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UK Riots - caused by class warfare

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It's interesting that the MSM narrative is that things like cuts to spending and rising costs of education are the cause of the riots in the UK. But it has been pointed out that many of these people are not that poor, in fact some come from better class suburbs. A good example of this is one text said that "we're not broke, but who says no to free stuff?" Bill O'Reilly on his Talking Points played audio from two young who said quite openly that they are attacking the rich (i.e. anyone who owns businesses, large or small). In this they are following their education, things that we (Jehovah's Witnesses) have been pointing to for decades, zero discipline of children, no respect for any kind of authority, hatred of others, greed, selfishness, avarice and so on - they are reveling in things condemned by God's word.

Most of what is being said shows that another large component of the cause of the riots is contempt for authority, a complete lack of discipline and a strong presence by criminal elements. They are being excused by the political left and even incited by their excuses and attacks on the government. This sort of thing is interesting, very interesting because we are seeing the same thing in nearly every western nation spoken by various leftist groups. Not all of these groups are particularly radical, yet what they say is quite united in its hatred of authority, Christianity (they don't distinguish between groups), class hatred and so on.

Another major component is a group calling itself Anonymous who are fomenting and inciting incidents like this all over the world. They pushed the "Arab Spring" that will probably see terror groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood take power in several Arab occupied countries. Now they are pushing for a "Tahrir-like revolution" in the US. I am getting the feeling we may need to factor groups like Anonymous into our interpretation of prophecy, they are something that we could not have expected even 20 years ago. They are world-wide and hostile to everything we believe and they are gearing up to do terrible things to the world and most of them are openly atheist and anarchist in their political and social orientation. I am not sure if they are behind what is happening in the UK, even as just a component of the troubles, but they have mentioned hackers are working to take down RIM in retaliation for their assistance to the British authorities in quelling the riots.

I think what we are seeing is a small foretaste of what is to come in other parts of the world, these people want the West to burn and for society to fall. We are truly living in interesting times.

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I couldn't sleep well last night, so I turned on National Public Radio in the early morning and heard the host(ess) calling for the same kind of "revolution" taking place in London to occur in the U.S. also. I couldn't believe my ears!


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I couldn't sleep well last night, so I turned on National Public Radio in the early morning and heard the host(ess) calling for the same kind of "revolution" taking place in London to occur in the U.S. also. I couldn't believe my ears!


I have heard that NPR is like that, it's especially since it is a government funded entity. But that's the sort of thing I have been hearing a lot, this Anonymous group want the West to be overthrown, then there is Wikileaks, a host of George Soros funded leftist organisations and a lot of other leftist groups who think the West including the US are the most evil regimes on the planet. They support the Arabs over the Israelis, they support Iran and all the other regimes hostile to the US.

The calls for "revolution" are coming thick and fast and so is the anti-Christian and anti-Semitic rhetoric from the left and it is very likely we will see much more of this mob violence. Anonymous are gearing up for a takeover of Wall Street in November that is likely to see a considerable amount of violence, especially if anarchists turn up to the party. There will also be a lot of anti-Semitic hatred on display too.

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I had a look at the papers today ... but couldn't see anything in reguard to the riots and Anonymous..

saw this though...

Anonymous might act against UK web shutdowns Opposes Government social network shutdown threats.

THE HACKTIVIST GROUP Anonymous has issued a rather thinly veiled threat to the Government about its proposed plans to shut down social networking during times of social unrest.

Fresh from his holidays, UK Prime Minister David Cameron set about making himself look like a powerful and reassuring leader. He failed, and perhaps while scrabbling towards credibility he decided that perhaps the best thing to do would be to tackle social neworking, since he thought that caused the riots and looting that have recently beset cities and towns all across the UK.

"Everyone watching these horrific actions will be stuck by how they were organised via social media. Free flow of information can be used for good. But it can also be used for ill," he said. "Police were facing a new circumstance where rioters were using the Blackberry Messenger service, a closed network, to organise riots."

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The idea that what is happening in London is some sort of 'revolution' is ludicrous. It is sheer wanton criminality. They are not attacking government buildings (some police cars and a police station were torched) in an attack on the government. There was no political motivation whatsoever. Just greed and 'because we can'!

