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Unconfirmed reports she is a sister ~ MISSING

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Regardless' date=' please forgive me Willow...[/quote']

Thank you for your kind consideration of my feelings, dear sister. No problem. What a wonderful brotherhood we are blessed with in these painful last days. Our loving God Jehovah knew just what we would need.:grouphug:

The Bee

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Ah, a speedy trial. LOL. I hate how long it takes to get to court.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Mr Holt serves as a warning example. We have been warned against pornographic material. Not all listen and fall prey to satan's machines. I happened upon this when looking for another reference and thought it applied here. In that selling a body for sex defines prostitution, porn is prostitution.

*** it-2 p. 701 Prostitute ***

Now that the young man is enticed to this point, Solomon shows, he is irresistibly drawn into sin with her, throwing all good sense to the wind, going ahead ‘like a bull to the slaughter,’ as a man who is in fetters and cannot escape the discipline he will get. “Until,” says Solomon, “an arrow cleaves open his liver,” that is, until he gets the wound that causes death, both spiritually and physically, ...“he has not known that it involves his very soul.” His entire being and his life are seriously affected, and he has sinned seriously against God. Solomon concludes his account saying: “The ways to Sheol her house is; they are descending to the interior rooms of death.”—Pr 7:22, 23, 27; compare Pr 2:16-19; 5:3-14.

Some would maintain that porn has no victims. I beg to differ.On the up side is that in this place we shore each other up with Jehovah's wisdom and are helped to avoid the calamity.(PR 27:12)

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  • 8 months later...

This is a very sad story.. It touched me when I red this story.. Especcielly his tears when he spoke about his wife he misses so

Much.. I will pray for him and I am sure tJehovah and the brothers will help him trough these terrible time of his live..

And like he said he will see her again..and when they will see each other at the ressurection they wiil embrace and tears of joy

Will flow. And be together for ever..

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The courageous way Whitney's family handled this surely gave a great witness to all..I followed the story and read about how many of the people and businesses in the community responded with support and the wonderful letter of response from the family..if I read it right the murderer was involved with pornography and went to the same hall! Any witnesses who are messing with pornography should sit up and take notice! It can lead not only to sadism, but MURDER! We can thank Jehovah with these timely reminders and since Holt was a young man and also had GUNS...something was surely lacking in his life...I am just happy that Whitney's family are spiritually mature..in fact exemplary I would say!

Jehovah is "walking upon the wings of the wind" PS. 104:3b


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