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Everything posted by thegreenjudy

  1. Probably a mix between a headless chicken and a sloth... depending on my mood 🙃🤫
  2. I think sometimes thanks to movies and Hollywood we tend to have a very romanticised view of friendships and what they are supposed to be like (and that everyone must have one). I had, what many would describe as a best friend, in my teenage years and early twenties but looking back it prevented me from widening out and when I was really unwell I noticed that they weren't there for me. Our friendship was more based on common interest than real closeness. I also moved a lot since and also had a similar dilemma of not being able to maintain friends for long. What I learned over the years is that real friends don't need to be in each others pockets all the time. My closest friends I don't see all that often but when we do we can just pick things up where we left off. I have a few very close friends but I think the closest human would be my husband and then I have a very close friend back in Germany and we go back almost 20 years. It doesn't help that I struggle to talk about my feelings, a legacy from childhood. I am usually the one helping others not the other way round which can add to the feeling that we lack a best friend. I always preferred friendships with older sisters - we need to look beyond our own age range sometimes. In fact I often struggled finding friends among younger people maybe because I am an old soul 😄 But yes, I found that it helped me to open up more about my own feelings. The key about friendships isn't always commonality but closeness which we can only establish if we are ready to share our own thoughts and feelings with another person and they, in turn, also start to open up and become closer.
  3. Sorry I think we are misunderstood each other. I brought Evolution up as an example of an excuse I often hear. Your comment came across as "oh well that's just the way men are.." or "that's just how Jehovah created us". It sounded similar to the argument I hear from my work colleagues, using evolution as a reason for being shallow. And beautiful people are not automatically arrogant ( see Esther) but what could warp their view of themselves is how other people treat them. So if I meet a beautiful person I don't automatically ignore them. I don't think that's fair. They still should get a chance to show their personality. It's a two edged sword, and I am glad I don't belong to this group. I would constantly question whether someone likes me for my personality or my body.
  4. Ah yes, there is this one quirk... brothers are allowed to be nice to you without being accused of liking you..but if the shoe is on the other foot and they don't fancy you, they will run a mile😑😂 I had this problem many times. I was literally just trying to be nice but it was very quickly misconstrued as me being into them. So rule number one: Brother buys you ice cream = no problem. You buy brothers ice cream = "Ooohhh I heard you fancy brother so-and-so" or the brother stops talking to you or he proposes a week later depending on whether he is into you or not😜
  5. I have to say I agree with this. If you choose to live in a different country it is important to adapt to the culture. And yes, it's a cultural difference. If any brother who ever bought me a drink or an ice cream fancied me, I'd be very flattered 😂 But no, in Europe (especially in Spain, Italy etc) it doesn't necessarily mean anything.
  6. Actually it's interesting to hear your views. I have heard many Asians say that. And I am not sure if it's wise. First of all it's not just for the brother to decide if she is the right person. But the fact that in Asian culture a courtship is often very secretive is not wise. The main reason this is being done is not to lose face when the courtship ends. And many falsely believe that having gone through a failed courtship before is somehow disgraceful. But contrary to popular belief in Asian culture there is nothing wrong with that from Jehovah's standpoint it's just a cultural quirk. Better to get to know the person and not regret your choice later. In Korea it is often so strict that many couples can't really get to know each other naturally because there are so many restrictions as to who is allowed to know about the courtship. Many a marriage have ended up in tears because the sister had not much time to actually experience her husband to be in a natural environment, in groups for example. It's a perfect way to disguise bad habits and attitudes when you have no time to actually know the person. A few months ago the broadcast had a video about courtship and they used an Asian couple for a reason. And it was shown how to do it the wise way. Another reason is also to not give the impression that you are free to court anyone else. My Korean friend had to go through some embarrassing moments while she was courting a western brother as she was approached by another love-struck Korean brother. He was a bit over the top but prepared this huge rose bouquet for her and made this really cheesy attempt to ask her out. That would have not been an issue if she had been allowed to be upfront about her courtship. That is not to say that it is mature when a Christian goes through courtships like TV channels. But I know my friend would have ended up in a very abusive marriage if she had done it the Asian way.