The whole of the parliament has shown itself as corrupt in recent years (cash for questions, lobbying, expenses etc), now the recent revelations of corruption in government and media, senior policemen gone because of corruption - what moral guidance has there been? It is strange to see the political leaders trying to hold a moral high ground now.

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The idea that what is happening in London is some sort of 'revolution' is ludicrous. It is sheer wanton criminality. They are not attacking government buildings (some police cars and a police station were torched) in an attack on the government. There was no political motivation whatsoever. Just greed and 'because we can'!

This didn't occur as a direct result of Anonymous or any other group inciting people, that is true. The cause of the riots goes back a long way through decades of leftist ideology - things such as not disciplining children, their changes to education, hatred of authority and so on. This was at least in part political because shortly after the rioting started anarchists turned up as part of the troubles although it didn't start out as a political protest. However, this is what groups like Anonymous and others are looking for and are inciting the disaffected to do and they are threatening the British government over their ideas on how to deal with this sort of thing in the future. These troubles are coming from a culture soaked in criminality and hatred for traditional values, not to mention a hatred for authority. There is no organisation that I can see behind the riots but these groups are in a very large way responsible for these things happening.

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Yes I agree totally with your last paragraph. Salford Manchester was one place where people were helping themselves and the previous Member of Parliament representing the area was infamous for helping self in the 'Expenses taken from taxpayers' rows. A salary of £141,000 a year and claimed £650 000 extra 'business' expenses on 3 properties over 5 years; hundreds on groceries, TV's, domestic furniture and thousands on top hotels accomodation and travel for this person and partner - not illegally, but using 'loopholes', but not all really business expenses either. Yet the politician was standing up in Parliament yesterday shouting from the back benches (opposition party area) about the moral decline in society and making sure the greedy looters were punished. I was amazed.

Despite the bad examples set, as you said,it's still no justification for looting privately owned shop owners of their means of life and destroying their property and burning ordinary folk out of their homes.If it were a real revolution destruction would be on government infrastructure. Attacks on Police stations seemed to be mostly to create a siege to stop the Police getting out to stop the looting and burning of shops. Attacks on the firebrigade happen regularly everywhere by youths all year round. Thousands of pounds worth of fire truck gear is regularly vandalised or stolen while the firemen attend fires across Britain. Police often have to attend fires these days to protect the firemen.

Most of the hundreds going through court today were school kids under 18, who were bored hanging around shopping areas during summer break from school, then calling in other kids to join in the 'free-for-all' when it kicked off. Shocking comment was that many have parents who would not even turn up to accompany them to court as they should. A youth worker on BBC yesterday claimed that he recognised kids helping themselves that he knew already had the best Nikes - Reeboks and jeans their parents had provided for them.

Brings to mind the scripture at Hebrews 10:34"For you both expressed sympathy for those in prison and joyfully took the plundering of your belongings knowing you yourselves have a better and abiding possession" If this is what worldly people will do when trouble arises, it is good counsel not to be materialistic as you could get killed trying to defend your goods from the feral children who may like to come and help themselves come any persecution!

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The whole of the parliament has shown itself as corrupt in recent years (cash for questions, lobbying, expenses etc), now the recent revelations of corruption in government and media, senior policemen gone because of corruption - what moral guidance has there been? It is strange to see the political leaders trying to hold a moral high ground now.

Yet the politician was standing up in Parliament yesterday shouting from the back benches (opposition party area) about the moral decline in society and making sure the greedy looters were punished. I was amazed.

excellent points...

There are so many factors to the causes of these riots...from the top of society to the bottom...I wonder if this situation will be changed in this system...or is there more to come?...

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some points from a newspaper article....

The bankers' refusal to rein in their greed is fuelling the politics of envy in Britain — and envy is a toxic and corrosive creator of social unrest and Left-wing demagoguery

This wanton act of destruction, which signalled the start of four days of anarchy, left families homeless, heartbroken and in desperate need of help.

Yet, as this paper reveals today, when some of these families — several of whom have lost everything they own — asked their banks for permission to delay payment of their mortgages, so they had a few extra pounds to rebuild their shattered lives, they were refused.

Let's be clear: nothing — nothing — could justify or excuse the violent criminality of the looting anarchists who this week so stained Britain's reputation as a civilised society.

But is it surprising that an increasing number of decent civic-minded people consider the bankers' behaviour to be almost as reprehensible?

