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New timeline for origin of ancient Egypt

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Archaeological digs in Egypt reveal where the First Dynasty kings of Egypt are buried - but until now a timeline has been
difficult to establish.


A new timeline for the origin of ancient Egypt has been established by scientists. A team from the UK found that the transformation from a land of disparate farmers into a state ruled by a king was more rapid than previously thought. Using radiocarbon dating and computer models, they believe the civilisation's first ruler - King Aha - came to power in about 3100BC. The research is published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society 




EDIT (go to website for remainder of article)

Edited by trottigy
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Thanks for this article! The first mention in the Bible about Egypt was when Abraham went there to avoid famine after being given the promise from God about the seed, in Genesis 12:10.    Abraham's time was almost 2000  years before Christ, and over 1000  years after these archeologists said was the beginning of Egypt.  It is amazing how old civilization and city-making is.  Isn't Egypt the first world empire with a connection with Jehovah's people?

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Dating dynasties in Egypt has been fraught with errors that put the dates far too far back into history. There was a documentary on British TV a few years ago showing one way they went wrong. Most now know that Egypt was divided into upper and lower kingdoms and sometimes Pharaohs of each area's  reign overlapped. In the past they lined all the known Pharaohs up as if they ruled one after the other with one dying before the other took over - like European single dynasties - and it became twice as long as it should. 


Another error was that dynastic years written up on stele's or monuments weren't always for the then reigning Pharaoh. Apparently, being polytheistic, among the gods they worshipped was the superstitious worship of the Apis Bull. When an Apis Bull died it had a burial like a Pharaoh and another special calf was bred to take it's place. The new Apis Bull was crowned like a Pharaoh with as much ceremony; it had palaces built for it where it lived with it's own servants and harem of cows. It's regnal years were counted as important as human royalty who were living and reigning during the same eras and the Pharaoh had to be sure the Bull was kept well in his reign. So in some cases the "decree sent out by Pharaoh in the 12th reignal year" could be the 12th year of that Pharaoh or the 12th year of the royal/divine Apis Bull living at the same time and this had muddled dates too as the bulls did not live and die at the exact same time as the Pharaohs.


The 3rd errors were because historians were so deperate for some way to date time periods in history they would try anything that seemed logical. One try at this immense task was by an early archaeologist, Flinders Petrie, who lined up pottery he found at various levels and of different designs. He wrote that for instance beaker style pottery was very early and other styles were later and people used this method for years.


It was a start, but if you, as an fairly intelligent human, were living back then and learned to make pottery, would you just have one type in your house for all your life for every task? If you made it and it was precious, would you just smash it all at your death or take it all to your grave or would you not pass some of it on to your descendents? So it wasn't all that accurate a guide when pottery of many styles were found in the same graves and some was passed on in type or style throughout many generations because it continued to be a useful design for the task it was assigned to. 


Same problem goes for dividing up human history according to an old Greek idea of Stone-age followed by Iron-age, followed by Bronze-age. People developed metallurgy where they could and used all metals they could find in shorter time than scientists once thought and some cultures found stone still useful and kept it on longer in other areas, so that was a poor guide. Most know these things are vague designations now - the Bible of course knew this all along and mankind were intelligent enough to have learned different types of metal-working fairly early on in Genesis.


Carbon dating and denrochronology have all their own problems which many old Awake articles, especially in the 1970's have discussed in detail.

Edited by retroHelen
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