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Jehovah's Witnesses face gunfire at 'Catholic home' in Monroe County, authorities say

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anyone here from Monroe County....:laugh: where is it exactly in USA...?

Jehovah's Witnesses face gunfire at 'Catholic home' in Monroe County, authorities say

Rhonda Kalapach believes Jehovah's Witnesses have no place on her property.

When two of them came to her door, the 60-year-old Monroe County woman asked them to leave. Her husband saw the women from across the street and yelled at them, but they didn’t go.

That’s when her husband, William George Kalapach, came into the home and got his rifle. The women were walking to the car where three other people were waiting, when Kalapach said they weren’t moving fast enough, police said.

Police said he fired four shots into the ground about 11 a.m. Saturday near the car with all five people inside. He is now in county prison, charged with aggravated assault and related charges.

"This is a Catholic home," Rhonda Kalapach said. "This is a devout home."

She said the evangelists ignored repeated demands from her and her husband to leave, forcing her husband to react the way he did.

They were at her door about five to 10 minutes before shots rang out, Rhonda Kalapach said.

"I kept telling them this was a Catholic home," she said. "They were trying to convert me."

She said Jehovah’s Witnesses come to her door about three to four times a year. They visited last winter, she said. Every time they’re told to leave. She said her husband did what he had to do to defend their home, she said.

"He doesn’t think he did anything wrong," she said. "This is private property. If you drive in my driveway, you’re trespassing."

'Pretty upset'

She doesn’t know how she’ll pay for bail or a lawyer for her husband. She said he’s a former truck driver who was forced to retire due to poor health. She said he has cancer, diabetes and recently suffered a massive heart attack.

She said she’s on Social Security. They have no family, she said.

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anyone here from Monroe County....:laugh: where is it exactly in USA...?

Jehovah's Witnesses face gunfire at 'Catholic home' in Monroe County, authorities say

Rhonda Kalapach believes Jehovah's Witnesses have no place on her property.

When two of them came to her door, the 60-year-old Monroe County woman asked them to leave. Her husband saw the women from across the street and yelled at them, but they didn’t go.

That’s when her husband, William George Kalapach, came into the home and got his rifle. The women were walking to the car where three other people were waiting, when Kalapach said they weren’t moving fast enough, police said.

Police said he fired four shots into the ground about 11 a.m. Saturday near the car with all five people inside. He is now in county prison, charged with aggravated assault and related charges.

"This is a Catholic home," Rhonda Kalapach said. "This is a devout home."

She said the evangelists ignored repeated demands from her and her husband to leave, forcing her husband to react the way he did.

They were at her door about five to 10 minutes before shots rang out, Rhonda Kalapach said.

"I kept telling them this was a Catholic home," she said. "They were trying to convert me."

She said Jehovah’s Witnesses come to her door about three to four times a year. They visited last winter, she said. Every time they’re told to leave. She said her husband did what he had to do to defend their home, she said.

"He doesn’t think he did anything wrong," she said. "This is private property. If you drive in my driveway, you’re trespassing."

'Pretty upset'

She doesn’t know how she’ll pay for bail or a lawyer for her husband. She said he’s a former truck driver who was forced to retire due to poor health. She said he has cancer, diabetes and recently suffered a massive heart attack.

She said she’s on Social Security. They have no family, she said.

full article


im sad but think that it will start happening more and more

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Ha notice they have no statement from the sisters only the woman (who thinks her husband did nothing wrong by shooting at unarmed women) and her husband (presently in prison).

What probably happened is there was no "no trespassing sign" at the top of the drive so the sisters called on the house, the sisters were at the door for no more than two or three minutes (not ten) during which time the woman probably mumbled she was a catholic and the husband yelled at them. When the sisters didn't run screaming and crying but calmly walked to the car, he shot at them.

Protecting their home indeed - Hope they throw the book at him.

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State police at the Swiftwater barracks would not comment beyond what was in a news release. William Kalapach is charged with a single count of aggravated assault, five counts of making terroristic threats and five counts of recklessly endangering another person. Police seized the rifle.

Good job police!


Rhonda Kalapach said she has four neighbors on her street in the 400 block of Schoolhouse Road. None of them want visits from Jehovah’s Witnesses, she said.

"These people never take no for an answer. They keep going on and they want you to read their papers," she said. "Up here, anywhere around here … when you don’t leave you get a warning shot. Just get the (expletive) out of here."

The neighbors call each other, she said, with a warning not to open the door if the Jehovah’s Witnesses are spotted.

But this time Rhonda Kalapach didn’t ignore the knocking.

"I didn’t recognize the car," she said. "I should have never opened the door."

1. If you read the actual story, you'll notice the boldfacing makes the article a bit biased/inflammatory against Witnesses.

2. Article mentions that none of the neighbors wants visits by Witnesses. I highly doubt the reporter spoke to everyone on that block. Does anyone really want their neighbor making decisions for them? I will decide for myself who comes to my home and who I send away. That's not for my neighbor to decide. Hence, we go to individual homes and let them make their own choice.

