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North Korea passes law declaring itself a 'nuclear state'

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North Korea passes law declaring itself a 'nuclear state,' says it will never give up nukes - UPI.com


The Kim of the North is aligning himself with the King of the North. 

Edited by Tortuga
CAUTION: The comments above may contain personal opinion, speculation, inaccurate information, sarcasm, wit, satire or humor, let the reader use discernment...:D


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King of the North, Kim of the North, King of the South... We confidentiality rely on the King of kings 🤗 promise https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/pc/r1/lp-e/1204412/2230/0


Why are Jehovah’s Witnesses confident that the earth will not be ruined by a nuclear holocaust, or by any other means at man’s disposal? Because, even though Adam’s children have on the whole subdued the earth in a disapproved way, there are those who are meek and teachable and amenable to the Creator’s way. They are willing to carry out his purpose to inhabit the earth and take care of it in the way he purposed.—Psalm 37:34.


We believe that the Son of God meant it when he declared that the meek shall inherit the earth

The Bible is what very few want to hear but it's the message that everyone is looking for (Prov. 1:20-23 & 3:5,6).

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Kim said: As long as nuclear weapons exist on Earth, and imperialism and the anti-North Korean maneuvers of the US and its followers remain, our road to strengthening our nuclear force will never end."


Our King Jesus has plans especially in relation to his last sentence. 
How good it is that he will abruptly end this “crazy” system of things. 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Regarding the importance of our witnessing and the divine backing of such, this article from nearly 70 years ago describes the world’s high and mighty as 'puny' men


*** w54 8/1 p. 473 par. 6 The Purpose of Your Witnessing ***

6 It is therefore not surprising to find this world’s leaders engaged in an all-out and feverish armaments race as if they could withstand even the Almighty God when it comes to a showdown at Armageddon. Speed enthusiasts of this fast-moving, supersonic-jet age seem to think they can outstrip Jehovah, outmaneuver, outfly and outrun his scheduled timetable for the accomplishment of his divine purposes. Alas! How foolish their wisdom! How shallow their good sense! How utterly futile their stockpile of material supplies and lethal weapons! Man’s mightiest explosions equal only a small fraction of the power exerted by an average earthquake. It is an admitted fact that the greatest “A” and “H” bombs yet devised cannot even affect the weather. How much less the possibility that such adventures in nuclear fission can rock the earth on its axis! Why, even the noise of these giant “firecrackers” is heard but a comparatively few miles away. . . . .


A few buzzing grasshoppers a thousand miles away never disturb your peace or cause you to take them into account in your daily affairs. How much less do you suppose the crowing and croaking of today’s boasting, bragging propagandists upset the purposes of the Almighty, who resides far above the confines of this mundane sphere? Remember, in his estimation the nations and all of earth’s inhabitants “are as grasshoppers.”—Isa. 40:22.


How true these words:


(Isaiah 40:22) 22 There is One who dwells above the circle of the earth,
And its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. . . . .


Including Kim.

"Where the scriptures and and the slave are silent, I do not speak." :bible2:

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