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Movie-"What the Health" on Netflix

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I was wondering if anyone else has seen this movie-"What the Health" on Netflix?


My son and his wife watched it and they are now trying to go vegan and mentioned it to me since I have many health issues. 


I have been juicing a lot and that has been helping my health a lot but the idea of cutting out meat completely, I haven't thought about doing that in awhile. 

When the children were younger and we lived in California I couldn't afford much meat so we didn't eat a whole lot of it and of course my blood pressure was lower then and I was in better health but at the same time I was younger and hadn't been in a head-on collision and had a bunch of surgeries. 

When I married again out here in Oklahoma my husband raised a few cows and we later got chickens, rabbits, pigs and sheep. So I began eating more meat than I ever did in my life. 


This movie really goes into the meat industry and also who supports the institutes that say they are for curing cancer and diabetes. It is really interesting how people in management of these places don't want to answer the questions of why they promote eating meats that have been proven to cause exactly what they say they want to cure. 


I have watched the movie "Super Juice Me" and seen how several people after a month of drinking juiced fruits and vegetables have gone off most their meds and felt so much better. 

Since I have been adding juicing to my weekly consumption, I have been able to cut my meds down to a quarter of what I was taking in February and the people on this movie were able to see results and either completely go off their meds or cut down considerably by not eating meat in a couple of weeks. 


I am going to try it and see what happens just maybe I can completely get off my meds. 


It was fascinating to see and listen to men who lift weights and build their body bulk and another man who was like a gymnast how going vegan has affected them positively that those who wanted to gain more bulk were able to and also physically lift more than they ever had before. Mainly they all felt wonderful. 


So I encourage all to watch it especially if you have health issues, what's 2 wks of your life to try it out and if it works then you might just want to live without meat, who knows. 


I know Jerry can't live without his bacon. lol

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I think the food system, along with untold prescriptions is pretty much killing us. Add to it other ways of insinuating toxics into our systems, and, well, here we are. 

If they exhumed us 500 years from now, I think they would woulder if we were all suicidial! 

Edited by Miss Bea

I blame spellcheck!

I want to age without sharp corners, and have an obedient heart!

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you won't die going vegan.. i was vegan for 7 years.  lost 70 pounds....

most of what you want is to reduce drasticlly the animal products you eat.

eat more fruit and vegetables then you use to.

drink clean filtered water.

reduce sweets

no chemical foods of any kind

cook old fashion foods from scratch.

introduce probiotic foods to change your gut flora.




you can do 2 to 4 day fasts.... to help with cleansing.

and do anti fungal things....



your not gonna live longer then others.... but it does make life a little easier to some degree...  imo... and if it prevents cancer and other auto immune things.. well then great...  there is a chance tomaking it to arma...

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I watched it about a week ago. I liked it. Inspired me to return to vegetarianism. I always felt better eating that way. Stopped using eggs and considering using eggs very rarely instead of often as i did before when i was vegetarian. Maybe only in baking or for flan or custard as a special treat.  Still need cream in my coffee. Stopped using butter pretty much too, been using coconut or olive oil. But i am not necessarily cutting butter out totally. I cut out all forms of animal flesh. I started on the 17th and my belly certainly feels better. 

Peace...... Love...... &....... Paradise...... :heart:  :heart:  :heart: 

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  On 7/23/2017 at 4:03 AM, vern said:

you won't die going vegan.. i was vegan for 7 years.  lost 70 pounds....

most of what you want is to reduce drasticlly the animal products you eat.

eat more fruit and vegetables then you use to.

drink clean filtered water.

reduce sweets

no chemical foods of any kind

cook old fashion foods from scratch.

introduce probiotic foods to change your gut flora.




you can do 2 to 4 day fasts.... to help with cleansing.

and do anti fungal things....



your not gonna live longer then others.... but it does make life a little easier to some degree...  imo... and if it prevents cancer and other auto immune things.. well then great...  there is a chance tomaking it to arma...


There is definitely a connection between good health and the food you eat.  The anology of putting diesel into a petrol driven car helps to understand the effect of eating the wrong foods on the body.  I agree with the comments of the brother above.  It is helpful to remeber when improving your diet that fruits are the cleaners and vegetables are the builders.

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I've seen this documentary three weeks ago and it helped me to finally change my eating pattern. I already read a medical book from a doctor from Belgium. He made a study on why people die while our cells are created to reproduce themselves for eternaty. He couldn't explain why this reproduction change from a certain point in life. But he discovered that food is a very important part for the quality of life. He explains all sort of food and what it does in your body. Fat, sugar, meat etc.

And what it does with your skin, brains, organs.


When you eat healty les meat, good sugars, soya or goat milk instead of cow milk. Then it will reduce the chance on cancer, Alzheimer and other sickness. Study and tests proved out that you live longer (could count up to 30 years). Because those diseases will not hit you developed through food. You will get more out of life then when you eat all those things that is not that good doe you.


This doctor doesn't say you mar not wat it. But he draws the food in a funnel. Good food on bottom of the funnel. Les good food products on top side of the funnel. He advice to eat most of food products on bottom of the funnel. And when you eat from the top. Then try to stay on the bottom from the top side of the funnel.


