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"You don't spank your kids today!", Judge Scolds...

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Judge has harsh words for Mom before sentencing her for spanking her kid

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (CBS) -- A judge in Corpus Christi, Texas had some harsh words for a mother charged with spanking her own child before sentencing her to probation.

"You don't spank children today," said Judge Jose Longoria. "In the old days, maybe we got spanked, but there was a different quarrel. You don't spank children."

Rosalina Gonzales had pleaded guilty to a felony charge of injury to a child for what prosecutors had described as a "pretty simple, straightforward spanking case." They noted she didn't use a belt or leave any bruises, just some red marks.

As part of the plea deal, Gonzales will serve five years probation, during which time she'll have to take parenting classes, follow CPS guidelines, and make a $50 payment to the Children's Advocacy Center.

She was arrested back in December after the child's paternal grandmother noticed red marks on the child's rear end. The grandmother took the girl, who was two years-old at the time, to the hospital to be checked out.

Gonzales who doesn't have custody of the child or her other two children, is trying to get them back, but until CPS feels she is ready the kids are living with their paternal grandmother.

Article Source: http://www.volunteertv.com/national/headlines/Mom_pleads_guilty_to_spanking_own_child_124072014.html


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While not advocating abuse, the lack of appropriate spanking has aided and abetted the sad and worsening condition of the world we see today, especially in children who are "disobedient to parents", which is just about all of them (2 Tim 3:1-5).


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Yes I saw him on the new saying that yesterday---as old as he is, he should know better..:upsidedown:...but I guess he wants to keep his job.

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I got a "swat" in gym class in junior High once, that was my first mistake. The second one was telling my parents about it. I got it worse from them!

They had to stop doing that in the schools because the parents were suing the teachers. Now the teachers are afraid of the students!

Now a Judge is going to tell us whether or not we can spank our kids? This world is going to get scarier once the kids figure out they can do anything they want with no consequences. It's pretty close to that now!

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This is just .... well words are hard to come by. This is a major problem with the children today. The government is making parents fearful of disciplining their children so they don't do it at all. Then they wonder why teen crimes are on the rise and why kids are so disrespectful.

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I never looked to see how long the red marks lasted after I'd been spanked. Makes me wonder how soon after the spanking grandma was looking at the child.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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I never looked to see how long the red marks lasted after I'd been spanked. Makes me wonder how soon after the spanking grandma was looking at the child.

And the child in this story is only 2 years old.

At 2, my child only got warning taps, nothing that would leave a mark at all. At 2, what we want is their attention so we can teach them. Discipline essentially means "to learn".


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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I received so many spankings as a kid' date=' if it was to happen today, my parents would be [b']under the jail!
I'm sure I got more than you!


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I never looked to see how long the red marks lasted after I'd been spanked. Makes me wonder how soon after the spanking grandma was looking at the child.

And the child in this story is only 2 years old.

At 2, my child only got warning taps, nothing that would leave a mark at all. At 2, what we want is their attention so we can teach them. Discipline essentially means "to learn".

it pg706 Because it is the heart that must be reached in training children, we are informed: Proverbs 22:15 "Foolishness is tied up with the heart of a boy; the rod of discipline is what will remove it far from him." The "rod" is a symbol of parental authority, and that authority means correcting kids when needed! Proverbs 23:13,14 "Do not hold back discipline from the mere boy. In case you beat him with the rod, he will not die. 14 With the rod you yourself should beat him, that you may deliver his very soul from She′ol itself."

