You write by email a few interesting question I am sure others would like to know about so I am also aswering them here. quoting some words... My answer: Is a pleasure to hear that brothers are benefiting from the broadcasting all around the globe, I have also received several comments from differents brothers in countries that are using the subtitles I have made and translation in other languages.In answer to your previous comment, till now I have been working alone (with the help of a sister of my cong in ocations) in order to make the English transcrytion and spanish subs in my area, I am from Panama.Maybe mine are not the better subtitles but I work hard to make them the most accurate possible to the video.Now, from this month on I decided to open the opportunity to others to join me and help me to make transcryption and translation faster an better, also making the video available for watching online with subtitles.Here is some examples and February one that I am starting, this month late because I have been really busy these days. About the way of watching, in my cong I just have shared it with brothers that have their personal computers or for the ones that doesn't have a computer, I record the program on DVD and share it with them. at the KH we haven't watched any video of just the ones Of Caleb that are scheduled for service meeting. Any other question let me know! anything I can help! *********************Edit to remove links. Please use PMs for this.