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hi bros and sisters am gonna make this my new Facebook but without the photos and tagging and all the gibberish i just came off the site as i cant really stand it anymore as its draining me spiritually i prefer here cause i get the encouragement i need i really do love it here but its not easy to keep off Facebook as i have always gone back so will take it one day at a time. :)

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hi lee and starbug ( great username!)

i still have my fb... for friends and family and its only very occasionally that its of any use. mostly it just sits idle.

i think your making the wise decision. Jehovah advises us to be careful of these sometimes addictive timewasting... and perhaps not spiritually strengthening things.

well done everybody:-)

chridtian love gu

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I just feel so free like never before it's like a breath of fresh air am able to do more personal study draw closer to Jehovah without worrying what other people are doing I get more benefit doing my watchtower even just for half a hour than i would spending the same amount on fb it really is a waste of time in this time of the end.

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That's great!

I wasn't spending that much time on there. Maybe 3 minutes a day to check out what was new. But it just never left me feeling good. Even though the friends in there are witnesses, they are constantly posting pics about going out drinking, going out to eat in the best restaurants, going out for drinks, going out dancing, one vacation after the other, going out drinking lol....

One sister just can't get enough of praising her children.

They post stupid quotes which often are quite the opposite from bible principles.

I keep getting friend requests from people I don't know.

Facebook keeps changing their rules, and settings. I could never keep up with what was who able to see.

And so much more...

I was thinking for a while about deactivating it. And then the other night I just did it. Real quickly. It took me 2 minutes from making the decision to doing it so I wouldn't change back my mind lol.

This message board is so much more positive :)

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I'm the same.  Deleted my FB, or as I call it SpyBook, about 2 yrs ago.  So true what you say - its just a place for ppl to show off.  


Did the same recently with Instagram as well.  For ppl that wanna show off its perfect.  

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I only have a face book account so I can see pictures of my grandchildren and their babies. They are not in the Truth so I almost never see them, except for pictures.

I have a Pinterest account too but for me it is just a waste of my time. I keep it just in case one of my sisters wants to add a thought about how pathetic my page is.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I have a FB acoount but I only have our daughters on it....I used to have quite a few Witness friends on there but I spent too much time looking at what they were doing in their private life and forgot to live my own...


Most of my online stuff started after I had my knee surgeries a couple years ago and wasnt able to walk for quite some time....bad surgery and infections kept me couch bound for months and I needed some entertainment...thats how I found this site and it has been a lifesaver for me, being here..


My FB account allows me to see what my kids and grandkids are doing and thats about all I use it for...I get to make 'hit-and-run' snarky comments about my daughters political involvement and I dont have to see her roll her eyes at me....win-win... :uhhuh:

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I moved this over to General Chit Chat as it does not fit the Interchange.



Well, let's see here. We have topical discussions, status updates, public and private photo albums, a friend request feature, and more, plus more is on the way. Yes, we can replace Facebook pretty well these days.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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FB a waste of ones time spiritually. If one was to track time on each time he or she logs on FB , you will be surprised how much of that time you could have used to advance yourself spiritually by gaining knowledge of God Word through personal study. My account is deactivated now for almost 2 years not interested in going back there again. Most post are materialistically oriented. Everyone wants everyone to know what they have achieved materially its very seldom you get anyone posting to say what they have achieved spiritually. So the best thing brothers and sisters is to keep away from things that are time consuming and dent our spiritual growth. :cool:    

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