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As the nurse hurried out of the room with an air of excitement, George lay back on the pillow, his mind racing with a thousand thoughts, wondering how his parents had managed all this time, if his sister had finally graduated and started her career, whether his dog still remembered him, how his absence had impacted the dynamics of his friend group, and what kind of world he was about to re-enter after three long years of being trapped in an unconscious state, his heart pounding with a mixture of hope and trepidation at the thought of reuniting with his loved ones and piecing together the life he had left behind.


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Despite the loud and insistent growl from his stomach, George realized that his muscles felt weak and uncooperative after years of inactivity, and he knew he would have to rely on the nurse and other hospital staff to help him with even the most basic tasks, like eating, as he began the slow process of regaining his strength and independence.

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With each tick tock of the clock, George's anxiety was growing for hearing from his family or getting some kind of assistance from the nurse, but he continued to lay there by himself for what seemed like an eternity.

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Just as George felt his anxiety reaching a peak, the door creaked open, and to his immense relief and astonishment, his father, now in a wheelchair, slowly wheeled himself into the room, his eyes brimming with tears of joy and disbelief as he saw his son awake and alert for the first time in three long years.

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However, he also noticed a tail poking from under her smock as she turned to leave through the open door and a voice that sounded like Darth Vader from out in the hallway ...


Edited by Qapla

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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George’s eyes widened in confusion and disbelief as he watched the nurse leave, his mind grappling with the surreal sight of a tail swishing under her smock and the unmistakable, eerie sound of Darth Vader’s voice echoing from the hallway, leaving him to wonder if he was truly awake or still trapped in some bizarre dream.

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His dad assured him he was totally awake and had never been in a comma that it was the aliens and their experiments that gave George the wild dreams and then he shocked George by pulling the cover from the bed to reveal that he was now missing a leg.


"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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George's breath caught in his throat as he stared at the empty space where his leg should have been, his mind reeling from the revelation and the overwhelming surge of emotions, while his father continued to explain that the aliens' experiments had not only caused his own injury but had also left them both with memories that blurred the line between reality and nightmare.

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Posted (edited)

George says I want to talk to the one in charge cause I have a lot of unanswered questions I need answers to and I want to find out what is planned for us and to find out if the pickle mystery has something to do with getting our freedom back or perhaps they were just plain lousy pickles to give us bad stomach pains for torture. 

Edited by Piano Man
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As George demanded to speak to the one in charge, his voice trembling with a mix of determination and confusion, the nurse’s perplexing smile widened, and she stepped closer, her eyes gleaming with an unsettling intensity as she whispered, “All your questions will be answered soon, but first, let’s see if you can remember what really happened with the pickles.”


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Posted (edited)

This is actually a fancy flashlight heater machine fingernail clipper thingy with 100 other useful uses which I picked up from the what you would call from planet Earth a dollar store and I'm going to shine it in your face now to see if you ate any pickles and if you look sick that means you have.

Edited by Piano Man
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As she aimed the peculiar, multi-functional device at his forehead, George couldn’t help but be bewildered by her explanation, his mind racing with the absurdity of the situation, yet unable to tear his eyes away from the odd contraption that was part flashlight, part heater, part fingernail clipper, and who knew what else, all while she continued to speak in that unnerving tone, saying, “This device, which I acquired from what you Earthlings call a dollar store, will reveal if you have ingested any of the tainted pickles by making you appear visibly ill”

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George had gotten hungry and ate 2 pickles but fortunately for him he had a unusual cast iron like stomach and he had the ability to hide any stomach pains he received for at least now and it only caused him to burp once so he was able to fool anyone in charge but what will they do to him next?

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As George pondered his next move, the nurse’s strange device buzzed to life, its eerie glow reflecting off his determined eyes, while he silently hoped that his cast-iron stomach would continue to mask any discomfort and allow him to maintain his facade, all the while bracing himself for whatever bizarre and unpredictable test might come next in this bewildering and surreal ordeal.


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As George wiggled his toes and moved his leg, marveling at its sudden and inexplicable return, he looked up at the nurse with a mixture of astonishment and suspicion, his mind racing to comprehend the bizarre and disorienting series of events that had unfolded since he awoke.

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Now he remembers, clarity sets in … those donuts that a random stranger offered him for free impacted his ability to distinguish between reality and illusions .. in fact he remembers that moment clearly and vividly, the stranger had a Vulcan like look and long ears… hold on … George gasps… is insanity coming back … what is happening? 

Man was created as an intelligent creature with the desire to explore and understand :)


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Before he can react to this new revelation, a small machine looking somewhat like R2D2 rolled into the room and started beeping and rocking ... only George knew for a fact, this was no illusion, dream or vision, this was a real droid and it was coming towards him!

"Let all things take place decently and by arrangement."
~ 1 Corinthians 14:40 ~

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As the droid rolled closer, its beeping growing more urgent and its warnings echoing in George’s ears, he felt a sudden rush of adrenaline, propelling him to sit up straighter in bed, his mind now a chaotic blend of the fantastical and the real, desperately trying to piece together the fragments of his distorted memories while preparing himself for whatever strange and unexpected events were about to unfold.

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