  7. Just because there seems to be a tendency for men to be focused on physicalities doesn't mean it's very wise or mature. In my work I have guys telling me that it's not their fault, it's evolution!! And I'm like "yeah and women being into guys with money must be evolution,too because they need to be provided for". They usually shut up then. A lot of men who place more emphasis on physicalities regret very quickly when they realise the type of person they ended up with - suddenly that person isn't so beautiful anymore. There really is no excuse to place so much emphasis on beauty - we've been given a brain for a reason. Mature Christians are not that shallow (men and women!). Of course, beauty and a good personality are not mutually exclusive but I have seen many tears shed over the years when both, guys and gals, were utterly disappointed with their physically attractive choice because they completely omitted to actually get to know the person and ignored many suitable candidates down the road (ie. hardly spoke a word with them) because they might not have that hourglass figure or are not that cool bearded hunk they were looking for. A lot of young brothers who constantly complain about not finding a partner and women being shallow and preferring someone with privileges in the congregation falsely think that a fancy car and a cool haircut are all the qualities one needs to attract a sister. And surely, some are into that but it usually doesn't end well. Equally I have met some sisters whose requirements are so narrow that I am not surprised they are still single. Not that getting married is the be all and end all but the idea of getting married to their ideal seems to consume their life's anyway you might as well broaden your horizons. Ironically, a lot of people with high expectations are not that pretty or handsome themselves (especially guys I have to say). I am not sure how one would think that they are so irresistible that their ideal looking partner is just waiting for them to sweep them off their feet! Be open minded and engage your brain before your eyes is all I can say and you might end up with a really lovely person who isn't that shabby looking either 🙂
  8. I don't even agree with the whole physical preference argument. In my life I had a crush on many brothers (before I got married..lol) and the only thing they had in common was the truth. They were all different in height, hair colour, facial features, figure, job, income etc. When you have an open mind you actually pay attention to people's personality and spirituality before you write them off because they have the wrong hair colour or height. In my mind that's very shallow thinking. I always felt the attraction to the person grew the more I got to know them. Attractions shouldn't just come from physical appearance. I often find that many who lament their singleness have very high expectations when it comes to physical appearance. And often they end up hard broken when their picture perfect crush doesn't seem all they've cracked up to be. The man I married is first and foremost kind to me and others as well as spiritual. When I first met him I didn't think much of the way he looked. But what really stood out (after I bothered to have a proper conversation with him) was his personality. The more I got to know him the more he became physically attractive to me. Many don't even bother having a deep conversation with someone of the opposite sex if the face doesn't fit in the first place. Really winds me up😂
  9. What exactly is involved in digital marketing? I am curious - is it SEO? I thought Google made it much harder now for SEO specialists since you can just pay Google to appear on top of the search results? I would be interested in learning about website development - specifically Java Script front-end development. But I am a verbal learner and find it very hard to find someone to teach me. And many technically skilled people are pretty bad at teaching..lol.. If anyone has an idea, let me know. I found that translation work doesn't pay very well for my language skills. It's better if you live in a developing country. What languages do you translate and how do you find your jobs?
  10. Hey Luise No they have nothing to do with jwtalk. They have an "About" page which provides a lot of info. It also says: Needgr8r is a website where jobs are posted by brothers and sisters offering remote work to need greaters around the world. There is also a resource center called NeedsList which has oppotunities and posts that help need greaters in pratical ways. Needgr8r is only for brothers and sisters in good standing. All posts and job offers are moderated before going public. Needgr8r is completely non-profit and there are no fees charged to anyone using the site and no one involved in needgr8r.org benefits financially or otherwise. While this project is only for brothers and sisters it is not organized by the Branch.
  11. Not sure where to put this but I had this idea of opening a thread to help each other if someone is in need of suitable work - especially part-time or remote. I can't find anything to that effect. I know that people here are coming from all over the world but especially for that reason and because the internet makes it possible to work from everywhere I thought it would be great to have a space where we can share jobs we know about, ideas for working remotely or even people who would be happy to skillshare or can provide help gaining skills for remote work. For example many in the Chinese field teach English online and every now and then I hear of online schools who are looking for new teachers. This usually only requires a TEFL certificate. Some people might have learned how to develop websites, why not share some ideas on how to acquire this skill or even offer assistance? (I realize you can't learn this over night). Or do you have any other, maybe even quirky ideas on how to work online? (Writing, marketing etc). To be clear, the intention is for jobs that can sustain a person - not things like filling in online surveys. Feel free also to share ideas on how you started your own local business, like window cleaning or other services. Recently I found out about a new website run by brothers who run a job board - Jobs are usually offered by brothers directly (also some local work) with some third-party exceptions. It looks like it's only just started but I thought someone might find it useful: https://needgr8r.org You need to register and wait for approval though. You can also post any jobs you are offering (local or remote) I hope this is somewhat useful especially because many are looking for work here and maybe it will help someone.
  12. There is alcohol in that stuff - I think that's the only reason why it helps 😂 I personally prefer some gin in my tea 🙈
  13. I would have presumed that nobody would build an empire state building replica in the new world 😂 But when it comes to normal houses people live in, I wouldn't think the design matters so much. And although the weather might be more moderate I don't know if it will be everywhere as sunny as in Fiji so might still require a bit more robust materials. Environmentally friendly energy sources can still be used regardless.
