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Examining the Scriptures Daily - 2014

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I just keep thinking about all the reminders, changes, pointed discussions in the WT, the need to preach really stressed at assemblies and conv. Isn't it just amazing all the changes we've had? The organization narrowed down, stream lined and made on the ready for this 'Day' that's rushing toward us. Like you said Les, people of the world feel it but we in Jah's organization SHOULD feel it more. We have the information necessary to understand our times. 

Super good Daily Text. Hope we get more comments on it.

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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Friday, March 7

Have you shown yourself discouraged in the day of distress? Your power will bescanty.—Prov. 24:10.

In today’s world so full of disasters, challenges, and pressures, many feel overwhelmed. Even some Christians have felt that way. Lani, who was enjoying the full-time service in Australia, says that when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, it was devastating and struck like a bolt of lightning. She says, “The treatments made me very ill, and I was left with no self-esteem.” On top of everything else, she had to care for her husband, who had undergone spinal surgery. If we find ourselves in such a situation, what can we do? We do well to remember that Satan wants to use the tribulations we suffer to undermine our faith. However, we must not allow him to sap our joy in this way. Meditating on Biblical examples of servants of God who faced life’s trials with courage will help us to muster up courage in the face of any adversities that we may encounter.w12 10/15 1:8, 9


For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Wt 2012 2/15  DO NOT GIVE UP!


17 If you are a faithful Christian living in a religiously divided household, do not give up. Remember that “Jehovah will not desert his people for the sake of his great name.” (1 Sam. 12:22) He is with you as long as you cling to him. (Read 2 Chronicles 15:2.) So “take exquisite delight in Jehovah.” Indeed, “roll upon Jehovah your way, and rely upon him.” (Ps. 37:4, 5) “Persevere in prayer,” and have faith that our loving heavenly Father can help you to endure hardships of all kinds.—Rom. 12:12.

18 Petition Jehovah for his holy spirit to help you promote peace in the home. (Heb. 12:14) Yes, it is possible to foster peaceful conditions that may eventually touch the heart of unbelieving family members. You will experience happiness and peace of heart and mind as you “do all things for God’s glory.” (1 Cor. 10:31) In these endeavors, how heartening it is to know that you have the loving support of your brothers and sisters in the Christian congregation!
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                                                                              Saturday, March 8


It is unthinkable, on my part, from Jehovah’s standpoint, that I should do this thing to my lord, the anointed of Jehovah.—1 Sam. 24:6.


After David fled from him, Saul took 3,000 chosen men out of all Israel and went looking for David in the wilderness. (1 Sam. 24:2) Eventually, Saul unknowingly went into the very cave where David and his men were. David could have used this opportunity to eliminate the king who threatened his life. After all, it was God’s will for David to replace Saul as king of Israel. (1 Sam. 16:1, 13) Indeed, if David had listened to the advice of his men, the king would have been killed. (1 Sam. 24:4-7) But Saul was still God’s anointed king. David did not want to rob Saul of the kingship, since Jehovah had not yet removed him. By only cutting off the skirt of Saul’s sleeveless coat, David showed that he had no intention of harming Saul.—1 Sam. 24:11. w12 11/15 1:8

Edited by Astrid

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Such a powerful lesson! It would be very easy to listen to ALL those men urging to put Saul to death. And even though David was in great danger and fearing for his life he KNEW that it was not his time to be King. He could have reasoned in error and under pressure from his peers and convinced himself that this was the right thing to do. Instead of just keeping quiet and laying low he took that extra step to show Saul he had nothing to fear from him. He was not trying to usurp his Kinship. (Either Saul's or Jehovah's!)



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Sunday, March 9

If you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are happy.—1 Pet. 3:14.

To cope with trials successfully, we need faith and courage. What is faith? The apostle Paul wrote: “Faith is the title-deed to the things we hope for. Faith is being sure of things we cannot see.” (Heb. 11:1The Simple English Bible) If property has been deeded to us, we are confident that we own it. Since we have faith that God always fulfills his word, it is as though we are holding a valuable deed. Our faith makes us certain that we will see the fulfillment of the Bible-based promises we hope for, and we are sure about spiritual realities, although we cannot see them. Courage has been defined as “spiritual, emotional, and moral fortitude to speak and act without fear in the face of obstacles and dangers.” (The New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible) If we have courage, we are strong, valiant, even bold at times.—Mark 6:49, 50; 2 Tim. 1:7w13 1/15 1:1-3


For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Monday, March 10

Solomon began to do what was bad in the eyes of Jehovah.—1 Ki. 11:6.

