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What are you watching these days? Fall lineup.

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The series premiere of Terra Nova was alright. Big big budget! Wow are they dumping some money into that!

Some of the dialogue was a little under developed and thus sorta cheesy, but all in all it was fun to watch. My son loves dinosaurs, so this may be a father son bonding show for us.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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The series premiere of Terra Nova was alright. Big big budget! Wow are they dumping some money into that!

Some of the dialogue was a little under developed and thus sorta cheesy, but all in all it was fun to watch. My son loves dinosaurs, so this may be a father son bonding show for us.

I said the same thing as we were watching it, big budget for sets and effects! I hope it gets a large following and thus good ratings fast because I'm sure the accountants would love to pull the plug on this one! I thought it was really good and if they develop the characters a little better, it could be great.

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I have been watching Lark Rise to Candleford, I think it maybe only on European channels.... also there is a new series of Downton Abby starting which looks good :)

I also like Cupcake Wars, Masterchief etc...

Also X Factor UK version is getting really good now... so I will be hooked on that

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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I have been watching Lark Rise to Candleford, I think it maybe only on European channels.... also there is a new series of Downton Abby starting which looks good :)

I LOVE Larkrise. It's a really gentle drama series, and very moving at times (or is that just me being an over emotional, sad old biddy!). I also enjoy Cranford (it has the same affect on me). Hey, I think I see a pattern here! :crying:

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The series premiere of Terra Nova was alright. Big big budget! Wow are they dumping some money into that! Some of the dialogue was a little under developed and thus sorta cheesy' date=' but all in all it was fun to watch. My son loves dinosaurs, so this may be a father son bonding show for us.[/quote'] Grumpy liked it.


For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I have been watching Lark Rise to Candleford, I think it maybe only on European channels.... also there is a new series of Downton Abby starting which looks good :)

My wife just loves Lark Rise to Candleford. She watches it on YouTube I think. I'll have to double check. She keeps insisting that I watch it too.

She loves British television that takes place in a pre-1900 setting.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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I have been watching Lark Rise to Candleford, I think it maybe only on European channels.... also there is a new series of Downton Abby starting which looks good :)

My wife just loves Lark Rise to Candleford. She watches it on YouTube I think. I'll have to double check. She keeps insisting that I watch it too.

She loves British television that takes place in a pre-1900 setting.

I just bought the first series on DVD from Ebay for €3.99 ... not sure it would work on American DVD's though, I think you have a different system... You Tube is so good for this kind of thing though :)

Your wife does well to understand the accents as they are very much a Devon/Somerset dialect :P

You can't walk with God while holding hands with the Devil.

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I liked "HawthoRNe" but this last season was horrible and it has been cancelled. I love "forensic" shows NCIS, Criminal Minds. I like some SciFi I was going to watch Terra Nova and didn't get to. I like Ice Road Truckers, Pawn Stars, House Hunters and House Hunters International. This spring there was a show on Switched At Birth I really liked hope it will be on again. Years ago, I liked BBC Monarch of the Glen. I'm not sure what I'm going to check out for this fall.

Get more exercise....walk with Jehovah!

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*** w10 5/15 p. 23 Continue to Exercise Your Perceptive Powers ***

Using our perceptive powers to reason on matters requires meditation, and that calls for effort. (Ps. 1:1-3) We must not allow distractions—such as television watching or hobbies, which do not require much mental exertion—to get in the way of meaningful reflection. In order to develop our thinking ability, it is necessary for us to acquire and satisfy a taste for study of the Bible and the publications of “the faithful and discreet slave.” (Matt. 24:45-47) In addition to a regular program of personal Bible reading, it is important for us to set aside time for Family Worship and in-depth study of Bible subjects.

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Other activities can rob us of precious time we should be using in Jehovah's service. TV is a big time robber and so subtle. We must not allow such things to distract us and crowd out spiritual pursuits, especially in view of where we are in the stream of time. And none of us would want to be classified as being 'lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God", would we? Every minute of our precious time should be spend building ourselves up spiritually while the 'seas' are yet calm. It's hard to focus when the ship is in the middle of a terrible stormy sea, isn't it? The scene of this world is constantly changing. . . And, as it was brought out at this district convention, Joseph was sold into slavery 'in one day'. Likewise, trials could come upon us suddenly, without warning. I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but we live in critical times. No doubt about it.

*** w08 4/15 p. 3 pars. 3-4 Repudiate “Valueless Things” ***

However, a Christian who is distracted by valueless things puts his relationship with Jehovah and his prospects for everlasting life in danger. How can we avoid that? We have to discern the things in our lives that are “valueless” and cultivate a determination to reject them.—Read Titus 2:11, 12.

