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business cards for Witnesses

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Does anyone know of a Witness owned company that prints custom made business cards? I saw one that a sister at Wallkill used. It was very pretty with a background of of beautiful scenery, her picture and personal information. She used it as a card to exchange at international conventions, to give to an interested person (so they would feel more comfortable giving her their information), and as a calling card. I failed to ask her where she got it. I found companies that print them, but would rather give my money to a brother since many of their companies employ pioneers and other faithful ones.

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Some friends use Vista Print. I believe it is free or low cost. It is on-line. A pioneer had some made & when I inquired where he had gotten them, he told me he used Vista print.

They have many different back grounds & fonts to choose from. Enjoy & happy hours in service!

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is a great idea! :) I've used VistaPrint for my business cards for years. I will check at zazzle to see what they are like. But this might also be something that could be easily designed on your own computer - there are a lot of options for that. A lot of companies that produce the blank sheets of business cards offer templates (many for free) on a website and there are a lot of "print" programs (some free downloads) that have business card templates.

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and funnily enough i was asked for a business card last week for the very first time. great call and i left him my number but having a card to give him wouldve looked so much better!

might have to get some myself...

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  • 1 month later...

I use Avery business card pages. Buy the pages from an office store, Staples, etc.

I make up the card with an MSWord template downloaded from Avery.com

Just make up the first card on screen.

Copy and paste to the other 11 spaces on the template. Save and print them.

Be sure to put www.JW.org on it.


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I don.t know any witness sites who do business cards. But i also used vista print for my little business. I just started. They are fantastic. Make it up how you like. I bought a car magnet too. So very reasonable..

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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I use Avery business card pages. Buy the pages from an office store, Staples, etc.

I make up the card with an MSWord template downloaded from Avery.com

Just make up the first card on screen.

Copy and paste to the other 11 spaces on the template. Save and print them.

Be sure to put www.JW.org on it.


Thank you Bro. Lee. I have been wanting to get business cards, too, but am on a very ltd. budget. I will have to try this Avery site and see what I can come up with.

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Barb I am not sure if its the same for your area. Vista print have

250 cards they are free & you just pay for delivery. For me it was about $14.. I bought some other business accesories. But you just get what you need.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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I used Vista Print twice now at $10 for 250 and free shipping. Picked a beautiful landscape and put name and personal info on them. The last batch had www.jw.org added. They are very handy for a variety of situations.

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Any chance some could post pics (scans) of their witness business card so we can see what people have come up with as far as looks, wording and layout?

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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Any chance some could post pics (scans) of their witness business card so we can see what people have come up with as far as looks' date=' wording and layout?[/quote']

139799=7703-DSC00069 (1000x750).jpg I think I did it right (trying to attach a photo) I just noticed a typo. Make sure you proofread it before submitting for printing LOL

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Great cards, Bryan and Margaret! That's a great idea to put your picture on it considering the paranoia in the world today.

I have been working on mine for a week trying to decide what all to put on it so I really appreciate your help. I've been thinking about it ever since we had a brother who is on the writing committee visit our congregation and give a talk where he mentioned it was being recommended at Bethel to have cards to hand out - even at the door in the ministry because some will take a business card whereas they won't even take a hand bill from your local congregation.

I have found another site who give you 50 for free. moo.com

They have more design choices but less cards. If you refer friends who sign up for business (rather than personal) use, you get "moo-lah" put into your account for future use ($75.00 per business account when they actually buy cards).

The Bee

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