3. Article does not mention anything about no trespassing signs. Witnesses have the right to go up the driveway and to the front door. This right is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and upheld by the Supreme Court. Of course, we don't need to argue this point with an irate householder.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I loved this comment....from one of the papers readers

Colorado Chick April 30, 2011 at 11:24PM

"Ya know you can say all ya want about the Jehovah Witnesses, there have been many jokes about them in sit-coms. Bit they are out there in the big wide world, spreading their faith. They know what they are up against by doing this. This man who fired at them, is your basic control freak. Am sure if no rifle was available, upon their leaving, he would have screamed and possibly been abusive to his wife. Glad he got what he deserved, will that deter the Witnesses. No way these believers will be back knocking on your door. If you care not to listen, please be polite in telling them so. Respect goes along way in my book. ROCK ON!"

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another good comment

tadpole7 May 01, 2011 at 12:23AM

""Up here...when you don't leave you get a warning shot. Just get the (expletive) out of here."

Um, can you say native Pennysltuckians?

I don't feel bad for either of them. They're in this mess because they're idiots. If they really felt threatened and/or harassed they could have closed and locked the door and called 911, but they decided to take the law into their own hands and act like vigilantes, and well, they're frankly getting the treatment they deserve.

Oh, and I'm sure that after the gun was displayed the WOMEN were hurrying to leave. I mean, unless they are completely mental or have a death wish why would they not have been? There was never a reason to fire shots, I don't care if they were fired into the ground 50-60 feet away from them (and who even knows if that's true).

Btw, Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses have come to my house several times and I've never had a problem with politely telling them to leave and having them gone within 60 seconds, no firearms or threats involved."

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It's in Pennsylvania. LOL!!! The story makes me crack up. If the rest of you really know what the people in PA are really like, you'd understand.

so is this in Ohio?

No. Pennsylvania is one state to our east. They are our neighbor. We go to Pittsburgh, PA for the circuit assembly. Our assembly hall has a lot of really cool memorabilia from when JFRutherford was around the area.

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We all feel for our brothers when confronted, but we should never feel anger toward those who persecute us. That is what the world does. We should show love, not evil for evil to them. Even pray that they understand the truth.

Agape, Lee

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We all feel for our brothers when confronted, but we should never feel anger toward those who persecute us. That is what the world does. We should show love, not evil for evil to them. Even pray that they understand the truth.

Agape, Lee

I just studied the Watch Tower for today, May 1. The Theme was "Do You Hate Lawlessness?"

The first paragraph, last sentence quotes Matt:5:44 Continue to love your enemies and pray for those persecuting you."

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I just studied the Watch Tower for today, May 1. The Theme was "Do You Hate Lawlessness?"

The first paragraph, last sentence quotes Matt:5:44 Continue to love your enemies and pray for those persecuting you."

good point Lee...I had my WT...4 hours ago...and thought about it as it was being read....

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I just studied the Watch Tower for today, May 1. The Theme was "Do You Hate Lawlessness?"

The first paragraph, last sentence quotes Matt:5:44 Continue to love your enemies and pray for those persecuting you."

good point Lee...I had my WT...4 hours ago...and thought about it as it was being read....

*sigh* okay, I'll TRY - but only because Jehovah wants me to...

Can't help thinking of the experience in this years year book in Armania when one of the police searching the brothers homes for literature yanked a box away from the brothers so violently -- he broke his own arm. LOL... I know it's not in there for us to laugh at his pain, and I'm sure the brothers prayed his experience would open his eyes to the folly of anger... but

everytime I listen to that part .. I can't help it...it cracks me up and I fall about laughing... broke his own arm ... lol.

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It's in Pennsylvania. LOL!!! The story makes me crack up. If the rest of you really know what the people in PA are really like, you'd understand.

so is this in Ohio?

Sadly, has happened in Ohio, too. I went to a door with a brother. The neighbor watched us pull up the long (what, 1/8th mile?) driveway to the door. Brother and I got out, knocked, stood, waited, and returned to the car after nobody was home. The neighbor watched us the whole time. We drove down the same driveway, turned and went up the neighbor's drive. Neighbor had gone into the house in the meantime. As we pulled up to the house, the neighbor came outside holding a rifle. Never pointed at us but the message was clear. Now, you want to talk about premeditation? The neighbor had a good 10 minutes or so to watch us, decide what to do, go inside, grab his rifle and come back outside.

Another time the cargroup I was in pulled up to a house. As my step-son and another brother start to get out, the householder throws open the door, nearly sics his German shepherd on us all the while screaming obscenities, cursing us and demanding to know by what right we had to come to his home.

I'm just thankful that man #2 did not have man #1's rifle.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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We all feel for our brothers when confronted, but we should never feel anger toward those who persecute us. That is what the world does. We should show love, not evil for evil to them. Even pray that they understand the truth.

Agape, Lee

I just studied the Watch Tower for today, May 1. The Theme was "Do You Hate Lawlessness?"

The first paragraph, last sentence quotes Matt:5:44 Continue to love your enemies and pray for those persecuting you."

Just to play devil's advocate... It is possible to be angry at someone and show them love at the same time. We do that with our children (and spouses and friends and parents, etc...)