4 What, then, are valueless things? In a general sense, they can be anything that distracts us from serving Jehovah whole-souled. They could, for example, include various forms of relaxation. Of course, relaxation has its place. But when we spend too much time on “fun” things at the expense of activities connected with our worship, relaxation becomes a valueless thing, adversely affecting our spiritual well-being. (Eccl. 2:24; 4:6) To avoid that, a Christian cultivates balance, carefully watching how he spends his valuable time. (Read Colossians 4:5.) There are, though, valueless things that are much more dangerous than relaxation. Among these are false gods.

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Every minute of our precious time should be spend building ourselves up spiritually


Ecclesiastes 3:1- “For everything there is an appointed time, even a time for every affair under the heavens: ...a time to laugh ...a time to skip about... and a time to throw away"

Of course, we must keep in mind the more important things, and not allow anything, whether it be Television, secular books and hobbies, and JWTalk included, to cause us to neglect the things we need to do to keep ourselves spiritually healthy and heading straight for the door to paradise.


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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I love "forensic" shows NCIS, Criminal Minds. I like some SciFi I was going to watch Terra Nova and didn't get to. I like Ice Road Truckers, Pawn Stars, House Hunters and House Hunters International.

Christina! It looks like we have similar tastes..:eat: I also like American pickers alot, & the shows you mentioned are all my favorites, in addition to some of the food/cooking:chef: shows such as Bizzarre foods & Anthony Bourdain, as well as others on the Travel channel.....I also am a Dr. Who fan..(<img src=)'>

I was able to watch the New Terra Nova premiere & my whole family enjoyed it, I hope it stays decent , family(teen) friendly & suspenseful..

Of course,we are all aware that we need balance in our TV viewing choices & habits, like anything in this crazy old system that we choose to have as our recreation. But we put our spiritual things first :bible:& we must always stay aware of the critical times we are in, but there's certainly no harm in having an escape from everyday life by having our favorite shows to watch... We don't forget Jehovah just because we are watching some shows...if we do then that would be very foolish of us & we should always be re examining:readbible: ourselves in that regard.. It's so nice to have such a variety of things to enjoy.. spiritual being our #1 thing because it means our very life as well as others! I Love this forum because it is so enjoyably balanced in the topics, with spiritual being the MOST....:ok: Sorry but I'm addicted to the Smiley's!! lol..:bouncing:

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It is still the biggest time-waster ever invented.

Well I agree with you there, although it might be a tie between it and the internet.

Personally, I am quite happy to sacrifice 2 hours a week to TV :)


CarnivoreTalk.com - my health coaching website. youtube.png/@CarnivoreTalk - My latest YouTube project

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Lately I've been watching mostly HGTV and Food Network. Nothing too offensive over there. More relaxing, to me.

I loved Cranford! PBS British classics are among my favorites.

OK I love Sheldon too! I can do without some of the behavior of the other characters but Sheldon is SO funny and original. I also like his girl friend.."not girlfriend!". Two nerd-tastic nerds.SheldonMayimBialiks.jpg

I did really like Terra Nova. I was expecting just the same old sci fi show that rips off all the other sci fi shows. This was high quality production with likeable characters that are an actual family! Amazing!! So far so good on Terra Nova. I think it is done by some former Star Trek people. Gotta check on that but that might explain why it is better than most.

I watched X Factor because I enjoy good talent. There WERE some really talented people. Too bad about the disgusting guy who made Paula Abdul sick. We didn't actually see anything and that was good!:sick::eek: I DO like to see Simon Cowell actually get impressed by great performers.

Edit:Checked on the producers of Terra Nova and they include Steven Spielberg AND former

Star Trek producers Brannon Braga and René Echevarria! Cool!>:D<:borg:(tu)

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Hey Rachel...

Loved that you posted that picture of Sheldon and Amy Fowler of Big Bang Theory....The humor is so clever, but I understand how some may not like it as it's a little too intellectual for some people to understand it...

I intend to live forever...so far so good. :D

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Hey Rachel...

Loved that you posted that picture of Sheldon and Amy Fowler of Big Bang Theory....The humor is so clever, but I understand how some may not like it as it's a little too intellectual for some people to understand it...

I like the intellectual stuff and the clever writing. I don't care for the moral attitude of the other characters, I guess most TV shows are like that nowadays but Sheldon and Amy are so NOT interested in that kind of thing that they almost make up for it. vulcan.gif

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