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Religious liberty severely restricted for 75 percent of world's population

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Severe restrictions on religious liberty are being imposed on 75 percent of the world's population, according to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) 2015 Report.

On Wednesday, the U.S. State Department noted that a quarter of the world's countries, which makes up around 75 percent of the world's population, have strict government policies or hostile environments that severely restrict religious freedom. The report said minority religious groups and nontraditional religions are usually the targets of such strict regulations.


                                                                             ~We were sent to preach not to judge~ 

~Be kind to one another because all of us are suffering one way or another. This is our refuge from oppression~


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I find the article below interesting. When visiting the webpage below, all of the text is obscured. By right clicking the page and selecting "view source" one is able to see what they were trying to hide which is this:


"The State Department’s annual report on religious oppression abroad is a useful diplomatic tool. But it also casts into sharp relief the broad scope of religious freedom enjoyed by Americans.
  In many other countries, governments use state-endorsed religions as elements of their own control — as in widespread blasphemy and apostasy laws in many Muslim countries. The report cited particularly harsh practices in Afghanistan, Mauritania, Pakistan, Sudan and Saudi Arabia.
  Many other countries, the report found, use the power of the state to inhibit religious practice, citing Angola, Azerbaijan, Brunei, Eritrea, Myanmar, Russia and Vietnam.
  The report also cited the most obvious atrocities, including religious genocide against Christian and minority Muslim sects by the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria and Boko Haram in West Africa.
  Also, it documented anti-Christian persecution in China, anti-Sunni Muslim persecution in Iran and growing anti-Semitism in Europe.
  Contrast that to the United States, where some religious activists claim discrimination because they cannot impose their religious beliefs as public policy — as in debates over displaying the Ten Commandments in courthouses or requiring employers to comply with coverage requirements in the Affordable Care Act.
  According to the nonpartisan, nonprofit Pew Center on Religion and Public Life, Americans practice more than 330 religions, from Catholicism to Taoism, from mainline Protestantism to Buddhism, while a growing share of the population adheres to no organized religion.

All of that, by constitutional design, is done without interference from the government. The United States remains the global gold standard for religious tolerance and diversity precisely because the government is religion-neutral. Despite the efforts of some to impose their own religious views as public policy, the government must stay that way."


Why were they trying to hide this?







                                                                             ~We were sent to preach not to judge~ 

~Be kind to one another because all of us are suffering one way or another. This is our refuge from oppression~


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