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9 minutes ago, Bruceq said:

Was wondering if anyone can make a transcript of the amazing video about the future of our meetings and ministry because of covid in this 28 min interview?



hey team style mag totally randy here

now i know you guys are used to watching

your favorite celebrities rocking with
randy but
there are times where i like to get a
little bit more serious and today is one
of those days
march 2021 not only brought back a
plethora of bittersweet memories for us
it also reminded us that life as we knew
it had changed for the foreseeable
and for some had changed forever
one thing you may have noticed is the
absence of a knock on your door by a
very familiar group
jehovah's witnesses now jehovah's
witnesses have been knocking on doors
for as long as anyone can remember
in fact their knock knock ministry is so
that they are literally embedded in pop
culture that's via movies
tv and more commonly found in comedies
so where did they go did they stop
well of course totally randy has you
covered and sitting down with me is the
u.s spokesman for jehovah's witnesses mr
robert hendricks
and we're going to discuss one year
without knocking with him
so tune in okay
thank you so much robert for sitting
down and speaking with us this is
something that
new that we've done for houston style
magazine um
i i didn't even know that jehovah's
witnesses actually sit down
and and speak with publications like
this i mean recently i've kind of seen
that happen a little bit more but
one year without knocking um
gosh i let's dive right into that let's
talk about that so
your organization is worldwide and in
march of 2020
that door-to-door ministry stopped now
did it stop worldwide or
was it centralized here in the united
states was it wherever covet spread can
you just kind of
talk about that a little bit sure march
20th was really when we
in the united states uh stopped our
public preaching work
uh a letter went out to all of our 13
000 congregations in the united states
and it basically said the public
preaching is is suspended for now and
that that includes
not only knocking on doors but it also
being out in houston area out
at the airport we we're at the airport
we're a ubiquitous presence at the
airports in houston
uh we're in the city but all of that has
stopped including in-home visits and
bible studies
and that was a deliberate decision and a
proactive decision because at the time
really the the issue was confined to
south texas
california new york and florida and in
the interior of the country we didn't
really see a lot of outbreak
um but it was very clear that we had to
take proactive action so that all
just a few weeks later a note went out
to all
branches in the united in the in the
world and and told them to evaluate
their situation and to make decisions
locally and then in june
basically all public ministries stopped
all over the world
until the threat is gone vaccines are
and and large gatherings are allowed
uh without restrictions so uh it it has
a worldwide suspension of our public
wow and that's that's been worldwide
since june
of 2020. that's exactly right and you
said until
vaccines are available and you know
large gatherings are being able to be
had we know right now
that's still not possible so we're still
you get you guys are still
suspended yeah and i think you we're
going to be looking
uh further into the future it's very
hard to tell what the future
uh hold because right now as of
yesterday there were 75
000 who were diagnosed with the disease
and that doesn't count the many who
aren't being tested
and so vaccines are having an effect
there's no doubt but we're still
seeing an incline of about 20 over the
last several weeks
and and it is concerning so as we look
we're going to look for a period of time
when number one the risk is
zero uh or near zero uh theoretically
so that it's not it's no longer in the
pandemic phase
and number two we have to also consider
our communities
because even though we may feel like
it's safe maybe they don't
and so because of uh the principle of
love of neighbor
we must consider how they feel right
now one thing i did not think about um
which you talked about was like bible
studies so
in my mind and a lot of a lot of you
guys out there team style mag in your
mind as well you're probably thinking
when it comes to jehovah's witnesses
them knocking on your door and the
majority slamming it but there are some
people that actually
love your message that wants your
message so when they had to stop
those um in-home bible study like how
has removing that door-to-door ministry
those bible studies all that how has it
affected your overall ministry
well it's affected it dramatically and
it is
um it is sobering that we're in such a
time that we can't go visit our
it is sobering that we have to even
restrict visits to our own family
but it also is the right thing to do
because we have to put
bible principles ahead of personal
preference and even though our
preference of course
is to to sit down with our neighbor to
to show
love to to hug them to you know
our friends to put our feet under their
table and have a cup of coffee while
studying the bible with them it really
was not wise and is not wise still
and so that was a big paradigm shift for
all of us because
i think in the beginning march 20th when
when we suspended public ministry and
public meetings
in all of our branch uh it was like okay
this will be good for a few weeks you
know at the time the the government was
maybe by easter we'll be back um
and and so easter came and gone you know
our memorial came and went
and and it was clear he was just
and so we kind of hunkered down if you
will and began to look at what are the
positives of this
and and the positives clearly are we can
reach lots of people the positives
clearly are that that we can reach
people where they are
now without putting ourselves or them at
risk through letter writing through
telephone witnessing
through virtual studies and we've gotten
very good at it in fact we had a recent