Solomon eventually strayed from the course of faithful obedience. God’s Word states: “It came about in the time of Solomon’s growing old that his wives themselves had inclined his heart to follow other gods; and his heart did not prove to be complete with Jehovah his God like the heart of David his father.” (1 Ki. 11:4) Rightly displeased, Jehovah told Solomon: “For the reason that . . . you have not kept my covenant and my statutes that I laid in command upon you, I shall without fail rip the kingdom away from off you, and I shall certainly give it to your servant.” (1 Ki. 11:11) How tragic! Though Solomon had been a success in many ways, in time he disappointed Jehovah. In the most important area of life—faithfulness to God—Solomon failed. Each of us can ask, ‘Am I determined to make sure that the lesson learned from Solomon’s life will help me to be a success?’ w12 12/15 1:7, 8


For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I wonder how many were names Eve? Even though Soloman was the wisest man ever (exception Jesus) you could say he followed in Adams footsteps by listening to his wives. All those smarts and he still listened! What was deficient in his heart? Was it greed? Or something related to an proper desire for women? Adam just had one to contend with and still failed he putting Jehovah first? Any help to understand this would be appreciated.



Thankful to be among friends everyday!

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Leslie, maybe it didn't have to do as much with him being surrounded with women as you alluded to, but more just a simple example of how bad associations spoil useful habits.  You can't be around people that are doing something day in and day out where you're outnumbered and not be affected at some point.  They happened to be ladies, but maybe that's all there was to it.  Wisdom doesn't negate imperfection, and we can all get twisted up if we hang out daily with people that believe differently, and in his case people that he obviously cared about intimately were those people.  

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I've been catching up on my bible reading, but I also like to read outside of our schedule. Today I read 1 Kings in all it's entirety. It tied in nicely with today's days text as well.

As I began reading I started asking myself, how is this applicable to me, how can I use this information to not end up with the same fate as Solomon.

I read of how Jehovah favoured him, asking what he would like him to give to him. Now at this point I paused and reflected, knowing that Solomon had asked for wisdom, and so I asked Jehovah at that point if ever there were a time he would ask this of me that I would request an obedient heart that would always obey him.

Now as I carried on I was surprised to learn that Solomon also asked for an obedient heart, but one that would be useful for judging his people. Now Jehovah was very pleased with Solomon's asking.

Then Solomon went on to make some very wise decisions and the prayers he offered up to Jehovah, along with the exquisite detail of the temple he built to Jehovah's name showed me just how much of a loss this would have been to Jehovah, a very heart breaking betrayal.

I couldn't help but think, Jehovah please guard me from this and then asked that rather than only the obedient heart, Jehovah would grant in me all the qualities that had made Jesus be able to follow him, and the help to pattern my life after his.

It's a sobering thought really to think of all the good he did and all the love Solomon had for Jehovah and yet he proved false in the end. In some ways I am married to a Solomon's foreign wife in the sense my husband is an atheist, this has caused me to think that extra fortification of my heart needs to be done, because I certainly am no Solomon and I do not possess his discernment or wisdom, so really all I have is a desperate desire to want to keep serving Jehovah and not falter.

Edited by cerebral ecstasy
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Tuesday, March 11

Keep on reproving them with severity, that they may be healthy in the faith.—Titus1:13.

For some who committed serious sins, their conduct has required that they be disfellowshipped. For “those who have been trained by it,” the discipline has helped them to become spiritually restored. (Heb. 12:11) What if we have a relative or a close friend who is disfellowshipped? Now our loyalty is on the line, not to that person, but to God. Jehovah is watching us to see whether we will abide by his command not to have contact with anyone who is disfellowshipped. (1 Cor. 5:11-13) We live in a treacherous, disloyal world. Yet, all around us in the Christian congregation, we can find loyal examples to imitate. Their life course speaks for them, as if to say: “You are witnesses, God is also, how loyal and righteous and unblamable we proved to be to you believers.” (1 Thess. 2:10) May we all remain ever steadfast in our loyalty to God and to one another. w12 4/15 2:16, 18


For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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I was pondering this topic most of monday.... Just when was the switchover point from wisest of all imperfect men to mr stupid who won last years stupiddy stupid contest.. At what exact moment... Il need to research more but there are some great points here. I asked my daughter picklepants (13) and she said "perhaps he got bigheaded and over confident?"