After all, they argue, the bankers have the same contempt for the law-abiding public as those looters and the same sense of entitlement to wealth as the teenagers who smash shop windows to steal flat-screen televisions.

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some points from a newspaper article....

The bankers' refusal to rein in their greed is fuelling the politics of envy in Britain — and envy is a toxic and corrosive creator of social unrest and Left-wing demagoguery

This is the sort of thing I was talking about, it is pure class hatred and is the kind of thing that stokes these riots. Blaming the rich for the violent behavior of yobs is classic Marxist ideology. Bankers aren't the problem, in fact they tend to be somewhat less greedy than they used to be thanks to governments and customers forcing them to be so. What is causing these problems is people wanting everything but not wanting to earn them - in a capitalist or truly Christian society people have to work to earn the money to buy the goods they want, but that is not how modern society works. Instead people are put on easy welfare, are constantly bombarded with examples of people getting money for nothing (usually by wealthy pop and movie stars), are told that they "deserve more" and that they individually are the most important person on earth.

Bankers are easy targets because they are rich and the left, who do control the narrative today, hate the rich (unless they contribute to leftist causes). While these yobs aren't leftist protesters they are soaked in a culture of socialist ideology that has almost entirely erased most of the ideals of the past such as hard work, thrift, and unselfishness. Instead of looking at the real problems they are told that all their problems come down to others - the rich, bankers, corporations, police, government, conservatives, Christians, and Jews - when in reality they are the problem. They are a problem because they don't want to work, they think the world owes them a living and no wonder, that is what they are told, they are told that all whites are racist and that the police are unfairly targeting them because they are black or Muslims or Pakistanis or from Outer Mongolia.

This blog made an excellent point about the riots and the declining church attendance in the UK. The current church attendance in the UK is down to 15% and no one including parents are teaching these kids any kind of good social behaviour any more. It is less likely that these things will happen in the near future in the US, regular church attendance is around 43% and many of the rest are irregular church-goers or are quite religious. In the UK the level of atheism is about 20% while in the US it's about 2%.

We are definitely going to see more of this, it may be a while in the US but radicals are gearing up for more trouble around the world and, as England showed this week, the ordinary people are so soaked in crime, class envy and left-wing demagoguery that all it takes is a spark to ignite violence in some parts of the world. This is a perfect demonstration of what the Bible prophesies in 2 Timothy 3 said:

1 But know this' date=' that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here. 2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, disloyal, 3 having no natural affection, not open to any agreement, slanderers, without self-control, fierce, without love of goodness, 4 betrayers, headstrong, puffed up [with pride'], lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power; and from these turn away.
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London's rioters: Every explanation under the sun


Despite the incessant media coverage in Britain for the last three days, one of the most striking features of the reaction to the riots has been the lack of consensus on, or insight into, the people causing the chaos.

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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It looks like the exact opposite is starting to take place amd people are starting to stick together. Turning in the rioters and helping their neighbors as people start to fight back.

Keep us posted and stay safe.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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My two pennies worth and i live South of London, is that it's not so much the down & out youths as many have and are presuming but actually the middle class (the workers) so to speak that were the worst perpertrators... seems to me.. the ones out of work maybe disillusioned..... but they have benefits... they get allowances, housing, medical care... whereas the middle class, the grafters, so to speak, are the ones getting taxed, paying high amounts on amenities & housing bills & are suffering the cost of living like no one else. Thus, for a mad moment they lost it...

the kids just followed

completely shortsighted

but we know who's behind it

Demonic influence prior to the flood was stepped up

Demonic influence prior to the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah certainly stepped up

Are we really surprised to see such effects prior to the Great Tribulation...?

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Just thought this was an interesting piece of information...

'Put a lid on your hatred': Rodney King says rioters who brought London to a standstill won't solve anything

The man who triggered the 1992 Los Angeles Riots has lashed out at the hooligans who brought Britain to its knees.

Rodney King - who was nearly beaten to death by the LAPD - launched a furious attack on the mindless thugs and declared:

Rioting won't bring back Mark Duggan

Looting is 'a hate crime against innocent businesses'

Hooligans need to 'put a lid' on their hatred

From his California home, he said: 'I’ve been watching the riots, and London is out of control.

King was born in Sacramento, California, in 1965, along with four other children, to his mother, Odessa,a passionate Jehovah's Witness, and father Ronald, an alcoholic who died at 42.

