect ourselves, and it seemed as if every cell in my body screamed, "JEHOVAH!! HELP US!!"
We opened our eyes, and through the smoke we could see the trail of the rocket as it sailed in the sky, and aimed for the mob! Tracing the smoke we could see that it passed through us like we weren't there. The explosion sent bodies flying everywhere. At that moment the clouds suddenly became a bright amber color, like there was a raging fire just above them. Fire and sulfur started falling from heaven, and people everywhere went into a mindless panic. A huge earthquake erupted, and I thought to try to take cover in the building we came from, but then a voice started speaking to me. It was very kind, but firm. "Stand still and see the salvation of Jehovah!" Even though I heard it, my instincts were overriding what I heard. The scripture popped into my head that says to take cover in the inner-room for a little while. Plus, I did not want to see what was happening. But the the voice spoke, even louder. "No! I want you to stand still, and see the salvation of Jehovah!" It hit me, this was an angel, talking directly to me! Suddenly I was overwhelmed by emotion. Love and warmth and sheer awe seemed to envelop me. Tears streamed down my eyes as I realized that this angel was personally protecting us and speaking directly to me. Even though I saw the horrors of Armageddon, it didn't affect me. It didn't seem to register what was happening. All I knew was that I was in the bosom of Jehovah. I looked over and everyone else had tears streaming down their eyes. Their faces full of awe and wonder. They obviously received the same message. Then it spoke a third time, "Stand still, and see my salvation, please." My legs couldn't hold me anymore. I dropped to my knees trembling. Thoughts raced through my head. He said, "My salvation. My salvation. Jehovah was speaking to me through that angel. HE WAS SPEAKING TO ME!!" I reached my hands up and screamed to the heavens, "THANK YOU JEHOVAH! THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME! I am not worthy of this gift. I am not worthy of your voice."
Then the answer came. "You are worthy. That is why you are here. I cannot wait to see what you will do in my New World." I collapsed from emotional overload after that response. When I woke up, everything was over. Jehovah spared us from the horrors of Armageddon by simply speaking to us. Validating that he values us.
David sat in his chair, hunched over. To Michelle's surprise, he was weeping. "I have never heard a story told with such..passion and feeling. I was there, it was like I was there right beside you. You truly do have a gift. Pearlene, I am forever in your debt for this. Now, I must repay you for this gift. I have a job I'd like the both of you to help me on. Oh, and just so you know, the general resurrection is to begin very shortly. This job is in preparation for it. Sounds interesting?"
Pearlene and Michelle looked at each other and said in unison, "Yes! We're interested!"

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