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Magic mushrooms might help depression by resetting the brain

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13 hours ago, MentalProject said:


It is I think really hard to explain the mind state of someone who is on psychedelic drugs to someone who has not taken them. It feels like you are taking a ride through an enhanced transcendent world.

I totally agree. When my worldly friends would ask me to explain what LSD was like I would tell them that it’s impossible for someone who has never done any psychedelics like mushrooms, LSD, DMT, or mescaline to understand. It’s a whole other dimension. I saw colors that don’t even exist in real life when I was on LSD. I have never been the same since and I don’t look at life the same. Other drugs didn’t change how I see things like LSD did. 

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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1 minute ago, Brother Jack said:

I totally agree. When my worldly friends would ask me to explain what LSD was like I would tell them that it’s impossible for someone who has never done any psychedelics like mushrooms, LSD, DMT, or mescaline to understand. It’s a whole other dimension. I saw colors that don’t even exist in real life when I was on LSD. I have never been the same since and I don’t look at life the same. Other drugs didn’t change how I see things like LSD did. 


You are right LSD is not really explainable. I remember my friends doing £100s of pounds worth of cocaine and wasting their money trying to get wasted. I spent £2.50 and was in another world for a day. Experiences can range from intense self discovery to the hurrendous think your going to end up in a mental asylum experience. Acid can take you to some dark places. Thankfully it isn't really that addictive. That would be a lethal mix.


Glad you came out the other end though brother. Those permanent memories that seem to be etched on your brain from your trips thankfully go to the back of your mind. I assume you can pull them out and remember them with vivid detail at any given moment. The colours and the visuals were what I used to do it for. Thankfully that is long gone and well behind me. I don't normally like even talking about it as it's like digging up past trauma. Thankfully I get my kicks from the ministry and true spiritual things now. I do treat the ministry as exciting and like an adventure and I love investigating new avenues of service which i feel stems from my past investigative nature. I can also relate to householders who have drug issues and find publishers and pioneers take me on their more complicated calls to see if I can find common ground with them. Sometimes it works.



Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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52 minutes ago, hatcheckgirl said:

.....Medical use of opiates alleviate pain, but do they actually free up the brain in the same way as mushrooms? I don’t know, never having experienced drug taking, so I’m asking if it works that way. Because to me, physical pain relief using controlled amount of opiates is different from mind manipulating chemicals that alter your state of mind in ways that mushrooms or lsd do. I have taken anti depressants, but they don’t 'open your mind up', but dampen anxieties while lifting mood. That’s also not the same as a halucigenic trip.......

You are right Opiates/heavy painkillers are completely different from magic mushrooms. It's like the difference between being wrapped up in bed in the safety of a duvet and going on a full throttle sensory explosive fairground ride in another world. You probably can't get much further from each other in terms of experience and how your mind is affected.

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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2 hours ago, MentalProject said:

Thankfully I get my kicks from the ministry and true spiritual things now.


I'm glad for all my brothers and sisters who have been able to get out from their former drug lifestyle.  Yes, you are such a boon in the ministry, in which you use your unique insight to help others looking for the truth.  I'm of the age group that many of my peers in the truth did have drug backgrounds from the hallucinogenic age.


Your explanation of your experiences helps us to suss out, as it were, things offered as "possibly good" that this system produces to cope with pain.  Just as Johan said it is the intention to help those who are severely depressed, but unfortunately with this sort of thing, the good intention may not be the best overall considering. 


I have to wonder though (and I'm adding this to the many Q's for the new world to be answered), why did Jehovah create such a powerful substance capable of taking humans to weirded out trips of the mind?

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3 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:


I'm glad for all my brothers and sisters who have been able to get out from their former drug lifestyle.  Yes, you are such a boon in the ministry, in which you use your unique insight to help others looking for the truth.  I'm of the age group that many of my peers in the truth did have drug backgrounds from the hallucinogenic age.


Your explanation of your experiences helps us to suss out, as it were, things offered as "possibly good" that this system produces to cope with pain.  Just as Johan said it is the intention to help those who are severely depressed, but unfortunately with this sort of thing, the good intention may not be the best overall considering. 


I have to wonder though (and I'm adding this to the many Q's for the new world to be answered), why did Jehovah create such a powerful substance capable of taking humans to weirded out trips of the mind?