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Class Warfare??? Revolution?? Political protest??

No, just simple greed and opportunism. Same old, Same old.....

I cannot blame the members around the world for picking up these comments. That is what the foreign journalists were saying alright, but can you believe all what you read in the papers?

Most of them IMHO never let the truth get in the way of a juicy story

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the kids just followed

completely shortsighted

but we know who's behind it

Demonic influence prior to the flood was stepped up

Demonic influence prior to the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah certainly stepped up

Are we really surprised to see such effects prior to the Great Tribulation...?

Good point Michelle, Demonic influence has stepped up so much now, Satan is desperate.... and is well able to influence many people..

When some people look for reason... they are in fact looking for excuses !! there is no excuse... it is criminality... and shows the way that many people have a 'don't care' attitude

I heard one man say that although many people are in poverty in this world they still have pride and would never stoop this low....

I mean for goodness sake... some women were getting their kids to try on shoes before stealing them !!!

2Tim 3 1-6 is certainly being fullfilled before our very eyes

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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Class Warfare??? Revolution?? Political protest??

No, just simple greed and opportunism. Same old, Same old.....

I cannot blame the members around the world for picking up these comments. That is what the foreign journalists were saying alright, but can you believe all what you read in the papers?

Most of them IMHO never let the truth get in the way of a juicy story

I was listening to the rioters in their own words to see why they were doing what they were doing. It's quite interesting to hear their rather stupid reasons. What was amazing was the number of rich kids who joined in with the poor kids and the gang members who were "shopping". Then there were the adults defending what they did and blaming the rich for their supposed greed and avoidance of law as well as a huge shopping list of other excuses right out of the Marxist play book. I notice the media, particularly the British media, were playing these things down and simply blaming frustration and anger at budged cuts that as far as I know don't even affect most of the people who rioted.

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Interesting comments by Tony Blair...

Tony Blair attacks 'muddle-headed analysis' of UK riots

''The key is to understand that they aren't symptomatic of society at large. Failure to get this leads to a completely muddle-headed analysis of what has gone wrong. Britain as a whole is not in the grip of some general 'moral decline'.''

Mr Blair, who is normally reluctant to comment on domestic issues, said: ''The truth is that many of these people are from families that are profoundly dysfunctional, operating on completely different terms from the rest of society, either middle class or poor.

''This is a phenomenon of the late 20th century. You find it in virtually every developed nation.''

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Interesting how severely disfunctional families is not a sign of moral break down. I would have thought it would have been. Shows why you need to be a former prime minister to really get a good understanding of the world today :lol1: and not be "muddle headed"

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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Interesting how severely disfunctional families is not a sign of moral break down. I would have thought it would have been. Shows why you need to be a former prime minister to really get a good understanding of the world today :lol1: and not be "muddle headed"

Unfortunately it's the thing we have to expect from politicians today. The so-called "progressives" are the worst at this, their policies have caused much of the moral breakdown by promoting things that Bible based Christians understand to be completely against God's will and bad for people. But then again most of the so-called "conservative" politicians are nearly as bad these days. They may have gone against God in many ways in the past but at the same time they did promote Biblical values more often than not - now almost none of them do. They also seem completely blind to what they are doing and the results of what they are doing, I mean really and truly blind as bats.

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Interesting how severely disfunctional families is not a sign of moral break down. I would have thought it would have been. Shows why you need to be a former prime minister to really get a good understanding of the world today :lol1: and not be "muddle headed"

Unfortunately it's the thing we have to expect from politicians today. The so-called "progressives" are the worst at this, their policies have caused much of the moral breakdown by promoting things that Bible based Christians understand to be completely against God's will and bad for people. But then again most of the so-called "conservative" politicians are nearly as bad these days. They may have gone against God in many ways in the past but at the same time they did promote Biblical values more often than not - now almost none of them do. They also seem completely blind to what they are doing and the results of what they are doing, I mean really and truly blind as bats.

I 100% agree with you. They are all blinded and in darkness mentally.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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in Africa people are fighting for bread and water to survive..in London people were fighting for 42 inch plasma televisions and microwaves ..Need v greed. Wanton violence and greed.

Now that puts it all in perspective doesn't it. Thank you.

Plan ahead as if Armageddon will not come in your lifetime, but lead your life as if it will come tomorrow (w 2004 Dec. 1 page 29)





Soon .....


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