  14. Well don't forget Jehovah in the picture. If he wants Dennis to receive these cards he will. From past experience we also know that prison staff is often nowhere near as nasty as the people who got the brothers into prison in the first place. There are many experiences where prison staff made life for our brothers more comfortable and provided them with literature and gave them freedoms other inmates didn't have. I think Joseph is a prime example. At the end of the day just keep sending encouraging cards and letters and leave the rest to Jehovah.
  15. How does Moses make his coffee? Hebrews it. If you need an Ark, I Noah guy. Who was the biggest financial wizard in the Bible? Noah. He was floating his stock while everyone else was in liquidation. How long did Cain hate his brother? As long as he was Abel.
  16. I am sorry you are not feeling great. I am not a doctor but if your issue is your kidneys I wonder if the Keto diet won't make things worse? Too much protein isn't great for the kidneys. I know many are totally obsessed with this fad diet (sorry if I am stepping on anyone's toes) but I doubt that's the way Jehovah intended for us to eat. Losing weight is a good idea but do it the healthy way. Without wanting to recommend a particular one, there are many diets that are way more balanced and healthier for you. Edit: I did realise that the Ketogenic diet is higher in fat than protein so my mistake. But I think the key goal is to lose weight and I think the best way is to do it in a healthy way. I am still not convinced that this diet is more than a fad and depending on how well you do with fats you might just feel unnecessarily sick on it 😫
  17. Ooohhh that's brilliant. I still haven't figured out the clubs. I joined one the other day but couldn't add anything That looks delicious! Looks like he is using the same method.
  18. I do love Nutella as I love anything with nuts really. The sugar is a bit high I agree, so is the palm oil. But there are recipes to make it yourself. In any case, I usually don't eat an entire jar at once so I am not losing sleep over it. I actually prefer savoury breakfasts but do love the occasional Nutella toast - with butter as a base 😂😝 Here is a recipe for a "healthier" version: https://minimalistbaker.com/4-ingredient-nutella-vegan-gf/
  19. I always wanted to try making Ezekiel bread! The only thing that put me off was all that sprouting..haha...it takes a lot of time to do. Although I have seen a few supermarkets now selling Ezekiel bread flour. I will keep it on my list of things to master. I think sourdough bread, when made badly, doesn't go down well with a lot of people. Being from Germany I am used to a certain level of chewy-ness. But I know a lot of people who wouldn't eat the best made German sourdough bread 😄 This bread is lovely and fluffy inside as it is yeast based. Here is a picture.
  20. I have only had Durian from the frozen section of our Asian supermarket so far. I can't really decide if I like it or not. The day I tried it my husband asked me to sleep on the couch 🤣 That smell! It felt like the more I had the less I liked it - so I can only tolerate a few bites. In any case it does taste like cheese and onion spread served on pineapple ..mmmhh... As for Natto, I had it once. Didn't mind the taste but didn't think it was something I would eat on a daily basis. I would really like to try stinky tofu, that's on my list for Taiwan!
  21. I couldn't find a thread for bread making so I started one. As a German living in the UK I REALLY miss decent bread (not just German bread, anything from mainland Europe basically). There are a few places in my town where you can buy artisan breads but it's just a hassle and very expensive to get. A lot of bread in Britain is just overly processed, soft mush basically (sorry to all Brits and Warburton's fans here 🤣 ). The only thing they thankfully refrain from doing so far is adding sugar to bread - how that ever entered American culture I really do not know. Some supermarkets here have a relatively good bakery section but since they are not being prepared in-house I presume they also contain some unnecessary ingredients - still, the bread is better than the sliced stuff in plastic wrap. Now I haven't quite figured out how to make good sourdough bread yet (mainly because I have been too lazy to make my own starter). German wholemeal sourdough breads are especially hard to make - you mostly end up with a brick which I mainly put down to baking technique rather than the recipe. But I found an amazing recipe the other day which I shared with one of my friends in the US and is so easy to make. She loved it! I want to try it with a sourdough recipe when I have the time. This recipe still is very good since you are only using a tiny amount of yeast compared to normal recipes and you basically let it ferment - She only let's it sit for 4 hours but I leave it over night and sometimes even longer. You can also make Pizza with the dough. The recipe does come with a video - all you need is water, yeast, salt and a casserole dish with a lid. As a reference the picture of the bread that has just come out of my oven! This is a half white, half wholemeal bread. You can literally use any combination of flour or recipe (although gluten-free wouldn't work here I think). Enjoy and feel free to share some of your own recipes here 😊 https://www.jennycancook.com/recipes/faster-no-knead-bread/

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