I already wanted to start with this for years. But because of a lot of stress on work I couldn't set my mind onto it. But after watching this documentary I started three weeks ago. I feel better, and I also loose weight without a diet. 3 to 4 kilos (8 lb).


But you can't completely stop eating meat, because you need vitamin B12. So we eat biological chicken or fish once in while.

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  On 7/23/2017 at 11:35 AM, skipdaflip said:

vitamin B12


this is a dirty/ground vitamin from what i understand bacteria....
ground root vegetables has it in it; just don't peel them.

I've also read that your lower gut produces it; not sure why they say if it does it doesn't get into your system; cause if you read about coffee enema's the caffeine gets thru......
B-12 also from what I've read is very good at staying in your body  l?--- although some say b-12 is a water vitamin and they get rinsed out of your body fast....(lots of conflicting stories)

personally..... if your worried about it;  i would do pill form b-12....  not animal form of b-12.   B-12 from animals is from them being dirty....  from what i understand....

anywayz....  I'm not a scientist doing my own studies... so pretty much at the mercy of what poeple write....

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My wife watched it and then "requested" I watch it with her. Growing up, our family always had a big garden. 90% of our food came from it. We didn't eat a lot of meat. I was always skinny and full of energy. After I started working at McDonald's (low pay and free food for crew), I started putting on weight and more weight. At first I was thrilled to be less skinny, but a few years down the road realized that it was hard just to stop gaining weight and even harder to lose any weight.
I agree for the most part with the "documentary". I put that in quotes because I don't know how much was fact or other. I usually try to take any show with a grain of salt.
I actually tried to get my wife to cook with a lot less meat before. Since watching it, we having been trying to go strictly vegetable, fruits, and grains. Cutting out the meat and dairy products. That's hard. I like my butter, creamer, milk, and butter. Yes, I said butter twice.
As far as food, I know Jehovah does/creates what's best for us. I don't particularly get impressed when men say they have "improved" sugar. (So you mean Jehovah made an inferior product??) I just try to a natural sugar as possible or honey.
My wife made a comment regarding the movie that I thought was interesting. After the flood, Jehovah gave us the animals that we may eat. He didn't say that we had to eat meat. The option was now open. I find Jehovah's decisions or "chess moves" very interesting because they always seem to have multiple intended affects some of which he announces and some which we only see the results later.
As far as man and meat and commercialism, Ec 8:9, man will dominate to the injury of others.
I guess to sum up, my wife and I are trying to go no meat or dairy for now and see what happens.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  On 7/23/2017 at 11:35 AM, skipdaflip said:

I've seen this documentary three weeks ago and it helped me to finally change my eating pattern. I already read a medical book from a doctor from Belgium. He made a study on why people die while our cells are created to reproduce themselves for eternaty. He couldn't explain why this reproduction change from a certain point in life. But he discovered that food is a very important part for the quality of life. He explains all sort of food and what it does in your body. Fat, sugar, meat etc.

And what it does with your skin, brains, organs.


When you eat healty les meat, good sugars, soya or goat milk instead of cow milk. Then it will reduce the chance on cancer, Alzheimer and other sickness. Study and tests proved out that you live longer (could count up to 30 years). Because those diseases will not hit you developed through food. You will get more out of life then when you eat all those things that is not that good doe you.


This doctor doesn't say you mar not wat it. But he draws the food in a funnel. Good food on bottom of the funnel. Les good food products on top side of the funnel. He advice to eat most of food products on bottom of the funnel. And when you eat from the top. Then try to stay on the bottom from the top side of the funnel.


I already wanted to start with this for years. But because of a lot of stress on work I couldn't set my mind onto it. But after watching this documentary I started three weeks ago. I feel better, and I also loose weight without a diet. 3 to 4 kilos (8 lb).


But you can't completely stop eating meat, because you need vitamin B12. So we eat biological chicken or fish once in while.


I need to investigate that regarding vitamin B12. Humans did not eat meat until after the flood (or at least they did not with Jehovah's approval.) If the only way to get vitamin B12 is by eating meat, how were they getting their vitamin B12??

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I also wanted to point out that we are living in Satan's world. Corruption permeates all aspects of it. I thought it was interesting that they said not to eat fish because they have a lot of mercury from the water. And that the animals are getting antibiotics and various other things that we eat when we eat them. So, my question is, if the fish are being polluted by the water and the animals are being polluted by the food that they are eating, how are the vegetables and fruits that we are eating not affected by any of these pollutants. A lot of the plants that we eat are also being messed with in various ways, genetic modification, pesticides, etc. So now, we can't eat the meat, dairy, vegetables, fruits, grains, or water. Or air. I call for a boycott of all food and air until Armageddon.... Who's with me???

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In case it wasn't obvious.....that previous was a joke. Do what you know and can and Jehovah will take care of the rest.