global campaign
where millions of letters around the
world were sent to government officials
and businesses
to to really tell uh folks that that we
haven't disappeared
we're not knocking our our our our
knocking has gone silent
but our love is still very much alive
i i love that so have you seen an
or a decrease in in the ministry
well you know you said before something
that was interesting you said
that uh many people don't want us to
come to the door and it's the truth
we know that there's a percentage of
people who don't but about 20 million
come to our memorial every year last
year even during a pandemic just three
weeks after we shut everything down we
held a memorial and there were nearly 18
million people
who attended virtually around the world
this year we believe it's going to be
far more our our conventions typically
are attended by somewhere into 14 to 18
million people
and so there are many people interested
in our message and
and we need to find them and we are
finding them in fact last year alone 240
000 people were baptized as jehovah's
and so our work has has continued to to
to be very robust 33 new language
translations of the bible released by
our organization an absolute record
and we expect 38 this year and and
about 51 000 people
uh distinct people contacted us through
our website only in the united states
last year
because they wanted us to contact them
that's 150 people a day
so i think the the work that we're doing
is having quite
uh of an effect wow that's amazing and i
you know
i know that you're speaking from um a
kind of a broad kind of national level
is it okay if we bring in your local
representative because i would love to
get some houston stats
on uh what's been happening in houston
is that okay oh that
please do he would know best awesome
let's bring on a rodney
hi rodney how are you happy to be here
thank you for having us
no thank you for joining so i was
talking to robert he was talking from a
national standpoint gave some
really amazing um numbers at how you
are reaching people um things that have
happened during the pandemic and i kind
of wanted to just talk to you and
get a more centralized houston area so
have you seen um an increase or or a
in the houston area when it came to the
door-to-door ministry stopping
well in the houston area we have
absolutely seen an
interest of you know an increase of
um it is true with the pandemic
uh it has as long as well as the
recent winter storms devastated texas
and what we found is that it's left
people asking
for questions asking for answers to
their questions
really searching for god and the
are really happy to answer those
questions from the bible
just in the houston area there are 156
with about 18 700 witnesses and they're
all part of this work um chances are
your viewers have received a letter or
phone call from one of these witnesses
with a comforting message
in one of our recent meetings of our
uh we noticed on some uh meetings that
there was an increase of 16 percent
there were 16 percent of individuals
that were in attendance
they were there for the first time that
was amazing
that's amazing and one last question for
you um robert talked about
um the conventions in houston
it every single year channel 39
channel 11 um isaiah carey
like they always covered coco dominguez
fox 26 they always
cover the conventions that take place
here because it's in the reliant
it's huge you have thousands of people
that come out
how was that transition last year um we
we saw it was kind of
it was it was weird for a lot of people
having weddings on zoom and other
streaming platforms and
how was that for you you guys and what
challenges did you face and how did you
overcome that
yes it was certainly different um as
you recall in 2019 we had a large
convention here
over a hundred thousand people visiting
other lands and delegates that were all
a part of these conventions in a
two-part series
and uh from that to 2020
where it shocked everyone we planned on
maybe not such a large gathering a
convention but we planned
on several thousand attending that
uh we had to change of course we could
not meet as
robert mentioned earlier and so here
as well as globally we took part of
those conventions
virtually conventions were held in over
500 languages
we know houston itself is a very diverse
a very diverse city right and with the
languages that are spoken
directly by the witnesses there are 14
of different languages uh in the houston
area with
many more language groups that support
those who are interested in the bible
having those 500 different translated
conventions simultaneously available
to be viewed was certainly something
that many appreciated and many enjoyed
as they were able to take part in that
and so we can certainly see that with
the adjustment although
not our norm we were able to benefit
from it
that's amazing thank you so much thank
now robert jehovah's witnesses are known
and rodney spoke you know he mentioned
this your local representative kind of
talked to
um your extensive reach you know
500 languages the convention was held in
500 languages um you guys not only
reach people who speak a different
language but you reach the hearing
uh those who are blind on foreign lands
that are hard to
access how have those areas been
um when you took away the door-to-door
well i think we've all been affected
very similarly but
but especially um there have been
populations there have been brothers and
sisters in pockets
that have been seriously affected so for
example in
some other lands even some caribbean
islands uh
in in africa we have brothers and
sisters who really don't have access to
the internet
and so we've had to to work out
solutions for that
one is our memorial and our special
meetings have been broadcast right
through the right through the broadcast
so that has been a change and it has
helped tremendously
we also have a a a really cool invention
called jw box and
that allows for a local area network to
be created
so that recordings can be distributed
but probably one of the most tragic
