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serving meals at conventions in the "old days"

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Does anyone have any pictures or better yet, video of the meal service we used to have at the conventions? We were talking about it in our car pool to the DC this passed weekend and a couple of new ones would like to see pictures or video. Thanks!

The Bee

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Does anyone have any pictures or better yet, video of the meal service we used to have at the conventions? We were talking about it in our car pool to the DC this passed weekend and a couple of new ones would like to see pictures or video. Thanks!

LOL I remember when as a kid in Newfoundland, Canada, I spent most of the sessions in the kitchen peeling vegetables for the convention meals. They would serve full course meals on divided metal trays. They would cook breakfast, lunch & dinner back then. So many brothers n sisters got nothing out of the program cause there was so much meal prep.  It  all tasted great but now, the spiritual food & prep is so much better. 

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Does anyone have any pictures or better yet, video of the meal service we used to have at the conventions? We were talking about it in our car pool to the DC this passed weekend and a couple of new ones would like to see pictures or video. Thanks!


Here's a link to a video I'm especially fond of, dealing with the 1963 "Everlasting Good News" international conventions, that ended at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, CA. I had the privilege of attending all eight days and it brings back many fond memories. The video shows the food tents and how the food service was almost shut down by the health department, but how that was averted, starting at about the 4:00 minute mark. I hope you enjoy it.



"The future's uncertain and the end is always near" --- Jim Morrison

"The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again" --- Don Henley

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  • 8 months later...

When i was a kid, we went to Dodger stadium, during the evening meal, there was A LOT of military there watching us eat. Came to find out years later they were just there to see how Jehovah's witnesses fed so many people so fast!!



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I was in charge of making sandwiches at one of our District Conventions. I remember coming early before the sessions with my wife and little boy and girl. We had 15 or 20 brothers and sisters all working and talking. Just before the noon break the overseer came and asked us to make several hundred more sandwiches and everyone pitched in and got it done on time. We enjoyed those times, but how much nicer it is now to be able to sit and visit during noon break.

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I remember helping out with the food prep for many years - before and after my baptism.   My daughters were only little at the time and thoroughly enjoyed helping out too - brought us much closer to the brothers and sisters in our congregation at the time (From what I remember it seemed to be only our congregation that worked in food service at the assemblies for some reason).    And everyone used to love the pies sold at Lang Park in Brisbane - think they were called 'Jose Pies' - fantastic.  Mind you, we missed a lot of the talks during the mornings, so it wasn't a great surprise when it was done away with.  And I've never seen a Jose pie since!!

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I remember going to a second convention so that I could hear the program. It was so good to work side by side with the most wonderful people on the planet. For a while I really missed that. Now though we have RBC work that fills the void. We are so blessed.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk

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    I well remember the food service from the early days we came into the truth. That brings back many fond

memories working side by side both with brothers and sisters at the circuit and district levels. I got to know so

many of the friends that way. and learned much of what was involved in food prep, storage, etc. The only

negative memory for me was one circuit assembly we were serving tacos. I was assigned to make the tacos.

I love tacos, but by the end of that assembly I couldn't even stand the smell of tacos. Made me wonder what

some do who work regularly in these trades. Sorry, though, no pictures or videos.



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Just notice how modest our dear sisters were dressed, too.


When I was little, we baked pies and cakes for the circuit assemblies and then served in the refreshment stands too.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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When i was a kid, we went to Dodger stadium, during the evening meal, there was A LOT of military there watching us eat. Came to find out years later they were just there to see how Jehovah's witnesses fed so many people so fast!!



In 1978 we had a Convention at the Kingdome is Seattle. Military brass from Fort Lewis (in Tacoma 20 miles away) said there was no way we could feed the close to 50,000 in attendance. Of course we were fed in the allotted time. 

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I loved working food service. As a young man I would usually be in charge of stirring something- pancake batter, chili, stew...

One of my best memories was in Columbia, South Carolina, 1988. We were there making sandwiches at 5am. When I got to the last sandwich I had about an inch of cheese left for 1 sandwich, so I was instructed just to give someone an extra size on their ham and cheese.


I got in line to order my food and yes I ordered a ham and cheese. Out of over 10,000 in attendance I was handed the king size sandwich. When I finally stopped laughing I prayed. From that day forward, I know for a fact that God and all the others have good sense of humors. I know some were laughing with me that day. That's one of many stories I could tell.

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