You snatched the words right outta my mouth Bob. My daughter is 11 and I may not have to spank her much anymore, but before I had to encourage her to understand why she got a little spanking every now and then. I got wayyy more spankings when I was a kid though lol. During conventions I see sisters spanking some of their kids right there in the open, nothing serious but a "hey listen up here girly, this is Jehovah's house you be respectful" kind of spanking. I also know there's a limit. Some people may get marks because they were aggressively hit extremely hard and that would be inappropriate, yet at the same time some turn bright red when you just tap them, and the mark doesn't go away for a couple days! So it all depends on the evidence of how bad a case is. But in many cases, I see spanking as a positive thing if it's not done out of rage and abuse but out of correction. I think many of us had the "rod of discipline" at one point in our lives :P

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Very rarely did I spank one of my children. I found that talking with them about the things they shouldn't do and the why of it was usually enough. The serious stuff like not looking before crossing a neighborhood street would get them a spanking for sure. The point is some kids need to be spanked, some don't, and some are so head-strong it wouldn't matter one way or the other. That judge is only following rule of law. It's rule of law that is wrong. As has been said here already, it's a big part of what's wrong with the world today. A child needs to be disciplined at times. Seems to me Grandma should have spoken to Mommy first.

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I worked in a high school in Alabama, USA and spanking was one of the punishments. The principal used a "paddle", in fact they called it "paddling". That was only three years ago, they probably still do it.

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I worked in a high school in Alabama, USA and spanking was one of the punishments. The principal used a "paddle", in fact they called it "paddling". That was only three years ago, they probably still do it.

I was threatened with a paddle in 6th grade, circa 1986.

Very rarely did I spank one of my children. I found that talking with them about the things they shouldn't do and the why of it was usually enough. The serious stuff like not looking before crossing a neighborhood street would get them a spanking for sure. The point is some kids need to be spanked, some don't, and some are so head-strong it wouldn't matter one way or the other. That judge is only following rule of law. It's rule of law that is wrong. As has been said here already, it's a big part of what's wrong with the world today. A child needs to be disciplined at times. Seems to me Grandma should have spoken to Mommy first.

Only in some circumstances do I actually need to. Most of the time, the fear of a potential spanking is enough to promote a good discussion about the situation.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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In my book the word discipline means correction and guidance. I find that each of my kids were different and their mood at the time made them more willing to obey me (sleepy nap-time kids may throw fits when small). Some children need a hard glance and they cry and change their course. Some kids need reasoning and a time out. But some children absolutely challenge your parental authority. They might need more incentive to listen and obey. A tap on a baby's bottom gets their attention and they may cry from such softness because they realize they must conform to their parent's will. The object is to get the child to change their behavior. Beating a child is never an option.

I was beaten as a child many times and it was my father's anger at my mother, who refused to deal with me in the moment, that caused my father's over zealousness! He was getting back at Mom. DUH! At twelve years old I stopped reacting to his belt swings. I never cried again and he lost his power over me. I was caught in a battle of wills. It was unfair that this happened but that kind of sealed our relationship after that. I was never close to my father again, if at all before that.

One thing I thought I'd mention is that of hitting a kids hands. The bones in a child are not fully formed until they are 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So slapping their hands may set them up for arthritis in later years. I learned this many years ago. Behinds are perfect to smack but not hard because that can cause a child's hip to go out of alignment. Wow - so many things we know today that they didn't know years ago.

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I was spanked and hit with a belt and yes I'm still here, but I do not advise spanking at all. I have disciplined my kids, but it can be done without spanking. My kids are good, respectful, nice, honest and just great kids. Discipline is necessary, but it can be done without spanking.

If a husband spanked his wife, it would be considered abuse, but if we spank children it's called discipline. That is something I never could understand. Being hit as a child left alot of emotional scars on me, and I didn't want to do that with my own children. Not trying to preach here and it's up to everyone to decide how to discipline their kids, but you can have good kids without spanking.

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If a husband spanked his wife, it would be considered abuse, but if we spank children it's called discipline. That is something I never could understand.

So, can a husband put his wife in time out - since he can the children? :crackwhip:

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If a husband spanked his wife, it would be considered abuse, but if we spank children it's called discipline. That is something I never could understand.

So, can a husband put his wife in time out - since he can the children? :crackwhip:

Lol, I'd like to see a husband try that! HAHA.