"Be wrathful yet do not sin..." the Bible says. Wrath, apparently, isn't the sin.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I'm just thankful that man #2 did not have man #1's rifle.


"Be wrathful yet do not sin..." the Bible says. Wrath' date=' apparently, isn't the sin.[/quote']

yes it is hard to find a balance of emotions on persecution...rudeness...ignorance... or whatever you want to call it...

I like Rosemary's words

*sigh* okay, I'll TRY - but only because Jehovah wants me to...


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In Australia our territory maps very clearly state who is a DNC so that we would very rarely face the problem of such irate persons. No-one in the comments I have read mention that as an obvious way of avoiding such horrors. Once such a person behaved like that they would surely go off the map?

The quicker we leave where we are not wanted the better. The reasoning book (Page one) tells us that we are looking for honest hearted persons, not people to argue with--so why would any publisher stay for five minutes? I would assume that the papers are not telling the full or proper story. It seems odd that the man had time to cross the street, go into the house and get the rifle and get near the car in order to let off shots. There seems more to the story than what is reported (surprise, shock--maybe it is a biased story?) Worldwide we are united in all we believe and how to preach, how to add a pinch of salt--and when to take our leave. I would be astonished if this procedure was not followed.

Sounds like the poor guy has had his share of problems and most definitely needs Jehovah's help and our love and prayers. Just when he needs the Good news and help that was taken to his house. Hope someone mentions the kind of comfort that was being offered, so as to cause him and 'those' neighbours to re-think. Maybe a letter of apology--with an explanation that 'we' wanted to offer comfort etc may also be an option. At least they are using Jehovah's name as they take their polls!

It also seems that with the attacks in Bulgaria, year book reports, and these increasing personal reports makes one wonder if we are getting a taste more and more of the 'attack on religion'. Hope those publishers do not lose their zeal or joy from their experience.

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anyone here from Monroe County....:laugh: where is it exactly in USA...?

Jehovah's Witnesses face gunfire at 'Catholic home' in Monroe County, authorities say

Rhonda Kalapach believes Jehovah's Witnesses have no place on her property.

When two of them came to her door, the 60-year-old Monroe County woman asked them to leave. Her husband saw the women from across the street and yelled at them, but they didn’t go.

That’s when her husband, William George Kalapach, came into the home and got his rifle. The women were walking to the car where three other people were waiting, when Kalapach said they weren’t moving fast enough, police said.

Police said he fired four shots into the ground about 11 a.m. Saturday near the car with all five people inside. He is now in county prison, charged with aggravated assault and related charges.

"This is a Catholic home," Rhonda Kalapach said. "This is a devout home."

She said the evangelists ignored repeated demands from her and her husband to leave, forcing her husband to react the way he did.

They were at her door about five to 10 minutes before shots rang out, Rhonda Kalapach said.

"I kept telling them this was a Catholic home," she said. "They were trying to convert me."

She said Jehovah’s Witnesses come to her door about three to four times a year. They visited last winter, she said. Every time they’re told to leave. She said her husband did what he had to do to defend their home, she said.

"He doesn’t think he did anything wrong," she said. "This is private property. If you drive in my driveway, you’re trespassing."

'Pretty upset'

She doesn’t know how she’ll pay for bail or a lawyer for her husband. She said he’s a former truck driver who was forced to retire due to poor health. She said he has cancer, diabetes and recently suffered a massive heart attack.

She said she’s on Social Security. They have no family, she said.

full article


Interestingly sometimes people do a flipflop in their lives. People like this actually come into the Truth sometimes. :unsure:

In any case I bet this incident shook up the sisters a bit, but I can tell you now they were probably more HAPPY than anything because they were willing to suffer the reproach of the Christ. I bet they had such a good conscious after that!

And to those who say "love your enemies". Listen to this, because It's true.

To return EVIL for GOOD is Devilish

To return GOOD for GOOD is Human

To return GOOD for EVIL is Divine

So, even in situations like this, we keep conquering the Evil with the Good, and this proves we are Witnesses of Jehovah. We stand out entirely when we do this and put JEhovah on high.

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To return EVIL for GOOD is Devilish

To return GOOD for GOOD is Human

To return GOOD for EVIL is Divine

So, even in situations like this, we keep conquering the Evil with the Good, and this proves we are Witnesses of Jehovah. We stand out entirely when we do this and put JEhovah on high.

Good point (tu)

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To return EVIL for GOOD is Devilish

To return GOOD for GOOD is Human

To return GOOD for EVIL is Divine

So, even in situations like this, we keep conquering the Evil with the Good, and this proves we are Witnesses of Jehovah. We stand out entirely when we do this and put JEhovah on high.

Good point (tu)

I am printing this one out and putting it up at my desk! (tu)

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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The Stroudsburg, PA congregation is part of my circuit, I know many in the cong. but I don't know exactly who was in the car group. Wow, I didn't realize how far and fast this news would travel. This kind of thing is rare but not unheard of in these parts. I'm from NYC but have been in PA for 20 years. Many are hunters and guns are very common, it's not surprising that some would use it to threaten. None that I've spoken to have been panicked by the incident. The preaching goes on - full force. Praise Jah.

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