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What Do You Find Awe-Inspiring?

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I posted this in interchange of encouragement because I think that it's definitely encouraging to know what inspires others.. 


Something that I always find awe-inspiring are the clouds.. whether they are light and fluffy, strewn about as if painted on, or even when they are dark and dreary.. not only the clouds but the colors of nature, the intricate details of even the smallest of creatures..  Being that I love Design and Photography, these things make me just amazed everyday of Jehovah's amazing talent, and master designer!! just to think all of the beautiful images we try to capture through the lens of photography to stop time as it were, are all works of Art Created by Jehovah!!  I remember in one of our videos where it talks about how David marveled at the evening stars, I love stars but even more the sky.. the awesome and vivid colors that come alive as the sun is setting in the evening. Amazing!! 


Anyway here are a couple of sunset pictures.. Both of them taken on my cell phone, I can never seem to have my camera when catching these beauties, lower quality photo, but nonetheless you can see a couple of beautiful sunsets I've seen.. The darker one is the view from by my house, and the other one was today on my way home from work. 


just edited to add the one from tonight on the way home from work just seems as if Jehovah took his fingers and just did a couple swirls .....



Edited by Lilpuppy


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Very nice pictures! But I am moving this to the "Stuff of interest to JW's" forum (and it actually probably belongs in Chit Chat.)


The Interchange is for "anything related to our faith, meetings, ministry, the Bible, and our whole association of brothers"

Edited by Musky
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I love the pi c. Lilupy.

I am inspired by the stars. 4 days ago. we camped at Eagles Bluff.

The sky was adorned frm one corner to the next. A complete blanket of the Milkyway.

We didn't know til the am we were meters fr the cliff straight onto the Indian. Lols

Totaly fascinated by the sea & waves.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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All kinds of cats... especially the Big CATs like your avatar shows.... love to watch them move and their beauty, from kittens to tigers to leopards to lynx to lions... they all fascinate me.

I love big cats too especially Tigers!! They are my absolute favorite.. The photo in my avatar is actually one I took while at Busch Gardens, in Florida.. I still want to put it on a canvas.. but haven't yet.  I don't get to see them as often as the clouds though.. lol 


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Very nice pictures! But I am moving this to the "Stuff of interest to JW's" forum (and it actually probably belongs in Chit Chat.)


The Interchange is for "anything related to our faith, meetings, ministry, the Bible, and our whole association of brothers"

 Oh I see.. I'm paranoid about the publicly visible stuff.. so that's why I generally try to only post in the sections that aren't.. 


and thanks for the compliment on my photos :P 


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I love the pi c. Lilupy.

I am inspired by the stars. 4 days ago. we camped at Eagles Bluff.

The sky was adorned frm one corner to the next. A complete blanket of the Milkyway.

We didn't know til the am we were meters fr the cliff straight onto the Indian. Lols

Totaly fascinated by the sea & waves.





Yeah it is beautiful to look at the starts on a clear night.. we used to lay out on our trampoline and look at the stars.. and definitely water and waves.. beautiful.. There is a photographer in Hawaii that photographs waves, he has a water proof camera and get's out in them..  Here is is website you should check it out http://www.clarklittlephotography.com/


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 Oh I see.. I'm paranoid about the publicly visible stuff.. so that's why I generally try to only post in the sections that aren't.. 


and thanks for the compliment on my photos :P


Sorry  :hugs:


If I had it my way everything would be public except for Comfort and Support, but people like Musky always beat me down :P


Those photos are impressive for a mobile phone (amazing how technology comes along). What kind do you have? My Samsung Galaxy Note 2 takes rather awesome pictures, but capturing a nice sunset pic is a difficult thing to do.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Bob in your photo settings do you have options? With mine if I go into scene options select. Say beach. Sunrise or sunset. I just learnt what they could do. Just an idea.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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Sorry  :hugs:


If I had it my way everything would be public except for Comfort and Support, but people like Musky always beat me down :P


Those photos are impressive for a mobile phone (amazing how technology comes along). What kind do you have? My Samsung Galaxy Note 2 takes rather awesome pictures, but capturing a nice sunset pic is a difficult thing to do.

I have a droid razr.. actually the camera is pretty not very impressive at all.. .. lol but I do photography as well.. so it's all about lighting and angles.. I wish I had my camera with me when I drive by these awesome sunsets. the first one was by my house, but I did not have the camera, had to play with the limited exposure settings on my phone, and the second one was on my way home from work, most of the time I have a hard time finding a good spot with nothing in the way, but this one was just over the small airport area we have here so.. it was open.. yay :P   :P


why do you like everything public? I'm mostly paranoid because I talk about things here that I wouldn't discuss with the general public, and the user name that I use here is the same one that I use a lot.  

Edited by Lilpuppy


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why do you like everything public? I'm mostly paranoid because I talk about things here that I wouldn't discuss with the general public, and the user name that I use here is the same one that I use a lot.  


I don't think as Jehovah's people we have anything to hide, although we do get some over sensitive and overly opinionated types in here that will make us look like a bunch of nutters without realizing what they are doing. The mentally diseased apostapoopers sneak past our registration hurdles from time to time and will copy and paste topics or take occasional screen caps and make fun of us on their boards, so why not save them the trouble? Members only discussion is a good thing. Members only viewership leads to a false sense of security, in my opinion <-- and that's just me, but I get outvoted and am happy to just go with the flow. We got a good thing going on here as it is.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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good topic Beth!  :yes: love your sunset pics ~ beauties!

 To grasp that Jehovah is without beginning and has always existed is probably my favorite awe-inspiring thought.

A look at Jehovah's creations are in themselves awe-inspiring. Of the many wonders I find particularly amazing is birds... they have hollow bones making them perfect for flight, even evolutionists have trouble explaining the perfectness of the feather...

a tiny hummingbird journeys 600 miles using 1/10 oz of fuel, and hover (even upside down) using 70+ wingbeats per second; the bar-tailed godwit makes a journey of 8 days nonstop, falcons fly @ 180+ mph

... and who but God would have bugs perform the necessary & time consuming task of pollination? the fact that bees use our earth's magnetic field to build their combs...  a 40 ton whale, one of the largest species known to us feeds almost exclusively on the smallest (krill) and does backflips!

  the planets & stars hang upon nothing, all in perfect order...the breathtaking lights of the aurora australias or aurora borealis

      how man is dwarfed next to magnificent redwood trees 300' high & 2000 years old... yet he also made the teenie chameleon of Madagascar pictured on a fingertip in our 2013 Feb Awake! 
and our God Jehovah provides for all of them.
In all of this, Jehovah began with nothing. No matter of any kind.  
Awe-inspiring indeed.


Edited by feather

                   At that time those who fear Jehovah spoke with one another, each one with his companion,

                             and Jehovah kept paying attention and listening..." ~ Malachi 3:16

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I love to look into the night sky at the stars and think about how many stars Jehovah knows by name. Thats amazing!! (Ps 147:4  He is counting the number of the stars, All of them he calls by [their] names.) That leads to the thought how Jehovah knows each and every one of us personally. (luke 12:7 God has even 'numbered the hairs of your head.) Thats amazing!!

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Soooo!!!! Cute Chris.

Dages i agree. Wish I could bottle the cute cuddly moments ♥♥ :D LoLs.

"It's a known fact that eighty decibels of rushing water is one of the most pleasing sounds known to mankind. On other hand, ten and a half days at sea is enough water for anybody." 


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