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Jess had a talk on a District Convention, he was like number 6 of 8 on a Symposium. The brother that had number 3, went over, way over...way! I am taking notes around notes I had taken at an earlier convention we had gone to so I knew when he should have been done. But he kept going, and going, and going...finally a brother came out to the podium and handed him a note, the brother didn't acknowledge him (I am not kidding!) so the other brother said "read the note", he took the note and kept talking! He read another scripture before he concluded. It was jaw dropping to watch. But, behind stage the overseer told the rest of the brothers to cut something from their part. Poor Jess, the brother before him decided that the best way to cut his part...was to not introduce Jess. He finished his talk and walked off the stage. Jess was standing on the stair but wasn't introduced so the brother walked off the stage, leaving it empty and Jess had to rush up the rest of the stairs to the platform and then, he had to introduce his own topic. I told him he could have said "Hi, I'm Jess" but he just gave the theme and moved on. The brother found us later and apologized, he said that he was going along, trying to think of what to cut and just couldn't think of anything until he got to the part where he introduced the next talk and speaker and decided to just cut that. Unfortunately, that meant Jess not only had to cut something from his talk but also for the other brother since it took part of his time to introduce his own part.

I thought, that maybe the first brother that took so long knew he would never have a talk on the assembly again so was making the most of it.

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OK, time to reveal the instructors answer.

In many ways, the response he gave was a lesson in itself.

All ears were on him much like all ears were on Jesus when he was asked about the Head tax - whatever he answered, it would not be right for someone.

The instructor considered it for a moment then said "That's something you can decide locally!"

For me it illustrated perfectly that while some people need a rule for everything they do, it's not always within our jurisdiction to make one.

The other lesson I gained from this is that the question was framed as a Yes/No question. I've seen this used in a court of law to force an answer. The instructor discerned this and instead of being constrained by a Yes/No answer he responded with something else entirely.

One day we may be asked a Yes/No question so should consider it carefully to see if we are being led, or if another response is more appropriate.

It didn't please the two elders but it was absolutely the right thing to say and not get involved.

I hope you enjoyed that little anecdote!!

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No one complains about a meeting ending early - only late!!

That's true but I can't stop thinking that being on schedule is taking the right time, no more no less. It's as wrong to end later as ending sooner... As wrong to add than to cut...

If the Student reading the Bible takes only 2m he receives a councel for being too short on time...

Anyway, that's something not to think to much about... How many times does it happen? :D

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What if the reading only takes two minutes to read well?

I guess the chosen text must be adequate for a 4m reading (with the required pauses, emphasis and emotions applied)... There are brothers that read too quickly and take less time and they were counseled.

But I was just pointing that in my opinion the meeting shouldn't be shorter just as it shouldn't pass the time...

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I guess the chosen text must be adequate for a 4m reading (with the required pauses, emphasis and emotions applied)... There are brothers that read too quickly and take less time and they were counseled.

But I was just pointing that in my opinion the meeting shouldn't be shorter just as it shouldn't pass the time...

The instructions for the TMS 2014 indicate "4 minutes or less" for Assignment #1, so seems to indicate some leeway depending on the ability of the reader, and I have seen instances where brothers do a fine job with correct pausing, emphasis, and emotion, and completed the reading well before the 4 minute cutoff.

I've also seen those that obviously have extra time and continue to "rehash" the same information they've already covered. I tend to be a clock watcher, and that just becomes a source of irritation. Just my opinion, but if the material has been considered sufficiently, and the main points made to stand out, end it. :deadhorse:

Ending early should be the exception (as frequency would indicate a lack of preparation perhaps on the part of those presenting), but also think of it as an opportunity for added encouragement and fellowship, especially for those who normally have to leave immediately after the meeting to be home by a certain time (i.e., unbelieving mates, etc.)

Edited by disneytrav
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The instructions for the TMS 2014 indicate "4 minutes or less" for Assignment #1, so seems to indicate some leeway depending on the ability of the reader, and I have seen instances where brothers do a fine job with correct pausing, emphasis, and emotion, and completed the reading well before the 4 minute cutoff.

You are right... Didn't notice that it should be 4m OR LESS

But I did receive counsel once for taking less time (I think 3m)...

Thanks for the correction ;)

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Back in the OLD days, when we still had a Congregation Book Study, I recall a CO presenting the following question at the meeting with the elders. “When you are conducting the Book Study and you have completed the assigned material early what do you do?”

We had various responses, from reviewing the 3 to 8 minute sermon, to going over conversation stoppers, etc. The opinions went on for several minutes as we all struggled to show our theocratic wisdom.

I loved his answer “Why don’t you just quit?” :D  :)  :lol: 



 I am not sying I am Superman, I am only saying that nobody has ever seen Superman  and me in a room together.

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