She makes me proud and ill take that counsel my beautiful girl... She make daddy proud.

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1 Corinthians 10:12,13a - So let the one who thinks he is standing beware that he does not fall. No temptation has come upon you except what is common to men.


The first perfect man(Adam), the strongest man(Samson) and the wisest imperfect man(Solomon) all had one thing in common.


We all need to be on guard. Our heart is so treacherous. Reliance on Jehovah is paramount. This is something Solomon probably neglected. He failed to heed his own advice.


Proverbs 3:5,6 - Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, And do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, And he will make your paths straight.

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When my disassociated father and brother(who are both apostate) turned up to my mother's funeral it was very awkward. I shook my father's hand(I have some regrets about that- but I don't beat myself up) and did not engage my brother at all. Some felt I could have interchanged with them a bit more because of the circumstances. I am glad I didn't. Loyalty to Jehovah is number 1.


My 4th wife comes first.  :) See below post.



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  On 3/11/2014 at 3:44 PM, Purple Triangle said:

I just went back and reread that illustration. I meant 1st wife. :blush: 


It is getting late. I should sign out before I make any more bloopers. :) 

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Wednesday, March 12

He is changing times and seasons, removing kings and setting up kings.—Dan.2:21.

Jehovah God provided the means to measure time long before he created man. On the fourth creative day, God said: “Let luminaries come to be in the expanse of the heavens to make a division between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs and for seasons and for days and years.” (Gen. 1:14, 19, 26) In harmony with Jehovah’s will, that is, of course, what took place. Until now, however, scientists have debated the nature of time. “Time is one of the world’s deepest mysteries,” states one encyclopedia. “No one can say exactly what it is.” Yet, Jehovah fully understands time. After all, he is “the Creator of the heavens, . . . the Former of the earth and the Maker of it.” Jehovah is also “the One telling from the beginning the finale, and from long ago the things that have not been done.”—Isa. 45:18; 46:10w12 5/15 3:1, 2


For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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When the disfellowshipped person is a relative or close friend, the test of loyalty really comes to the fore. We might disagree with the elders' decision and publicly air our grievance, or we might continue to secretly maintain regular association or have unnecessary communication with the individual. This is usually done out of a misguided sense of loyalty to our relative or friend, but is definitely an act of disloyalty to Jehovah, the congregation and the organization. If we don't reject those whom Jehovah has rejected, we run the risk of also being rejected by Jehovah.


The case of Abiathar is a prime example of how one act of disloyalty nullified years of faithful service. His example teaches us that no matter how long we've been serving Jehovah, no matter what sacrifices we've made, what privileges we've  enjoyed or what position we hold in the organization, if we become disloyal, it's all for nothing and it costs us everything.

"The future's uncertain and the end is always near" --- Jim Morrison

"The more I know, the less I understand. All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning again" --- Don Henley

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Thursday, March 13

They took no note until the flood came and swept them all away.—Matt. 24:39.

Most of mankind today take no note of the warnings that God’s servants proclaim. Many even deride the idea of God’s intervening in human affairs—as people did in Noah’s day. (2 Pet. 3:3-7) Yet, in that hostile environment, how did Noah use his time? After being informed of God’s intentions and receiving his commission, Noah built an ark to preserve men and animals alive. (Gen. 6:13, 14, 22) Noah also proclaimed Jehovah’s impending judgment. The apostle Peter calls him “a preacher of righteousness,” indicating that Noah strove to help his neighbors appreciate the gravity of their situation. (2 Pet. 2:5) Do you think that it would have been reasonable for Noah and his family to focus their efforts on developing a business, getting ahead among their contemporaries, or establishing a comfortable lifestyle? Of course not! Knowing what lay ahead, they avoided such distractions. w12 6/15 3:3, 4


For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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Vernalee isn't it interesting how pointed the Text has been lately? I'm impressed how the brothers are infusing us with the urgency of the time by giving us these scriptures, these particular ones. Makes me want to go in service every day, can't but feel the desire to do so. 

Safeguard Your Heart for " Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks" Matthew 12:34

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I feel the same way Cheryl. I have thought for some time that the text each day is becoming more and more pointed to make us really examine our thinking and actions. Jehovah is helping us to look into our hearts so that we can make the necessary changes so that we can make it into the New World.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

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