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God can love Himself

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Probably an article talking about Acts 17 24-27.


Also, I've heard the phrase "Jehovah is complete" used in a few articles, underlining that nothing we can do 'adds' to Jehovah. We weren't created because He needed us.

Edited by Thomas Walker
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I remember something like that. Sorry I cannot be more specific. The bit I remember is the Jehovah was not lonely. He did not need to make humans to bring Him happiness. He was complete in every way. And He is still complete in every way.

How you find what you are looking for.

Old (Downunder) Tone

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2 minutes ago, 👇 ꓤꓱꓷꓠꓵ🎵Tone said:

I remember something like that. Sorry I cannot be more specific. The bit I remember is the Jehovah was not lonely. He did not need to make humans to bring Him happiness. He was complete in every way. And He is still complete in every way.

How you find what you are looking for.

emoji3073.pngOld (Downunder) Tone emoji854.png



From 'Draw Close to Jehovah', chapter 23.



*** cl chap. 23 pp. 237-238 par. 19 “He First Loved Us” ***
19 Love is not new. After all, what moved Jehovah to begin creating? It was not that he was lonely and needed companionship. Jehovah is complete and self-contained, lacking nothing that someone else might supply. But his love, an active quality, naturally moved him to want to share the joys of life with intelligent creatures who could appreciate such a gift. “The beginning of the creation by God” was his only-begotten Son. (Revelation 3:14) Then Jehovah used this Master Worker to bring all other things into existence, starting with the angels. (Job 38:4, 7; Colossians 1:16) Blessed with freedom, intelligence, and feelings, these mighty spirits had the opportunity to form loving attachments of their own—with one another and, above all, with Jehovah God. (2 Corinthians 3:17) Thus, they loved because they were loved first.


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I probably read that this year or last..

I suspect the exact wording may fail you. A 'word search' on the sentence within the WOL website would find it.

I remember trying to find an article, where I thought I remembered exactly what I read. Never found it.

I came to conclude that I made a mental jump to a thought based on what I read, not what was actually read.

I hope your sesrch is not in vain...

Old (Downunder) Tone

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Is it something like this?


*** wp19 No. 1 p. 9 What Is God Like? ***
God displays power, wisdom, and justice, but the Bible does not say that God is power, wisdom, or justice. It says that he is love. Why? Because it can truthfully be said that God’s power enables him to act and his justice and wisdom guide the way he acts. But Jehovah’s love motivates him to act. Love influences everything that he does.
Although Jehovah did not lack anything, his love moved him to create intelligent beings, both heavenly and earthly, who can benefit from and enjoy his love and care. He unselfishly prepared the earth to be the ideal home for his human creation. And he continues to show love to all humans in that “he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous.”—Matthew 5:45.


*** w20 August p. 14 par. 1 The Resurrection Reveals God’s Love, Wisdom, and Patience ***
THERE was a time when Jehovah was alone. But he was not lonely. He was complete in every way. Nevertheless, God wanted others to enjoy life. Motivated by love, Jehovah began creating.—Ps. 36:9; 1 John 4:19.

Edited by Tortuga
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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1 minute ago, Jwanon said:

No that's not it

*** w20 August p. 14 par. 1 The Resurrection Reveals God’s Love, Wisdom, and Patience ***
THERE was a time when Jehovah was alone. But he was not lonely. He was complete in every way. Nevertheless, God wanted others to enjoy life. Motivated by love, Jehovah began creating.—Ps. 36:9; 1 John 4:19.

CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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If it's a video, then we won't find it doing a word search on JW Library 

Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever things are true, whatever things are of serious concern, whatever things are righteous, whatever things are chaste, whatever things are lovable, whatever things are well-spoken-of, whatever things are virtuous, and whatever things are praiseworthy, continue considering these things. 

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You may be thinking of Gerrit Losch’s talk at the 151st Gilead Graduation. He didn’t use the exact expression you used, but at the beginning of his part he did talk about God’s love existing even before he began creating. Not sure if that’s it, but can’t think of anything else at the moment.

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