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Favorite Home Remedies That Actually Work!

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I used to get poison oak, really bad. Really bad. Didn't get it while I was young. But, here I was with this poison oak mess. Then I remembered what a sister told me years ago. And I realized this sister was really smart. Best friend too, but really smart.

Table salt. I kid you not. Wet the area, get a washcloth, wet it, and scrub where you have it. It works. To top it. All, it feels so good! One time we went down to the river. On this trail that you had to hold onto poison oak trees to not fall. This is true. Sat on a big rock all day, watching international boat races. (Held no more, not the best for fishes) anyway, I came home dumped a bunch of salt in the bath tub, and took a salt bath. I got a bit of the poison oak, but really minor, and what I did get, I repeated, and it went away.

All I know is I used to need medical care. I will not be graphic, but it was bad. No more. And can you imagine how hard it was for me to keep my mouth shut when I worked at the clinic as ones were coming in for steroid shots because of, yes, poison oak.

I know all of us are unique, but it really does work for me. Actually for others that tried it. One old Indian man, a husband of a sister was at the clinic nearby, a bunch of fireman came in with it, and he told them about his, " old Indian medicine".

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Miss Bea. That sounds Handy.

I like to keep a small jar of vinegar. Since we frequent the beach & we have

Blue bottles & sea lice. They make you itchy & are in the kelp.

Vinegar numbs the sting & the itch.

I usually have a first aid kit for my kids in the 4WD.

One day I had forgotten to refill the kit.

We were at a working Bee. & there is a slight hill kids were playing & were attack by bull ants. All I had was the vinegar. It worked it numbed the sting & a few other kids besides mine needed the vinegar.

I love aloeverra on Sun burn or a burn from cooking.

Sorbelene is a great lotion with many uses.

I use to buy a foot rub with peppermint & couldn't find it anymore.

So in another jar I filled with the lotion

& I bought the peppermint oil & another for $2 each. Works good as massage heat too.

Eucalyptus oil. Works well when you have a flu & you cant breath. Or wool wash or removing sticky chewing gum leftovers

Another fav is WD40 is useful not only in taking away sweaky doors. But a handy degreaser under the Hood of the car. Cleans the grime over the engine etc.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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For strep throat: it's caused by either too much heat- gargle with strong clorophyll water; or damp- put a bit of garlic on back teeth and hold as long as you can. I've never gone back to the doctor for this problem since. How do you determine which you have? I start with gargling with chlorophyll, if that isn't doing the trick I know I have too much dampness and switch to garlic. You won't attract any friends but you'll feel better!!


For infection I use sage oil. I'm alergic to tea tree oil.


Hey where's the spell check button?

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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A few times when I've gotten a sunburn, I have put either plain white vinegar or apple cider vinegar on it. Within hours, most of the redness is gone. I can still feel it, but the red is gone. It doesn't smell great at first, but the smell does fade.


For mosquito or ant bites, take an uncoated aspirin and lick it, or apply some water to one side of the tab. Rub it on the bite. Itching and pain goes away.

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Castor Oil. It is so useful for so many things. I had a wart on my face just under my eye. I was afraid to have it taken off. I put castor oil on a piece of cotton and put it over the wart held down with a band-aid. I changed it once a day for a week. At the end of a week, it was gone. That was a year ago. It hasn't returned. So it works.


Read about it here:Castor Oil for beautiful skin and hair

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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My digestion isn't the best, and if I have a bellyache after eating, I mix 2 T raw apple cider vinegar (Bragg's brand) with about 1/4 tsp. baking soda in a glass.  Let the fiz subside and add a little water. Drink this, and almost instant relief!