has been for a very small population of
our dear brothers and sisters and that
has been the deaf
and the blind and um
it's very emotional just to think about
it because
some of these brothers and sisters they
relied on touch
and in 2020 touch became taboo
and so not only are they in darkness
not only can't they hear anything
they're alone with their own thoughts
without even being able to touch
and touch is how they they maintained
their their um connection to the
so we have a brother
named james ryan in the massachusetts
who suddenly after 30 years
of finding comfort with tactile signing
at his meetings in person
he all of a sudden was left with zoom
and zoomed for him while it
for many who are disabled it was a
godsend a blessing
for him it uh it left him out and so
the brothers and sisters were very
concerned with him and this is not
unusual this has happened all around
our brand's territory they actually in
real time
began interpreting the meanings
through through by by writing to him
and he would get it on his device and he
and his device would convert to braille
and and it would almost be an
it would be an audio description or a
visual description in words
through his braille of the meeting what
was going on
and and this is the kind of love that
we've seen
in these times we've seen our brothers
and sisters go to those
90 year olds octogenarians and
septigenerians who
can't handle an ipad or a computer and
teach them how to do it and do this
because we respected the fact that they
were most at risk
um and so throughout this pandemic we've
acts of love that i think have been
something we could have anticipated you
know if you don't know the problem
if you can't anticipate the problem you
can't anticipate a solution
but when the problem arises and when
love is involved
you find a solution you find a way and
we're finding a way to reach the most
those who have been left out in some way
and and i think in some cases and in
many cases
uh that they're being affected
in a more profound way than any of us
and and we are finding a way to to meet
their needs it's a beautiful thing
that's why the congregation is so
important as an organization
we're very large but having local small
um having 13 000 in the united states
those congregations that are then broken
up into small pastoral groups
are taking care of our brothers and
uh whatever they need is being cared for
in in
its faith strength and we're going to
come out of this as individuals and
as an organization i think far stronger
i love that and i you know that was a
because i was going to ask you for a a
beautiful example
or experience you can share and that was
the perfect experience
because that was my thought right um
obviously people who are able
they're able maybe they're disabled in
in physical form
like they can't walk or things of that
sort but if you can't
see or or hear then
you know like you said touch would be
you know how you know
just imagine the the the effect
that it has on you to not be able to to
or to feel someone's care and love for
you so thank you for sharing that with
um what what what's your biggest
takeaway um as far as jehovah's
witnesses are concerned what
what is the biggest lesson that you guys
as an organization have learned
from navigating through this pandemic in
regards to your ministry
and how will that effect affect your
i think that we're we're just
the end right now of a long line
of christians who have turned obstacles
into opportunities
you know in the first century when when
they were spread around and they didn't
full copies of the bible they couldn't
take from door to door
from city to city all of the the copies
of their scrolls so they invented
the codex which is the modern day book
you know when when the bible couldn't be
uh gutenberg invented the press and just
go on and on and on
and even in the turn of the century when
this organization
put on one of the first color movies um
the photo drama of creation to to really
uplift god and his creative abilities
and what he's done for us
well today what we have seen is that
that the modern issues that we're facing
of isolation
really exist existed pre-pandemic we
would go
to a street in houston or somewhere in
texas or in this country
and we would spend a couple hours in the
morning on a saturday and knock on doors
and there have been times and i've
i've been there where i have knocked on
60 doors and nobody has answered
and so we knew that was an issue we knew
that even though the door-to-door
ministry cannot be
replaced because face-to-face
interaction with your neighbors is
is vital but we also knew there needed
to be another way to reach them
we were all forced into it i mean the
organization has for years taught us how
to do it they've taught us that'll
write letters they've taught us how to
telephone witness
but many of us like myself to be very
perfectly honest i've been doing this
since i was knocking on doors since i
old enough to walk six years old i've
been talking at doors
and and that's where my comfort level
was believe it or not
but talking on a phone or writing a
letter wasn't my comfort
level but now we have established
that ministry that we used to call
alternative now it's mainstream
and i think if we ever get back to the
door-to-door ministry if we ever get
back to our cart witnessing
which we pray we will it will be
combined with these
other avenues of ministry
that will help reach people in the 21st
where they are fitting their needs
rather than simply being in our comfort
zone so i think that's a positive no
right uh you know there was an explosion
um on on social media
where people were like literally posting
their letters and i thought to myself
when they were doing this because i did
see a comment that said
um why are you guys posting your letters
jehovah's witnesses have been writing
letters for years
but some another comment was very very
it was very eye-opening enlightening
someone said yeah but we all haven't
been at home to receive them
that's funny so so now people
you know we're you know at that time
were like literally
