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Nebraska woman files suit against all homosexuals!

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A Nebraska woman identifying herself as the "ambassador" for plaintiffs "God and His Son, Jesus Christ,"

is suing all homosexuals on Earth for breaking "religious and moral laws," according to court records filed Tuesday.

In the suit, entered into the docket as Driskell v. Homosexuals, Sylvia Ann Driskell, 66, of Auburn, Nebraska, asks in a

seven-page, neatly handwritten petition (PDF) that U.S. District Judge John M. Gerrard decide once

and for all whether homosexuality is or isn't a sin.




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A Nebraska woman identifying herself as the "ambassador" for plaintiffs "God and His Son, Jesus Christ,"

is suing all homosexuals on Earth for breaking "religious and moral laws," according to court records filed Tuesday.

In the suit, entered into the docket as Driskell v. Homosexuals, Sylvia Ann Driskell, 66, of Auburn, Nebraska, asks in a

seven-page, neatly handwritten petition (PDF) that U.S. District Judge John M. Gerrard decide once

and for all whether homosexuality is or isn't a sin.




Correct me if I'm wrong. Does warped minded comes into play?

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Why just focus on homosexuality?

Poor deluded woman

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I'm constantly amazed how people with no sense of direction will spin in circles. Apparently this woman realizes something needs to be done but since she doesn't know what will be done, she is trying to do something herself. 

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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If this system carries on for much longer, I can honestly see a time when being heterosexual will be judged wrong and illegal.


Really?  I know the moral compass of the world is skewed and ignores the Bible's moral code but legislation changes in the western world simply reflects the predominate attitude that what goes on between consenting adults is nobody's business, least of all the state or church.  The trend is not about forcing anyone to adopt a certain lifestyle, rather to ensure that no one is subjected to prejudice through their choices.  Can you really see a time when governments will legislate against hetrosexual relationships or somehow force people to be prepared to participate in any kind of relationship?  Am I missing some irony here?

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Stupidity and immorality has been mainstreamed. Poor people out there with no real moral compass. They do not realize they are victims of a massive brain washing that has been slow, methodical and successiful. Satan and his dupes.

We are a blessed people. Our Dear Heavenly Father sees to it we are well prepared for what this system throws at us. We do not have to protest, sue, or even live in frustration. We have a wonderful support system with the highest of morals. And, in time, we will be the minority. With the ability to hold our heads up high, and be grateful to Jehovah!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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Well there is already some prejudice happening since the same sex marriage legal issues have been going on. It is not ok for a person who does not believe it is right to stand up and say something against homosexuality, you will get attacked. Just wait and see the backlash this woman will get for the very thought...

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Well, we're are almost at the stage where it is wrong to be an adult male.


Summary: A woman observes a man taking a "selfie". She naturally assumes he must be a pedophile and posts a photo of him online. The innocent man's photo is shared by thousands, and is labelled a creep and sex offender. Someone even recognised him on the street and called him a "sicko!"

Then there is the story of a woman who bashed a man to death with a baseball bat because she thought he molested her 4 year old daughter. Investigating police said there was no evidence to suggest the deceased was guilty.


Edited by niall
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Unbelievable hatred and unbridled anger! I just saw on a TV news show that a woman cut off a man and his family in traffic and he forces her car over and then gets out of his car and pulls her out of her car and kicks her in the face and ribs and hits her repeatedly...this is a man mind you and he is beating a woman.

She is in the hospital with broken ribs and fractures and numerous bruises but is supposed to make it. The man was arrested after they pulled video evidence.

We never know who is on a rampage anymore. This would have never happened about 10 years ago. It is just really changing for the worse. Every night there are multiple murders and violent crimes on the news it used to be once or twice a month.

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Really? I know the moral compass of the world is skewed and ignores the Bible's moral code but legislation changes in the western world simply reflects the predominate attitude that what goes on between consenting adults is nobody's business, least of all the state or church. The trend is not about forcing anyone to adopt a certain lifestyle, rather to ensure that no one is subjected to prejudice through their choices. Can you really see a time when governments will legislate against hetrosexual relationships or somehow force people to be prepared to participate in any kind of relationship? Am I missing some irony here?

Hyperbole:exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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Really? I know the moral compass of the world is skewed and ignores the Bible's moral code but legislation changes in the western world simply reflects the predominate attitude that what goes on between consenting adults is nobody's business, least of all the state or church. The trend is not about forcing anyone to adopt a certain lifestyle, rather to ensure that no one is subjected to prejudice through their choices. Can you really see a time when governments will legislate against hetrosexual relationships or somehow force people to be prepared to participate in any kind of relationship? Am I missing some irony here?

Well, maybe if Satan and his system had the chance to. It wasn't too long ago that any homosexual act was illegal, and thus many hid their sexuality.

Maybe it is an exaggeration, but Satan system does make me feel like one day it could be like that for heterosexual people.

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We are well into the time when things that are normal will seem unusual or abnormal by the those in the world, but things that Jehovah view as normal will be seen as abnormal by the masses. How far this will go - only time will tell.

<p>"Jehovah chooses to either 'reveal' or 'conceal' - cherish what he reveals and be patient with what he conceals."

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