There are steps that you can take to improve your health. Try to bring your diet more in line with Jehovah's original diet plan and I'm pretty sure you will see improvements. But use balance in all things. What you eat or don't eat is up to you.  Acts 15:28,29 and 1 Cor. 8:8, 13

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  On 7/25/2017 at 5:31 PM, jluker662 said:

I need to investigate that regarding vitamin B12. Humans did not eat meat until after the flood (or at least they did not with Jehovah's approval.) If the only way to get vitamin B12 is by eating meat, how were they getting their vitamin B12??


Fish got vitamin B12. Also Soya. But do you know what plants where there before the flood? Everything has been has been taken away by the power of the water.


A documentary about if genesis really happends talks about the rocky mountains and their ceveral layers of differend kind of stone. They conclude those layers where lifted by water and placed upon each other. Also fosils that are in those lower parts of these mountains. These fosils are as old as the fosils on top. 

It shows how fast rain must have fallen and toke everything with it on it's way. So I also think that a lot of food doesn't exist anymore that was still there at Noah's time. And perhaps that had everything we needed.


On the other hand... the Israelites mostly eat grain. Some fish. But meat was luxury, and was only eaten only special occasions.

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It always surprises me when others are watching the same programs as me, I know there are a lot of us Witnesses on this site but it is nice to know that their are others that share the same taste in shows. 

This show also made me think more about eating more fruits and vegetables and I have tried to cut out meat from my diet but I am not sure if I want to cut out fish because I enjoy fishing in a nearby stream and cooking and eating my caught fish. lol

I am not sure I can cut out butter and don't know if there is a good replacement for it. 

I am concerned about the b12 issue and also I heard that it is hard to get vit k2 on a vegetarian/fruit /seed diet.  

Just found this site when typing this. https://chriskresser.com/vitamin-k2-the-missing-nutrient/

Foods high in vitamin K2 , fermented foods such as sauerkraut, cheese, natto, egg yolk, butter, chicken liver, salami, chicken breast, and ground beef. 


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  On 7/25/2017 at 5:43 PM, jluker662 said:

I also wanted to point out that we are living in Satan's world. Corruption permeates all aspects of it. I thought it was interesting that they said not to eat fish because they have a lot of mercury from the water. And that the animals are getting antibiotics and various other things that we eat when we eat them. So, my question is, if the fish are being polluted by the water and the animals are being polluted by the food that they are eating, how are the vegetables and fruits that we are eating not affected by any of these pollutants. A lot of the plants that we eat are also being messed with in various ways, genetic modification, pesticides, etc. So now, we can't eat the meat, dairy, vegetables, fruits, grains, or water. Or air. I call for a boycott of all food and air until Armageddon.... Who's with me???


I had the same thought cross my mind because they said that even pasture fed animals were eating grass that was contaminated due to the soil, so what about the veggies and fruit we are growing from that soil. lol

I know I do feel better when eating more veggies and fruits and less meat. 

Not sure if I can cut it out completely. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried watching this "documentary" and made it about 15 minutes in. I hope no one is taking it seriously. I found many of the claims laughable (fat causes diabetes?) Reading serious reviews just confirmed how I feel. It's basically PETA propaganda. Here's one review:


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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/8/2017 at 6:49 PM, Jimbob said:

I tried watching this "documentary" and made it about 15 minutes in. I hope no one is taking it seriously. I found many of the claims laughable (fat causes diabetes?) Reading serious reviews just confirmed how I feel. It's basically PETA propaganda. Here's one review:



Thank you Jim for bringing this article to my attention. Sometimes when I am under stress and especially when my health seems under attack, I look for a natural cure.

I appreciated many things from this article:


The themes of What the Health are that:

  • a vegan diet is the answer to preventing and treating all chronic disease
  • meat, dairy and eggs (and fat) are the cause of all these diseases
  • and non-profit organizations don’t want you to know this because they are funded by Big Food.

What the Health includes extensive interviews with the usual cast of celebrity vegan doctors (and why, by the way, do the same doctors appear over and over again in vegan-oriented health movies? It can’t possibly be true that there are only ten health professionals in the entire world who understand the relationship of diet to chronic disease). This results in a hodgepodge of information including some that is flat out wrong. We’re told, for example, that carbohydrates can’t be turned into fat (not true) and that only plants can make protein (this is half-true; the human body makes proteins all day long, but some of the raw materials for this originate in plants.)


Also obligatory in any plant-based film is the graph showing that populations who consume the most dairy worldwide have the highest rates of hip fracture.

countries with high dairy consumption also tend to have icier winters. This significantly increases risk of falling, which in turn increases risk of a hip fracture. In fact, the article that What the Health cites to support the dairy connection to hip fracture doesn’t even mention dairy. It says that the factors responsible for the differences in fracture rates are “population demographics (with more elderly living in countries with higher incidence rates) and the influence of ethnicity, latitude, and environmental factors.”


The exaggerated and misleading statements about animal foods and health are meant to build the case that you must be vegan if you want to be healthy. We hear, for example, that there is no evidence that consuming animal foods in moderation can turn heart disease around. Yes, there is. There is at least as much evidence that plant-based (but not vegan) diets can reverse heart disease as there is evidence indicating vegan diets can reverse heart disease.

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