And that's really the trouble with statistics isn't it? A person can choose a small piece of information and take it out of context- so, here is the full context on inflation by month:
You can see that inflation dropped to practically 0 once President Trump shut the country down for 30 days due to COVID - end of March 2020. The first seeds for massive inflation were planted then by almost every country when they did the same AND gave unprecedented government payouts over and over again. Then add in things being shut down with NO plan on how to reopen and you get major bottlenecks of production and shipping. You can see the affect already in March of '21 as people started doing more due to the vaccine rollout that began in Dec 2020. Note: this is the same problem with gas prices - supply and demand which now picked up dramatically.
So, yes, a person could pick just a few months before and wink that everything was fine until so and so took over, but that would be our of context. Everything wasn't fine at the end of COVID. In fact, we were all just about to get hit with the second wave of it, not medically but financially. COVID started an awful chain of events that the world is only now digging out of.
Edit: just a thought... I still don't think they have any plans for if and most likely when there is another pandemic on how to shutdown AND reopen things. Instead, they'll just point fingers. What a crazy world!