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While I absolutely LOVE the change in season, such as it is in Florida... I also go underground inside myself during these pagan holidays. Being involved in pagan ritual worship as a child, there is so much that is triggering to me. I get the creeps when the world just thinks it wonderful and happy. We know the darkness that is like a black hole out there. UGH! It is time for me to get prayerfully deeply connected to Jehovah and hunker down. I certainly do understand your depression about this time of year.

Love you!!!!


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The two things that depress me the most about the holiday season are:

  1. The closer we get to the "Happy Day", the ruder people get
  2. The incessant holiday songs that get played over-and-over-and-over-and-over ... and get stuck in my head

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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uuhhh, yeah, .......I am none too fond of this time of year, the worlds 'Holiday season', to be exact--

Many years ago I had a son......

It 'twas the night before Christmas

when we found out he had a brain tumor....5 surgeries later, he died in April....

He was not yet 3yrs old...........

yeah.............not fond of these days..........................................

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Massive hugs to you Chris xx

I think it must be a terrible time for people in th eworld who have lost a loved one, it must be a really painful time.

I dislike all the fakeness of it, all the you have to have a great time or else attitude. I also dislike every yr I have to go through the whole explaining to new teachers what the children will and will not do, and being made to feel like I have 2 heads until they go back in january.

I feel for the children as they feel so much in th elimelight and stand out and they do it so well, but if Im honest I wish we could just quietly go through school without making a scene sometimes. First its no harvest festival, then no fireworks, then no halloween disco then no xmas, I think they must think we are the worst parents ever lol. We are organising a cong party for the little ones in jan so hopefully my 2 can talk about that if anyone says anything.

Oh I also hate going through the shop tils with the children and all you get is, "so have you done your santa letter yet?" "What is santa bringing you this yr" aarrgghhhhhhhhh X( It does my head in, and it depends what mood Im in I either full blown say we dont celebrate xmas or I just smile and ignore lol. My kids are the best they simply say, We dont believe in santa, my mum buys me presents when she wants to we dont wait until xmas. They smile and get away with it haha

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Just yesterday a return visit of mine asked me about this. I told her that we give/get presents all year 'round. When I was a child, from screwing up their noses at the idea of "no Christmas presents", my school friends would almost become jealous when I'd happily (and sometimes smuggly) reply, "Oh, I get presents all year round!"

My return visit also animatedly described how much she enjoys the family get-together. Once again I smilingly replied, "We do that all year round, too!" Her eyes were popping and her facial expressions said, "Hey! Maybe they've got something!"

When I was a teenager, I was very stimulated and motivated by a comment in the Watchtower that said, "We should be proud to stand out as different!" Jehovah's way is soooo much better!

Use your ears to gain understanding and your tongue to heal. -w13 5/15 p. 22

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i never really celebrated holidays, bc i knew better, but this is the first year w my worldly wife, which i refuse to have anything to do w it. she hates me. her family hates me. they think im an idiot and a jerk and brainwashed. they say im a horrible father.

they have "stolen" him from me. they are doing horrible things to his impressionable 2 yo mind. since early oct it has been one bday party after another, then halloween, TODAY--huge bday party for him. bought him all kinds of stuff. it just seems evil how they are worshipping him and influencing him. then thanksgiving. now xmas. i havent even seen my son in 4 days bc i dont want to upset the cart.... she left w him and went to parents house to be w her family (same town). they own him. i feel helpless. i really feel down!

the whole family is extremely in opposition. and my wife says they are all going to do everything they can to ensure the he never becomes a Jehovah's Witness. they dont even do anything religious in their lives. they don't go to church. They don't read the Bible. they are so non religious. but they love the holidays. That's all they live for is their celebrations. even Christmas has no religious significance to them. They don't even say Jesus. I have never seen them go to church. They don't do anything religious I don't understand why they care about Christmas. they just spend money and hang out together. they can claim to be Catholic, but I really think they are into witchcraft or something. they all are into astrology and occult stuff. her aunt dresses like a witch in all black, and is always trying to read my palm and tell my future . my wife use to be into that stuff too, but for some reason shes not so much anymore I think because of what I told her about it. but she can't stand the witnesses and thinks I'm a horrible father. I know she's going to leave me 1 day soon. I'm not gonna give up on Jehovsh, but it is getting really really difficult and I am having trouble:(

hurry up new world!!!

