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Less than 50% expected to identify as Christian

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The religious erosion continues in the UK. As expected of course.



The “post-Christian era” in the UK will be cemented by data emerging from Sunday’s census which is expected to show further generational disengagement from organised religion, according to a leading academic.


Post-Christians are motivated by ethics concerning gender and sexual equality, social justice, climate change and compassion. The churches failed to deliver on those moral issues and so lost moral authority.

“Today’s younger generations have a different sense of soul, meaning and morality, and it’s one that rejects the church’s record of abuse, racism, homophobia and sexism,” she said.


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48 minutes ago, Mykyl said:

church’s record of abuse, racism, homophobia and sexism

That's what happens when churches get involved in matters they shouldn't.



Day said there was a “dark side” to “cultural Christianity”. “The populist right has pushed the idea that we are a Christian country to reinforce its anti-immigration stance by fuelling rhetoric about Britain losing its identity.”

"Christians" should know better that national identity means nothing, or do they forget that we too are all "foreigners" (Gentiles) to the Christian faith? If it wasn't for Jehovah approving of all nations to worship him, Christianity wouldn't be so "British", it's a Near Eastern of origin faith, if you want to look at it in such a nationalistic way.


So the irony of hating people from different ethnic backgrounds (which is far nearer to the place of origin than the West) is ironic. Of course they most likely refer to "Islamic" immigrants, yet, as Christians, it should not matter who resides where, no man made kingdom belongs to God. There is no "Christian country".


Really, being Christian is just a "cultural identifier" today for someone who lives in the West and believes in a God (and maybe goes to church now and again), but people are far removed from authentic Christianity, they think they are Christian when they are not, it's just a label they wear.


I was shocked when I found out one day a good percentage of Christians in the West think it was "invented by Britian or America"...

Edited by EccentricM
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Coming from Texas, which is like the Bible Belt buckle in the United States, I was shocked the first time I went to London and saw how many churches were empty on Sunday. I couldn’t believe it. And that was back in 99.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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2 hours ago, *Jack* said:

Coming from Texas, which is like the Bible Belt buckle in the United States, I was shocked the first time I went to London and saw how many churches were empty on Sunday. I couldn’t believe it. And that was back in 99.

Yeah, the UK is very secular and far less religious in comparison. Typically, a lot of Brits make fun of Americans for being so religious. It's a lot colder here in terms of door to door response, it's mainly apathy.


This attitude is even showcased in our currency, lol.


USA vs UK - money, god and science | the US one dollar ...



When I was in school, our science teachers used to teach us in class that God didn't exist, even if the world "looked designed".

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10 minutes ago, EccentricM said:

Yeah, the UK is very secular and far less religious in comparison. Typically, a lot of Brits make fun of Americans for being so religious. It's a lot colder here in terms of door to door response, it's mainly apathy.


This attitude is even showcased in our currency, lol.


USA vs UK - money, god and science | the US one dollar ...



When I was in school, our science teachers used to teach us in class that God didn't exist, even if the world "looked designed".

Although the southern United States is more religious than the northern part of the country, people have gotten a lot more apathetic over the last 5 years or so, at least where I live. Less people are giving us a listening ear. 

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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Though the question is voluntary, I was surprised to learn at the last census, that some brothers did not tick the box for Christian.  Instead they ticked Other: and wrote in the box "Jehovah's Witness".  While it is a personal matter, to me that gave the impression that Witnesses are not Christian.  We are the original True Christians.


There is also some carefully chosen wording with regards to sex and sexuality so as to offend anyone.   Looking back at census 100+ years ago, you also had "Head" of household.  No headship nowadays.

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Coming from Texas, which is like the Bible Belt buckle in the United States, I was shocked the first time I went to London and saw how many churches were empty on Sunday. I couldn’t believe it. And that was back in 99.

The struggle for the right not to be religious was hard earned in Europe. They come from a history of being forced to be religious. So when they drop these old, oppressive, institutions, it’s no wonder they do not go looking anywhere else for the answers to life’s big questions.

🎵“I have listened to Jesus in these troublesome days,

He lights up my path.

As I hear and obey.”

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2 minutes ago, Thesauron said:

The struggle for the right not to be religious was hard earned in Europe. They come from a history of being forced to be religious. So when they drop these old, oppressive, institutions, it’s no wonder they do not go looking anywhere else for the answers to life’s big questions.

Thanks. Makes a lot of sense.

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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On 3/20/2021 at 7:21 PM, EccentricM said:

Yeah, the UK is very secular and far less religious in comparison. Typically, a lot of Brits make fun of Americans for being so religious. It's a lot colder here in terms of door to door response, it's mainly apathy.


This attitude is even showcased in our currency, lol.


USA vs UK - money, god and science | the US one dollar ...



When I was in school, our science teachers used to teach us in class that God didn't exist, even if the world "looked designed".

As far as Americans going to Church and being religious, the percentage of people varies depending on the part of the country.  The South and the East Coast have a much higher church going rate than here in the Pacific North West.  I read a long time ago that the percentage that go to Church in my State was twenty some percent in comparison to over 60% in some parts of the East Coast and more in the South.  It's part of the culture in the deep South to go to church on Sundays. 


When I was visiting the South in Alabama, there was a church on every corner even in the rurals, where there were no other buildings there were churches everywhere.  There are churches where I live but not anywhere near like that.

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In France, who used to be called the (catholic) Church's eldest daughter, now, 1/3 of the population is catholic, but not even 4% of this third is attending mass weekly... that's roughly 600k people (what about the COVID effect, huh?).


Numbers have never been this bad.


To compare, we are 130k JW in France and I'm sure the numbers aren't going down, even with COVID.

Edited by Dages
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