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If a husband spanked his wife, it would be considered abuse, but if we spank children it's called discipline. That is something I never could understand.

So, can a husband put his wife in time out - since he can the children? :crackwhip:

Lol, I'd like to see a husband try that! HAHA.

So, maybe the relationship between husband and wife is different than the one between parents and children and that is why we can't really compare them - especially when it comes to discipline?

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





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My daughter and I just took a 6 week course thru social services (child protective) called "Common Sense Parenting" Developed by the Boys Town ppl. There is no spanking in it, but in our case we are dealing with a child (my granddaughter we have custody of) with mental health issues: conduct disorder. Any type of physical discipline escalates the whole situation when the child is raging and already out of control. But it is about discipline and actually practicing with role playing appropriate behavior BEFORE the crisis. And of course it is sometimes not the discipline itself but how it is delivered. This world is way too complicated!

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If a husband spanked his wife, it would be considered abuse, but if we spank children it's called discipline. That is something I never could understand.

So, can a husband put his wife in time out - since he can the children? :crackwhip:

Lol, I'd like to see a husband try that! HAHA.

So, maybe the relationship between husband and wife is different than the one between parents and children and that is why we can't really compare them - especially when it comes to discipline?

Some think that, but I have always felt that hitting is hitting, doesn't matter who, I just don't agree with it. That is my opinion though and as I said earlier, everyone has to decide for themselves how to discipline their children. I can only base discipline on my own personal experience as a child and the effects spanking had on me and my sisters, based on that, I chose not to spank my children.

We teach our children not to hit their siblings or other kids, men are not suppose to hit women, but yet some feel parents spanking kids is acceptable. Just something I don't understand is all. Again, just my opinion.

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Some think that, but I have always felt that hitting is hitting, doesn't matter who, I just don't agree with it. That is my opinion though and as I said earlier, everyone has to decide for themselves how to discipline their children. I can only base discipline on my own personal experience as a child and the effects spanking had on me and my sisters, based on that, I chose not to spank my children.

We teach our children not to hit their siblings or other kids, men are not suppose to hit women, but yet some feel parents spanking kids is acceptable. Just something I don't understand is all. Again, just my opinion.

I was what you could call a "willful" child. Only the fear of my father kept me from going "bad". (well worse) :) He didn't have to use physical persuasion often, but the few times he did and the fear of further discipline was very beneficial to me. I am grateful for it to this day.

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Some think that, but I have always felt that hitting is hitting, doesn't matter who, I just don't agree with it. That is my opinion though and as I said earlier, everyone has to decide for themselves how to discipline their children. I can only base discipline on my own personal experience as a child and the effects spanking had on me and my sisters, based on that, I chose not to spank my children.

We teach our children not to hit their siblings or other kids, men are not suppose to hit women, but yet some feel parents spanking kids is acceptable. Just something I don't understand is all. Again, just my opinion.

I was what you could call a "willful" child. Only the fear of my father kept me from going "bad". (well worse) :) He didn't have to use physical persuasion often, but the few times he did and the fear of further discipline was very beneficial to me. I am grateful for it to this day.

And for me and my sisters, physical persuasion made us angry and fearful of our parents, not respectful to them, and it caused us to be angry and rebellious. Took many years to deal with and accept it and move on with our lives. But again, that was us. Can't speak on how spanking affects others, only myself.

I remember a brother who gave a talk and he said as parents we need to discipline and train our children and they need to know and understand the consequences of their actions, but hitting does not mean they will respect you. Instead, they will fear you and lose respect for you. I really understood this point cause it is how I felt when I was hit.

But I do know ones who were spanked, and they seem ok. I chose though, based on my personal experience, to not chance it with my kids and we just didn't spank them. I didn't want them to ever feel the way I did towards my parents when I was a kid.

To each their own though. As parents, we all know our kids better then others, and what may work for one kid doesn't mean it will work for another kid.

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