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:heart: you hang in there bro. Brando please, you can get thur all that just have faith in Jehovah. He can make things right in his due time. Phil:4: 6,7.

Proverbs 27:11- Be wise, my son, and make my heart rejoice, So that I can make a reply to him that taunts me.

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I loathe going to the shops this time of year. People are not nice. & I think the jingles drive everyone nuts.

But I love not having the made rush of packing lunches & constantly checking the time. I get to spend more times with my kids. This time we will be moving to a new address. & the house has been renovated by a brother. No terrminites or holes. Or the cornesses falling down. Its now our Summer. So many days at the beach.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Brando, keep in mind that your son's life is in your hands and Jehovah's. Even if the worldly courts take your son, Jehovah will return him to you in the paradise. There is a reason that all the children died in Sodom and Gomorrah , the flood, and all the other Biblical destructions. We are responsible for our minor children. We can save them if we stick close to Jehovah now. I am especially fired up today because our Circuit Assembly was this weekend. and the FDS is really stressing that we are very close to the end of this vile system. We only have to be faithful. My favorite Scripture these days is 1 Sam. 17:45 "You are coming to me with a sword and a spear and a javelin, but I am coming to you with the name of Jehovah of armies, the God of the battle lines of Israel, whom you have taunted." It makes no difference what unbelievers say, do, or think. Jehovah is in full charge of the world situation. Put your faith and energy in Him and He will provide.

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I am off-topic. Sorry. The holidays make it hard for us in many ways, especially as far as our children and unbelieving relatives are concerned. This is especially true for you who have unbelieving spouses. We all pray for you.

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Dear Brother Brando-

I do not know if you have read much of the older posts here. Bob / Dismal_Bliss was raised in a divided household. He also rebelled for a period in his young life. But, he belonged to Jehovah and loves and serves him today along with his wife and children.

Pray that your little son will have a good heart. Do all you can to show your precious child by example just what 'freedom' means. Keep on giving and answer for Jehovah to say to Satan when your integrity is called into question. If you are the best example of a man and father that you can be, most likely your son will see the truth. Do not give up! Be strong! Your son will see the difference between the world and the truth.


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I get very depressed around the holidays, it's a very emotionally difficult time for me. Do others feel this way? I do this every Thanksgiving/Christmas and then Easter to...holidays trigger very bad emotional distress in me.

just this past monday i was diagnosed with S.A.D., seasonal anxious disorder. all these years i thought the anxiety i feel at this time of year was due to the terrible holiday spirit, which we all know is so extremely negative; drunkeness, rudeness, parties, craziness in the stores, etc. and the holiday music that gets into our minds (finding ourselves humming when we do laundry and stuff). it is true that some of the anxiety/depression has to do with how God dishonoring the practices are at this time. it turns out, however, that the condition i have is genetic and a real disorder. sure enough, i remember all my life how my mother would 'hunker down' during this time of year, keeping the curtains drawn, taking long naps, be moody and irritable, etc. and then she was diagnosed several years ago with S.A.D. i had my dr. appt. and was explaining how out of the blue i keep getting this anxious feeling, but not having any problems out of the ordinary, couldn't understand this heart racing, withdrawn, gloomy and negative feeling.........inablilty to focus, sometimes even having a hard time articulating.......

i went for my regular visit and told her what i was experiencing and sure enough, she hit it right on the head. it is worth examing as there is a short term medication that could help during this time.

this site has more information; worth looking into.


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