opening their their mail and reading
them because you're
you're at home you're quarantined there
is no rush
you know there is no okay i have to go
to work i'm getting my mail i don't know
what this is i'm going to rip it and
throw it away
and so you saw this explosion of so many
that were posting their letters online
talking about phone calls just talking
about the reach
that you guys had when it came to the
the alternative or the the different
of uh your ministry
yeah i think i think honestly it's been
it's been a learning experience for us
i think a year ago you might find our
letters to be very vanilla
you know very kind of generic but as the
as the weeks went on and months went on
we realized that we had to really
personalize our letters and
frankly there's a lot available on the
internet about people
and so we walk down the street we knock
on doors well we can
you can walk down the street virtually
what's the house look like how many cars
are there what
what what what what are the folks going
through here what kind of neighborhood
is it
and speaking to the area perhaps the
news that uh perhaps uh
affected that area all of those things
um have made our letters more effective
and more personal and really
have expressed what we feel that we love
our neighbors
and we want to reach their heart even
though we can't
touch them on a personal basis and see
right that's that's pretty awesome now i
know you did speak to it earlier we
talked about it
um that currently there is no
uh plans to return to the door-to-door
that you guys are going to still do the
kind of alternative the letter writing
the phone calls
um the the virtual
have there been any discussions about
creating a hybrid ministry meaning
leaving some of these
these uh avenues in place
for for those that may just may not be
that comfortable going back out door to
door when
you know it is safe to do so yeah
there's no doubt
um first of all uh just so that you know
every congregation in the united states
branch territory which includes 26
countries including the caribbean
every congregation received an
announcement that basically said
all restrictions will remain in place
until further notice and that was just
this week
and also we encouraged all of our
congregants to
to take precautions that even though
precautions perhaps were being lifted
in many places because of economic
reasons and because of pandemic fatigue
don't let your guard down and so we're
we're in this for the long haul
to protect our brothers and sisters and
our neighbors
however when we think about ministry
ministry is very personal
and over the years i think we've all
kind of learned that ministry is very
and so what is my personal ministry what
is my personal ministry going to be in
the future
is it okay if i don't go out from door
to door
anymore because i'm i'm fearful or
because this is more effective or
because i like this better
listen here's the thing um it's it's
your ministry
you know it's our personal ministry and
um these avenues are effective
and so we just have to be right with our
and and really do the best that we can
give him our best if we give him our
best and that best is a letter
if that best is a phone call or if later
on that best is
standing on a street corner uh for a
couple of hours and
and and beseeching uh those who walk by
to take a magazine
all good and and i think that when we
look at the future
i really do believe that that there'll
be many more options available
to us both with our meetings
with our bible studies virtually because
we're so
we're so now ensconced and familiar and
comfortable with technology
and also with our our ministry whether
that be letter writing telephone
witnessing virtual studies
uh carte witnessing or the public
ministry from door to door
wow thank you for that and you know
one final question i have for you i hope
you don't feel like i've
just been digging digging digging oh no
this is good no we're good with this
uh but one final question is you know
what do you want our listeners and
anyone that's out there watching
what do you want them to know about
jehovah jehovah's witnesses
your ministry what do you want them to
first of all that we love them and
and we mean that we don't go from door
to door because we want to push our
religion on people
we go from door to door or we did and we
we write letters and we
and we reach out because we we have a
message that we think is powerful it's
powerfully afflicted affected our lives
it's given us a beautiful organization
that is a global brotherhood like no
and that and and we want them to be a
part of it or at least be exposed to it
at least be exposed to the fact that the
not only can change lives but can
sustain lives
in such a way that it can make you a
better husband father
a wife daughter um employee
and and and we we have that message and
we want to share it with others
and it is out of love and secondly that
the creator loves you that god god loves
you he gave his son
on behalf of mankind because he loves
mankind and
it's up to each of us to take full
advantage of that
and there are avenues to do that um
rodney talked about our website as an
and that's an example of love there's no
pay wall
all volunteers are working on it and
it's in one thousand twenty nine
mayor fester often wants to wants to say
houston is the most diverse city in the
he loves to say that right well guess
what this website was built for houston
it was built for the most diverse place
on earth
and and it uniquely can fill the needs
of all in this city and and we're hoping
that that message gets out to all
robert thank you so much for talking
with houston style magazine thank you
for taking
time out of your very busy day to sit
down and speak with me
if you guys out there watching if you
want to learn more about jehovah's
witnesses you want to learn about their
ministry you just want to talk to one of
them you can visit their website
thank you so much robert you're welcome
thanks for having us

Edited by luisenriquereyes
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JWTalk 23.8.11 (changelog)