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Here's one more remedy.  If you have severe acid reflux, eat Honey called MANUKA.  It is made in New Zealand.  Back in 2007, I had surgery.  Whatever the doctor did (Surgeon) really messed up my stomach.  I got acid reflux, and I lost a lot of weight.  I tried taking the med's (NEXIUM) and one other one.   One day on television on the news, I heard the story of this chef who had acid reflux for years, but his buddy had brought back this honey from New Zealand.   He told him to take 1/2 of a small teaspoon 3 times a day 1/2 hour before he ate.  He did this for 6 months.  He didn't cheat and eat other foods inbetween.  He had to stop eating spicy foods too.   He was on the news and told the world that he no longer takes any medication for his acid reflux because he doesn't have it anymore!   So...honey?  Samsom ate honey!  The Israelites had honey and used it for medical purposes, why not.  I went out and bought a 2 lb jar of it.  I took it for 4 months, and my acid reflux went away.  The honey has anti-bacteria agents in it.  It also puts a layer on your intestines.  Since then, I have passed along the message on Manuka Honey.  Friends  in florida have it and they feel great.  Honey also gives you energy.  Not to much, cause its really sweet!  Its not for little kids!   I had a fever blister on my lip, I put this on over night and it was gone, and I haven't had another one yet!  So if you like, please look up on internet about Manuka Honey (must be from New Zealand brand).  Its not cheap, but it works!  


thanks all

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    love the info on poison oak ~ I too am extremely allergic to it as well as bee stings, spider bites... here in Fl we have mosquitos

year round... also noseeums so tiny they get through your screens to bite you

     however I've found as long as I keep fresh garlic in my diet DAILY yes every single day it keeps away just about every critter

including ticks, wasps, mosquitos, bees, etc... it takes awhile to figure out how much works to keep away the bugs without also keeping away

your friends

  also to eliminate bug bites & bee stings I eliminate bananas in the diet, and take extra vit B1... a rub of baking soda similar to the aspirin rub

mentioned above takes out the sting immediately

and I give my little dog garlic in her food, just a little bit... too much causes intestinal probs for dogs...

 and rub her with a fresh garlic clove few times each week, keeps fleas & ticks off her too... no banans in her diet either

   my natural remedy treasure chest includes a healthy stock of: vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, castor oil and 25-30 essential oils


appreciate the helpful info! :D 

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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Whenever I feel a scratchy throat coming on, I mix about 1/2 cup of hot water (as hot as you can take it) with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a little honey.  I do this once every couple of hours or whenever I feel the scratchiness returning.  I would say that, 95% of the time, it seems to nip whatever it is in the bud!  B)

Live long and prosper. 🖖🏻

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  On 5/27/2013 at 1:58 AM, feather said:

    love the info on poison oak ~ I too am extremely allergic to it as well as bee stings, spider bites... here in Fl we have mosquitos

year round... also noseeums so tiny they get through your screens to bite you

     however I've found as long as I keep fresh garlic in my diet DAILY yes every single day it keeps away just about every critter

including ticks, wasps, mosquitos, bees, etc... it takes awhile to figure out how much works to keep away the bugs without also keeping away

your friends

  also to eliminate bug bites & bee stings I eliminate bananas in the diet, and take extra vit B1... a rub of baking soda similar to the aspirin rub

mentioned above takes out the sting immediately

and I give my little dog garlic in her food, just a little bit... too much causes intestinal probs for dogs...

 and rub her with a fresh garlic clove few times each week, keeps fleas & ticks off her too... no banans in her diet either

   my natural remedy treasure chest includes a healthy stock of: vinegar, baking soda, lemon juice, castor oil and 25-30 essential oils


appreciate the helpful info! :D 


Approximately how much fresh garlic do you take each day? And, I've used an herbal flea and tick spray on my little dog (doesn't really work.) It has peppermint and clove oil in it and my husband says she smells like a baked ham. :scared: He's half Italian, so I'm kind of afraid to rub her with garlic... :eat:  :nope:  :lol1:

Edited by izzydee83
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hi Diane :)  smells like baked ham that's funny ... 1/2- 1 garlic clove/day perhaps a bit more on a day of mowing/yard chores, for me this amount keeps mosquitos, bees, etc away... and does not seem to be detected by other people, yet seems to be right amount to repel little bugs... certainly do not want to repel the householders in ministry

as for my little dog, I spray her with a home-brew receipe of lemon, peppermint, citronella, cedar, & eucalyptus essential oils in distilled

water each day... add a garlic clove rub if we go to the park

fleas & other pests are so tough to deal with here in Fl with year-round heat & few cool breezes, so more is necessary than perhaps in other areas

thank you for your reply and hope this helps! :D

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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