I think it’s a bad idea and quite uncalled for to mix up this medical treatment with spiritism and other things. It’s because of a deep misunderstanding and a mixup between abuse and proper use. Quite a lot of things in nature will give humans various ‘trips’ if abused. But many of those chemicals can be used to help with a number of serious illnesses, such as opiates, no matter the nature of the trips if abused. Of course, a lot more research is needed regarding this particular chemical. There will come a day when we will not have to use potent chemicals from nature to heal ourselves.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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7 hours ago, hatcheckgirl said:

The resetting of the mind is a good thing, but it’s how you go about it. Freeing up your mind will leave you open to outside influences, and that includes demonic influences. That’s what you allow a hypnotist to do to you, when you free up your mind and they have some sort of control over you to make suggestions to stop smoking, etc.


Medical use of opiates alleviate pain, but do they actually free up the brain in the same way as mushrooms?



In a way, that is the entire point of pain-killers, to "reset the brain". Pain is also a phenomenon that has to do with the body's perception and memory of it. That's why you recover from a migraine better if you are able to somehow blot out the pain before finding rest.


When it comes to a psychological resetting that is chemically induced, I dunno, I would generally say it depends on the frame of mind achieved but before saying that it opens up to demonic influences because that's why shamans use it (shamans also intoxicated themselves with alcohol), well, I am always very careful about condemning things based on our current understanding or prejudice of them before they have actually been properly examined thoroughly.


As I said earlier, a lot about the effect of a drug has to do with the proper dosage. Hit the right dosage and you may have a curing effect. Go over the dosage and you might get high and / or go on a trip. It's the same with alcohol. One glass is healthy, two glasses make you tipsy, three glasses start getting you drunk, four glasses start causing brain damage, and a fifth glass will cause you to, say, start cussing and maybe even want to commit fornication.

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37 minutes ago, ChocoBro said:


As I said earlier, a lot about the effect of a drug has to do with the proper dosage. Hit the right dosage and you may have a curing effect. Go over the dosage and you might get high and / or go on a trip. It's the same with alcohol. One glass is healthy, two glasses make you tipsy, three glasses start getting you drunk, four glasses start causing brain damage, and a fifth glass will cause you to, say, start cussing and maybe even want to commit fornication.

In the trial experiment they started the participants on 10mg to see for any adverse reactions this would be at the lower end of a low dose i.e.:- Not really tripping and not that much effect maybe mild colour distortions. Then some time later they were given 25mg:- this is in the middle of a medium dose. This would of caused visuals, mild- medium hallucinations and sensory distortions. They would of been "tripping". They would just be tripping with someone monitoring them and being encouraging to try to stop them having a bad one. Some report the experience as traumatic but come the end of the trip things had been sorted out in their head for some of them. On the Alcohol scale they would of been drunk but with a minder (sort of).

Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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9 hours ago, ChocoBro said:


In a way, that is the entire point of pain-killers, to "reset the brain". Pain is also a phenomenon that has to do with the body's perception and memory of it. That's why you recover from a migraine better if you are able to somehow blot out the pain before finding rest.


When it comes to a psychological resetting that is chemically induced, I dunno, I would generally say it depends on the frame of mind achieved but before saying that it opens up to demonic influences because that's why shamans use it (shamans also intoxicated themselves with alcohol), well, I am always very careful about condemning things based on our current understanding or prejudice of them before they have actually been properly examined thoroughly.


As I said earlier, a lot about the effect of a drug has to do with the proper dosage. Hit the right dosage and you may have a curing effect. Go over the dosage and you might get high and / or go on a trip. It's the same with alcohol. One glass is healthy, two glasses make you tipsy, three glasses start getting you drunk, four glasses start causing brain damage, and a fifth glass will cause you to, say, start cussing and maybe even want to commit fornication.

It also has to be used in the right manner, under the right circumstances, I suppose. If you take any possible good effects as a carte blanc to start tripping on mushrooms, you’d be wrong.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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1 hour ago, Thesauron said:

It also has to be used in the right manner, under the right circumstances, I suppose. If you take any possible good effects as a carte blanc to start tripping on mushrooms, you’d be wrong.


Sorry, when I post the things I write, I always do so under the assumption that we are talking about medicinal use, prescribed by a doctor, monitored by a psychiatrist / psychotherapist. Anything else is usually against the law anyway.

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It's interesting, the common occurrence for those who felt the most benefit from these types of trials were those who had a mystical, spiritual awakening experience. In fact there was a direct link to the mystical experience and the increased benefit and longevity of it the subjects had. This can probably be linked to the experience of "ego death". This is the loss of ones sense of self and identity, which I understand could be beneficial for those with depression. 


I found this was quite a good video about the trials using Psilocybin.





Micah 4:5 ......"we, for our part, shall walk in the name of Jehovah our God to time indefinite, even forever."

John 15:13 "No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends."

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