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What does Jehovah's voice sound like when you read the Bible?

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The voice that comes to mind when I read Jehovah's lines is James Earl Jones (Mufasa, Darth Vader...) because that's the most powerful voice I can personally imagine 


In the French audio reading of the NWT I regret that he sounds like a normal man 😭

Edited by Jwanon
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I can see that ... I might also think of Barry White or Lou Rowls. Also, in the movie Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, the voice of George Murdock used there could also fit the bill.


Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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10 minutes ago, Qapla said:

Barry White


Conan : When did your voice actually change?
Barry : I woke up one morning when I was 14
and I...spoke to my my mother
and I, uh...I scared both of us.


2:09 / 20:42

Barry White - Documentary



Daydream -

Scientists have discovered that daydreaming is an important tool for creativity. It causes a rush of activity in a circuit, which connects different parts of the brain and allows the mind to make new associations.


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  • 2 weeks later...

In the new Abraham video part 2  where he is about to sacrifice Isaac... in English his voice is of a normal man. I wonder what the reasoning is behind this ? Ill be honest ,I was about in tears  in the storyline and then I heard Gods voice ( in video 😅 ) and I was like -    uhhh wait whaaaat ?

 Yes it was gentle , but for some odd reason I was expecting booming- imposing- yet caring. Wondering if any other had that reaction or if everyone just loved it. Im probably the odd man out. 

 When I watched the video, I thought of this thread which was posted before the video ever came out. 

Edited by Tsheppar
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It depends on what portion of the Bible I’m reading. If I’m reading about Jehovah giving the 10 commandments or speaking with Jesus while he was a human, I imagine a power thunderous voice. But if I’m reading about him trying to comfort someone, I think of a soothing, affectionate voice like a counselor. 

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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9 minutes ago, *Jack* said:

It depends on what portion of the Bible I’m reading. If I’m reading about Jehovah giving the 10 commandments or speaking with Jesus while he was a human, I imagine a power thunderous voice. But if I’m reading about him trying to comfort someone, I think of a soothing, affectionate voice like a counselor. 

1 Kings 19:12 ? :D 

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6 hours ago, Dages said:

1 Kings 19:12 ? :D 

Yes, that’s one of the accounts I had in mind. I’ve always loved that verse 😊

The Hebrew word cushi or kushi is an affectionate term generally used in the Bible to refer to a dark-skinned person of African descent.


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Br Griffin was our CO when I was young. His voice was used in the first audio drama of the 10 plagues and then again in the audio drama of them wandering the wilderness. I listened to those tapes as I went to sleep a lot when I was a kid so I still hear brother Griffins voice when I think of Jehovah talking. 

Jer 29:11-“For I well know the thoughts I am thinking toward you, declares Jehovah, thoughts of peace, and not calamity, to give you a future and a hope.”

Psalm 56:3-“When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”
Romans 8:38-”For I am convinced...”

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Like Jason, I too image a deep, strong voice, but also calm. Like Jason, I also imagine the voice of a famous film villain: Josh Brolin. 


his voice is just one of the most calm, cool, collected, and simultaneously powerful and manly. And those are the qualities that I imagine Jehovah to have. He is always in control. Someone in control acts calm, cool, and collected. Yet Jehovah is powerful and “manly.” 


Without having personally heard the voice of God, I can imagine no better voice for the role. 

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